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18274262 No.18274262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does he want to see the end of Western civilization???

>> No.18274283

yep, you're smarter than him anon! you have all the answers!

>> No.18274306


>> No.18274656

Economy can be rebuilt. Lives cannot be brought back.

And fuck capitalism anyway.

>> No.18274668

Yes, he's obviously a left-wing faggot who doesn't care about destroying the economy

>> No.18274689

Millions more would die from the inevitable riots than from Wu Flu

>> No.18274741

Yeah let’s believe Dr Doom and Gloom. Fuck off faggot. Trump needs to replace this moron.

>> No.18274762

>appoint a man Chief Infectious Disease Inspector
>get pissed when he does his job
you cannot gamble with peoples lives in this manner - Trumps 'cure is worse than the disease' bullshit is gonna come back and bite him on the arse when the bodypiles are visible on the streets. NYC stats are -already- horrific, Fauci's just tellin it like it is, and y'all just shooting the messenger

>> No.18274801

Fuck I hope you are trolling...

>> No.18274811

It's not going to happen until at least Easter Monday because a state of emergency shutdown means shutting down churches and shutting down churches for Easter Sunday in red states means shootouts.

>> No.18274821

There won't be any economy left after everyone dies.

>> No.18274892

It´s not like most of civilized world is under some sort of lockdown already. But tbeh I´m already shorting the US, so it would be awesome if he was replaced with some kind of evangelical grifter.

>> No.18274970

lmao ! BTFO !

>> No.18274995

Won't this just continue spreading at the same rate after lockdowns finish assuming there's at least 1 person who has it? Are we just going to lockdown until we develop and distribute a vaccine? What the fuck is this? They must be imploding the economy on purpose

>> No.18275015

We’ve already peaked. Not even 1000 deaths today. We shut down the country over nothing. We’ll be back in business by May.

>> No.18275047

That was the point. To flatten the curve, so people wouldn't die needlessly.

>> No.18275140

This kike had hands in bioweapon research and knows about chinks researching in our labs with our grant money. Just as bad as the other kike sneaking samples to wuhan. Just a few days ago he was shilling the death rate as a nothingburger.

>> No.18275143


cant fucking believe how many people here dont know what exponential growth is. ITS ONE OF THE THINGS STOCKS DO ON THE CHART

>> No.18275196
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I was really wondering what kind of lunatics would threaten this guy and whether this was a false flag. Good to know where you stand.

>> No.18275236

they want to let a couple states peak at a time, so you can move ventilators, other supplies, and medical staff around.

>> No.18275258

>Fauci is an Italian last name

>> No.18275314

People die needlessly everyday. That's life. The fact is we have become pussies and our cowardice will cost us more than this pandemic every would have.

>> No.18275315

I really hate this Fauci faggot.

>> No.18275556

well speaking as someone who has just recovered all i can say is this a 1v1 we all must face and the sooner you get it over the better

people dont even see that the virus has already won, and all this mickey mouse shit we're doing is in vain.... but they'll come around

>> No.18275572


>> No.18275818
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This, Trump needs to replace him with someone who cares more about businesses. Specifically, Trump's businesses.

>> No.18275828

It's all the same. If you aren't half-asian half-anglo then you are going to die.

>> No.18275924

Based Trump allowing redneck boomers to spread the chinese plague during easter church ceremonies.

>> No.18275973
File: 214 KB, 1223x773, COVID-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even 1000 deaths today.


>> No.18276026


>"Muh greatest country in the world"
>Cannot survive a few months without a complete collapse of the civilization

Survives years of war multiple times, but can't handle a couple weeks with the only essential industry?

Sure, the economic effect is big, but it is inevitable. You can either
a) Do a nationwide lockdown while allowing essential business activities and get the epidemy under and buy time until medicine/vaccines are done. Economy will be fucked for sure, but it will recover quickly.
b) Not manage the epidemy on national level and let half of the states fuck it up completely, fucking it up for everyone else too. You will end up with an even bigger epidemy problem that may turn out to be uncontrollable or if it still is manageable (meaning national r0 can be pushed below 1 without the disease sweeping through a major part of the population) it will be much more expensive than doing it now. Not doing enough can also push the country into complete political social and societal chaos that will disrupt the economy for years to come.

>> No.18276037

if he does, that makes 2 of us desu

>> No.18276045

>it’s going to double every 3 days bro!

>> No.18276076

This shit is a hoax. A financial terrorist attack. The (((Media))) is complicit.

>> No.18276078

>We’ve already peaked. Not even 1000 deaths today. We shut down the country over nothing. We’ll be back in business by May.

Lmao, it's weeks until peak. With the current shitty management of covid in the states, possibly longer. US test capacity has been fucked since the beginning and it's only gotten worse. Test capacity is being built has been slower than disease spread, because the case positivity rate per test is skyrocketing.

There is obviously some slowdown in the placed where lock downs were implemented, but cases will still keep on growing and looking at data from other countries, it's likely that current US measures are not enough to meet the need.

>> No.18276081

Consider this:
By states allowing people to continue going to church despite stay at home orders, they are putting religious people at greater risk which results in deaths of religious people. In essence, this is reducing the number of religious people per capita, which in the long run may lead to the erosion of religious liberties. What if Satan is playing the long game here and the best thing people can do to be good Christians is not to go to church?

>> No.18276086

Survives years of war in other countries multiple times
Yeah, fixed it.

>> No.18276129

>Straw man

>> No.18276132

He swore the hypocratic oath so HE'S GONNA SAVE LIVES AT ALL COSTS

>> No.18276140

>t. Mentally ill blacked posting hapa

>> No.18276158

>This, Trump needs to replace him
There's no need to replace him. Fauci is simply giving the point of view of doctors. Doctors have one goal: to control the infection. They couldn't care less about the economy, which they barely understand.

Trump needs to listen to experts from different areas, weigh in what they say, and MAKE A FUCKING DECISION>

>> No.18276161

Can all these golf-playing, tuna-guzzling, cruise-loving, near-sighted, saggy-skinned boomers go fuck themselves already? Yes, (You)

>> No.18276248


>> No.18276281 [DELETED] 

>people die

Welcome to life. Let nature take its course

>> No.18276285

>save lives is bad
What the fuck

>> No.18276290

>unironically shifting the goal posts
Fuck off retard

>> No.18276307

The whole country is on lockdown already you absolute nigger, this "glumpf must do a nationwide lockdown" is virtue signalling and an attempt at a power grab and precedent setting to destroy the federal system. Not to mention it is assinine in many states where people drive 100 miles to get to work without encountering a single soul

>> No.18276323

Wow so tough AND so brave. I'm sure glad I don't have to arm-wrestle you anon

>> No.18276442

gotta keep the faggot around since he most likely was a part of making this fucking virus

>> No.18276455

no do u

>> No.18276462

He probably read your tone as this>>18276442

>> No.18276484


1. That a state has made some restrictions is not a lockdown. By minimum it needs to be a stay home order, which is implemented in about half of the states. The rules are not very strict though and not enforced much.
2. Also people are moving across the states lol

US hasn't seen a proper lockdown, and thats why the cases will continue to increase at rapid rate. Much faster than US can test.

>> No.18276518

And what about the lives lost from the poverty created from 30% unemployment, you absolute fucking brainlet?

>> No.18276530

I just hope Trumptards keep making their like videos of licking things in public. I'll nominate you for your Darwin Awards, don't you worry.

>> No.18276538

>The whole country is on lockdown already
how many McDonalds are closed then?

>> No.18276552

Is there any country in the world doing enforced starvation?

>> No.18276567

Does anyone ITT know anyone with corona yet?

>> No.18276596


>> No.18276604

Yes. My girlfriend’s mother

>> No.18276612

I mean, we have the whole 7 degrees of separation thing taken to an extreme thanks to Facebook. I'm still connected to tons of people from 10+ years ago that I never talk to anymore and I haven't seen a single post from anyone about "ah my gram grams got that Covid-19 1 like = 1 prayer :'("

The only "cases" I've seen are on Twitter posts with hundreds of thousands of likes and shares and anonymous 4chan posts


yet another larp, nice try dude

>> No.18276627

>Western civilization
Good bait

>> No.18276689

This faggot is saying we should suspend the Constitution to save a few old people who are already sick

>> No.18276724

>Western civilization


>> No.18277110


What about all the lives lost due to runaway capitalism? It's about time we moved onto something else before more lives are lost to greed.

>> No.18277124


fauci has failed at everything he's tried. his patent killed people.

>> No.18277284

>this "glumpf must do a nationwide lockdown" is virtue signalling
I never said that though

>> No.18277346

I would unironically. Trump is the biggest idiot in history. His base is enslaved. They will support literally anything and everything he does. He is the only president who can get away with a nationwide lockdown, handwaved the economic damage, and save hundreds of thousands of american lives in the process. Yet he's barely doing anything because he fears the market. Pathetic.

>> No.18277373

Lmao at the screeching Trump cultists in this thread. It's not ending anytime soon, get the fuck over it.

>> No.18277414

back to /pol/

>> No.18277433

Back to Israel first

>> No.18277534

Says the NEET. Not everyone here is a shut-in like you.

>> No.18277558

The government cannot bail out the entire economy for months. We will have through April 30th on lockdown and then its over. Let the dead die its better than everyone starving to death.

>> No.18277563

Do you have an argument to support your claim that capitalism kills more people than it saves?

>> No.18277564

You are now LMAO

>> No.18277597

Omg like can you give me the link so i can be made about shit thats way over my head.

>> No.18277612


>> No.18277669

You know most people aren't self reliant right? If the economy doesn't work they all die.

>> No.18277978

Not him but I do:


Capitalism has killed far more than communism has.

>> No.18277982

back to the oven

>> No.18277994

Yes. Finally someone w some common sense

>> No.18278269

If Trump had some balls/brains instead of ignoring the virus and taking half measures. USA could of locked down for three weeks stopped international travel then come back at full speed while the rest of the world is dieing.

>> No.18278298

>April 30th, dead or alive, it ends
its not a binary issue - 'lockdown' - or any form of social interaction restriction - mitigate the outbreak to the point where hopefully local health authorities can cope. How much you restrict and for long, depends on local factors.
Cuomo is right in that what (for a country the size of murica) makes sense would be a geo-staggered response. NY needs help now, other states may later. The problem (of course) being, other states are not especially inclined to ship much-needed medical resources to NY and suspect his motive as simply looking after #1. The response -should have been- organised on a Federal level, but, obviously that won't happen, not unless Trump sees direct personal benefit.
>let the dead die
s'ok, till its your family that's dead. The prerequiste of a more sensible approach would have been a competent President. Thats not Trump and, he's just making the situation infinitely worse with this 'lockdown /or/ ignore it: Pick One Only' bullshit. It's ludicrous and the situation should not and never have been framed in such a simplistic (and brutal) manner; its now near impossible to return to a factual discussion without 'choosing sides'

>> No.18278314

i immediately researched spanish flu when i heard about this outbreak and drew the parallels, i thought everyone else would have already... im completely shocked so few have responded appropriatelly and assessed the situation -- 1 to 3 percent of the globe is going to die --

spanish flu killed between 1 and 3 percent of the globe and this will be the same. Why? Our technology in terms of stopping the pneumonia, drowning in your own lungs, death has not improved very much at all. Put you on a ventilator? You still have a 80 percent chance of dieing. what they didnt know in 1918 was it was the immuno compromised and diabetic young people who were dieing, hence the W shaped patter in age by infection rate graph

>> No.18278326

*age by infection death rate graph

>> No.18278330

A good amount of people have. A third of intelligent people are spreading the truth, a third are spreading lies, and a third are remaining silent.

>> No.18278375

nice bait retard

>> No.18278390

Very based.

>> No.18278569
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And here is what we're looking at. You'll have a supply vs demand scenario where turning the wheels of industry equals more deaths. It'll be a long and painful 2 years. Maybe if they get the vaccine out in 1 and a half, but you never know with these things.