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1827228 No.1827228 [Reply] [Original]

>I should be in London, new York, San Francisco or LA enjoying my youth by working hard and playing hard
>instead I'm in a 200k person UK city living at home at the age of 25 working a part time wagecuck job and unable to pass white collar job interviews in London due to autism
>can't motivate myself to do productive stuff in my free time, I just waste time
>been like this for almost two years

RIP My 20s and possibly life prospects.

I'm going to binge on ice cream to stop feeling bad for the remaining 4.5 hours of this day but then tomorrow I'll start working hard and eating healthily. This time I mean it...

>> No.1827232

try r9k

>> No.1827356

He did. They sent hm here

>> No.1827362

Have you tried ritalin?

>> No.1827380
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What this >>1827362 faggot said. Sounds like ADD to me. Try Adderral or similar. Even nootropics like Piracetam works. Dont fear pills bro, they can change your life

>> No.1827384

Do you live with an enabling mother?

>> No.1827389

I do.

>> No.1827644

I've been trying Concerta (a variant of Ritalin) for a week now but I'm still demotivated af. It helps me focus but on the wrong things (browsing 4chan and reddit). I keep avoiding the "boring" stuff I actually need to get done.

I want to try Adderall but I'm not sure how to ask my doctor for it.

>> No.1827656

By "boring" stuff I mean schoolwork. I enjoy planning about starting a business, reading about business-economic stuff but I can't stop procastinating doing the schoolwork I need to do to pass.

>> No.1827667

you are basically me except i live in the US.

>> No.1827686

wait, i thought everyone was like this

>> No.1827719

>should be in London, new York, San Francisco or LA enjoying my youth by working hard and playing hard
You don't have to live in a gigantic city to enjoy your youth. All of those cities you listed are infested with middle easterns and hispanics. Probably about 25% white. High crime rate, ridiculous rent prices, and the few hot white girls will be so ridiculously superficial and fake you'll want to vomit.

>> No.1827722

>I want to have things
>Can't have things

shut up you whiny faggot.

>> No.1827747

>19 years old
>get 180k handed to me
>buy rental properties
>got a good paying job
>started going out with a playboy model
>lifes cash

>26 years old
>still have same job
>still have rental properties
>playboy girlfriend of 4 years makes more than me now with her own business (unrelated to playboy)
>shes inheriting half a million from her grandma that just passed away
>she loves me to death and probably won't ever leave me

moral of the story, i still hate life no matter how great it seems

>> No.1828615

You don't want to pass, probably either because you don't like the direction your studies are taking you, or because you're afraid of running out of hoops to jump through.

>> No.1828659


Fuck you.

>> No.1828685

>move to SF after graduating from NYU Stern
>get 55k starting sales job at series B startup
>work my ass off for 2 years and company somehow IPOs
>get job offers at TWTR, FB, GOOG
>leave original job and then making 110k at 24
>do this for another 2 years
>hate my life and quit and move back home
>work in healthcare now for 70% of the pay but enjoy it way more

shit you're idolizing is overrated and cancer, soul sucking.

everyone is a hedonist or sociopath. in SF there's no culture and there's literal shit on the streets. Also the SJW thing has gotten out of control.

don't believe the hype. it's people justifying their life decisions. start your own business ASAP.

>> No.1828689

Is it Hull?

>> No.1828717

Lying on the internet

>> No.1828724
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you should start smoking weed, that will help.