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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18265198 No.18265198 [Reply] [Original]

Any other wagies logging in and then browsing 4chan?

>> No.18265240

Yeah. A large chunk of the company was furloughed, but I'm a sysadmin for the main website which is still bringing in money so I'm WFH to keep it online.

>> No.18265273
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I am simply too BASED to "work"

>> No.18265279
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I have also spent most of my time browsing 4chan whilst "working" from home.

>> No.18265305
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I have an L-Shaped desk. On one side of the L is the WFH laptop, on the other side is the shitpoasting laptop. Supremely comfy.

>> No.18265327

Imma dishwasher, still in HS. They gave us a "zero hour schedule", so technically not able to file for unemployment. Honestly I wish I could just work from home, the schoolwork is pis easy and takes half an hour.

>> No.18265346

I'm pretending to be working from home. Really I'm just waiting for the market to open to see how my puts are doing

>> No.18265358

call them up and demand 40 hours or to be “aid off, idiot

>> No.18265363
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>> No.18265431

Yep. All I do is wage online, buy Nervos, repeat, until Asia is recovered. Comfy.

*cracks beer*

>> No.18265455

zero hour = same are furloughed aka "Lack of work" You definitely can file for unemployment

>> No.18265522

Good to know, thank you
Listen, I'm on /biz/, I'm clearly not that smart.

>> No.18265890
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Similar but I have a desktop monitor for my personal use. I can't even enjoy it, I've been beaten down so hard from being a wagie for so long - every moment I'm not working I feel like i'm going to get found out and fired.

>> No.18265914

cant flip mcd burgers at home broseff

>> No.18265942

dont mix the two up, you could have a bad time

>> No.18265972
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i'm logging everyday in with my dildomaster in front of the keyboard
vidya is cancer, send halp

>> No.18265995

I put in the same 3-5 hours of real work I always do. Man's gotta have a code.

>> No.18266035
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>log in to my work VPN in the morning
>work for a bit then get bored
>proceed to jerk off to tranny porn for three hours
>forget VPN is still logged in
H-how fucked am I bros?

>> No.18266161
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>> No.18266233

>tranny porn
a fellow patrician cheers fren

>> No.18266253

Pretty much this, have been working from home for over a year. Also
>logging in
What kind of cucked shit is this

>> No.18266281
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>do about 2 hours of actual work
>spend rest of day playing classic wow and shitposting

>> No.18266368

Depends if they actually check the VPN logs at all. Whoever is in charge of that specific task might not. And if he does, he might be too uncomfortable to bring it up with anyone since it was tranny porn. But yeah it’s possible you get called out I guess

>> No.18266826
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Me but I have to click around to fool their monitoring software to think I'm working

I don't mind working from home but there is zero work for me to do but I still have to be "active" for 40hrs a week and the monitoring program also takes hourly screenshots of my workstation

>> No.18266864

((monitoring program jew))
find out at what ports it works, and flood the server
also do not accept this shit

>> No.18267016

Same here, it's pretty interesting.
>In my entire team I was the only one sent to work from home, everyone else is out.
>Now that I'm the only guy in my department my day consists of sending all the daily reports we usually send. During normal times this would just be like 20% of my day, the rest would be working on my projects because the load was divided between 8 people.
>Despite the situation some people still have the guts to email me asking me for shit i.e. new projects. If it's simple I just do it quickly and send it. If it's complex I just never reply and eventually someone intercedes for me saying we don't have time for that kind of bullshit.

I'm just happy that if things really go south I was the one that they chose to keep working and carrying the department. I guess hard work does pay.

>> No.18268626
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install gentoo or ask >>>/g/

>> No.18268643

nobody is really working from home
it is all a lie

>> No.18268650

i can't believe shit like that is legal in a western country. what company are you working for?

>> No.18268661

as a sysadmin, do you have multiple ways of skimming money out of the system?

>> No.18268681

The power just went out, thanks SRP. I have my manager’s office number which is great since she works from home too. I’m salaried so I guess I’ll just take the hit to my production.

>> No.18268713

Great advice fren,

>> No.18268760

Lol all day. I call few clients then shitpost. Making good wages while working 2 hours a day average

>> No.18268804
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>log onto teams
>make status "available"
>go back to sleep
>wake up 10:15
>check mail from normie coworkers
>respond only if immediatly required
>check time
>10:30 am


>> No.18268825

You can file for unemployment for severely reduced hours if you're in the US dude

>> No.18268838

checked in
still in pijama shitposting and it's dinner time

>> No.18268869

This comic needs him calling all his old buddies who are now boomers themselves and they all get together again and play

>> No.18268957

>every moment I'm not working I feel like i'm going to get found out and fired.
imagine being scared of getting fired
no fear and a hard cock and mr shekelsberg don't have any choice but raise your salary even you shitpost at work or his company will go to shit without you

>> No.18269042

I finished all of my work a week ago and have been logging in and playing Animal Crossing every day.

>> No.18269053

yes but I did this when I had to go to the office too

>> No.18269086

Yes. I read watching Netflix for most of the day CLOCKED IN.

Just hope they haven't sneakily installed something that can catch me out

>> No.18269243

At work now. Work about 1 hour per week and I am deemed essential. Browse my phone all or go the gym when it was open.

>> No.18269399

>deemed essential even though I'm not
>stop going into work because fuck dying to corona so don't qualify for unemployment
>Mom riding my ass about money even though I saved up $10k in the past 2 years

I hate life.

>> No.18271071
