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File: 38 KB, 618x412, sad!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18278157 No.18278157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright, real talk. Why has he dithered for a month? He could just mandate a nationwide quarantine for 14 days, let the latent cases reveal themselves, isolate the infected, and restart the economy. Taking one half-measure after another is just letting the virus spread like wildfire AND killing the economy.

>> No.18278164
File: 1011 KB, 1434x908, OHNONONONONO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever consider he was just stupid?

>> No.18278173

He's a bear

>> No.18278175

He's a businessman first, politician second. He cares about the stock market, his own investments and businesses above all else.

>> No.18278177

>read the newspapers bruh
>he was just stupid bruh
This is a huge opinion, where did you find it

>> No.18278187

>where did you find it
Hanlon's razor

>> No.18278193

god i hate leftist.

>> No.18278195

Literally every other country is doing worse

>> No.18278216


>> No.18278219
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USA number one

>> No.18278232

>If you can't think it, and you can't report the shit tier magazine you read it on, just quote some savy memelaw you found at page 9 of the same shit tier zine.
You got the full bundle, i see

>> No.18278233

read the stats you monkey. Plenty of other countries are doing better than the US

>> No.18278238

China suffered a much softer blow because they took it seriously after sacking (and possibly executing) the provincial officials responsible for the initial cover-up. They're now operating at 98% capacity.
South Korea did not have a shutdown at all because they were supremely competent.
Singapore did so well that they're already battling the second wave. They have literally lapped the rest of the world.

>> No.18278247

America might peak at 6k people dying per day if its controlled as well as italy.

>> No.18278255

The Chinese can't even open their movie theaters because Wuflu is still killing them lol. You need to stop reading cumrade propaganda.

>> No.18278263


>> No.18278266
File: 51 KB, 941x859, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the number we look at atm combined with how fast this number is moving

>> No.18278272

>believing in chinks numbers
Nigger please, i can understand korea and singapore maybe, but not china.

>> No.18278279

Most factories are operating at full capacity, you monkey. Retail stores are open. (see: Tesla's and Apple's conference calls)

>> No.18278283

He is a retard. Plain and simpe

>> No.18278289
File: 33 KB, 892x261, NCHSData11-2018-2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6k dying per day at peak is still going to be tiny numbers.
I doubt we break 2018 flu deaths

>> No.18278291
File: 540 KB, 665x755, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were a burgoid I would be praying night and day that China's numbers are real. Otherwise Drumpfy is going from fucked to ultra fucked. The rest of the world can afford scepticism lmao.

>> No.18278315

I don't think it's going to end that quickly.
Its not that easy

>> No.18278321

>He could just mandate a nationwide quarantine for 14 days, let the latent cases reveal themselves, isolate the infected, and restart the economy.
Oh, no. No, no, no. A 14-day quarantine isn’t going to save any country. Not a single one. If you think two weeks off the streets is what kills the rona, think again.
What do you think happens after the two weeks are over? People go out and cough into each other’s face once again - you are back into square one.
Quarantine will only work if you extend it through months and let people go out every once in a while. That way, people still get infected and some die, but hospitals don’t get overwhelmed. This kills the economy, though. And looting beings, see Italy.
Simply put, a two week quarantine is only useful to prepare yourself. You buy masks and respirators and recruit every single healthcare worker you can find - and brace yourself for a 45-day long shitfest.
America has no use for a short quarantine. When a state, ie NY, goes down you quarantine that one and that’s it. A two week quarantine isn’t useless for American-tier healthcare infrastructure.

>> No.18278336

>looting beings
looting begins
>isn’t useless
Is useless

>> No.18278344

If you don't get a respirator you pretty much die. So the real death rate could be much higher in countries that won't give out healthcare

>> No.18278392

China numbers are obviously fake, they probably have ten times the reported cases right now, according to the initial curve angle and the number of people there.
800k in a billion people is still low, real number should be near to 1.6 millions right now, IF they're managing well.

>> No.18278397

>If you don't get a respirator you pretty much die.
Sure, in severe cases. I don’t see how that contradicts what I said at all

>> No.18278464
File: 920 KB, 1580x888, USA132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if its controlled as well as italy.
Lol, lemme tell you a tip. Fuck no it's not controlled as well as Italy. You've fucked up the restrictions completely starting already from inadequate testing for the first month, and it's falling behind again. Stay home orders are loose and all states don't want to order them. Travel restrictions nonexistent.

Picture related. It's flight data from 1 min ago.

>> No.18278471

>literally looks like ant colony swarming a rotted corpse for meat

>> No.18278476

Do you think america will open air borders with the EU by august?

>> No.18278505

>thinking niggers would obey lawful orders for 14 straight days

>> No.18278512

Cause the virus is a Democrat hoax kek.

>> No.18278519


>> No.18278528

Kek, this is by real all the chart are democrat conspiracy theories because they’re trying to take down trump.

>> No.18278545

>Why has he dithered for a month?
to shut down biden's campaign so he'll win in november. isn't it obvious?

>> No.18278550

>China suffered a much softer blow
>dumb enough to believe CCP propaganda
>thinks his opinion matters

>> No.18278556

the awful part of this is that everyone that's unemployed has lost their health insurance, so they couldn't even afford to get treatment if covid ends up giving them complications that need medical attention

that's on top of the population that already doesn't have health insurance because they're unemployed or contractors

>> No.18278562
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He's a boomer. Boomers are the ultimate normalcy bias generation, they've never experienced anything more harrowing than draft-dodging

>> No.18278579

For what it's worth, Trump announced just a couple of hours ago that the federal government will reimburse hospitals for treating uninsured patients.
It's a literal feeding trough out there.

>> No.18278587

0 IQ

>> No.18278602
File: 133 KB, 1600x1600, Trump_pandemic_fuckup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup agreed. i've generally been pro-Trump over the years and a lot of the criticism against him over this coronavirus shit is unwarranted or overblown, but the half measure approach he has taken is the worst decision he could have made. Like you said it isn't stopping the spread, and it's destroying the economy. What's worse is that in a couple weeks the stock market's going to crash again, I expect another 25% drop from current levels at least. The rippling effects will last 3-4 years or more before we even reach break even with previous highs. Not to mention we haven't even seen the real estate crash yet. Obviously anyone with large amount of cash on hand can profit immensely but for most it'll be a rough few years.

Thanks Trump, you really fucked us this time.

>> No.18278609
File: 67 KB, 985x689, 1584847870204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, we've already surpassed WEEKLY influenza days DAILY, and we're 2 weeks (minimum) from peak

>> No.18278672

Not having the whole country gradually infected by this right now is a national security risk. If one outbreak has fucked our country this bad, and we shut it down for 2 months to stop the spread, what's to stop some infected Chinese agent from coming into the country and intentionally spreading it as much as they can? If we react to the outbreak the same way again china will destroy us without firing a shot. The only option is to slowly infect the majority of the country, trying to keep the rate of infection at a level where the healthcare system isn't overwhelmed.

>> No.18278699

I can’t honestly believe anyone is gullible enough to believe CCP propaganda. It’s fucking hilarious someone has probably taken investment advice from people as stupid as you

>> No.18278769

Who am I supposed to believe, some seething Amerifat on a Zambian zoetrope mailing list or The Associated Press?

>> No.18278796

what sucks is that it'll be at standard rates which are extremely bloated compared to the ones negotiated by governments with actual single payer

basically tax payers are getting reamed

>> No.18278921
File: 23 KB, 1068x187, 1568614766536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that would be bad for business

>> No.18278948

>Guys trump is actually smart
>he knows what hes doing he just pretends to be completely clueless
>guys he definitely has shown more than a shallow surface level understanding in every speech hes freestyled over the last 3 years

>> No.18278961

He is swinging the stock market and commodities for his (((friends))) who know in advance when he is going to change direction

>> No.18279002

Here is how to tell if a problem can be solved in a capitalist system:
Does the solution involve and increase or decrease in short term consumption?
If the answer is decrease, the problem will not be addressed.
This is why we cannot address automation, climate change or obesity. "Reduce consumption" is inimical to the tenants of neoliberalism.