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18265145 No.18265145 [Reply] [Original]

>got a job offer which was going to be work from home
>$80k salary plus stock options
>employer was pushing me to accept it reminding me that I should be grateful when millions are losing their jobs
>suddenly just got some bad vibes and ultimately said no
>employer called me back telling me I was a fucking idiot for rejecting it and that I will never get a job again
Give it to me straight /biz/, how badly did I fuck up?

>> No.18265160

Obvious larp but I’ll bite, why did you supposedly reject the offer anon? To trade speculative digital coins?

>> No.18265164

80k is gonna be worth a loaf of bread real soon
what u did is gut

>> No.18265168

Sounds like you fucked up big time

>> No.18265176

I'll take "things that didn't happen" for $200, Alex.

>> No.18265178

You told shekelberg to fuck off which is pretty based but wut now?

>> No.18265191

ya did good.

>> No.18265205

Why would he call you back after you said no?
What an awkward conversation

>> No.18265215

No I’d do same $80k for a whole year ..
I can make that in 6 months trading just an hour a week
Your larping right anon?

>> No.18265219

There was a 24 month non-compete. Also I’d be working 80 hour weeks including weekends and from what I was told, taking vacations were rarely allowed. It was an IT infrastructure engineer job.

>> No.18265233

>tldr; I’m a lazy fag who wants to be mediocre forever

>> No.18265235

>accept job offer
>continue to search for better job
>if employer is a cunt, ignore them. Let them fire you and collect unemploymentbux
>literally free money for pretending to work for a few weeks
Ur dumb op

>> No.18265241

Based, why is a employer being pushy when there are so many people jobless? Something sounds fishy

>> No.18265243

>>employer called me back telling me I was a fucking idiot for rejecting it and that I will never get a job again
Do you really want to work under someone like this? No? You'll be fine. It's difficult to quantify the gut response with logic, but the gut response holds your best interest at heart and generally leads you to the right answer.

>> No.18265251

good goyim

>> No.18265255

What’s wrong with being mediocre? I have a life outside of my day job.

>> No.18265270

>telling me I was a fucking idiot for rejecting it and that I will never get a job again
You sound like someone who never actually had a job

>> No.18265286

until you lose that day job and have no money to pay for shit

>> No.18265340


80 hours a week at 80k means you're just working two 40k jobs. You did the right thing.

>> No.18265360

80 hour weeks with TWO YEAR non compete?

You did good. Fuck the jews. Dump all your savings into CKB and join us in the Asian elite brothels in 2021.

>> No.18265378

>not saving and overworking yourself
Well I’m sorry about your finances buddy. Hope it works out for you.

>> No.18265406

I wouldn't take an 80k job in a high stress environment either. 80hour weeks? fuck that guy. when you have marketable skills, you don't need to sell yourself short.

>> No.18265414

>24 month non-compete.

hahah tell them to fuck off. they will never get good People like that.

well done anon

>> No.18265438

yeah, def push back on bad hiring practices. companies that think they can have their pick and be shitty at the same time deserve to go under.

>> No.18265450

idk where u are but in the UK non-competes are not enforceable unless they are reasonable

>> No.18265464

>employer called me back telling me I was a fucking idiot for rejecting it and that I will never get a job again
sounds like you did the right thing anon

>> No.18265476

>employer called me back telling me I was a fucking idiot for rejecting it and that I will never get a job again

if this actually happened (which I doubt) I don't see how you could even consider regretting this. he's either a complete fucking asshole by default (=you don't want to work there) or he's really on edge because they're in deep shit (=you don't want to work there)

>> No.18265524

I make 50k at 40 hours a week. You'd just be better off working two jobs in that situation if you want 80k, fuck that slavedriving shit. Also the hiring manager sounds like a seething loser.

>> No.18265584

>Being forced to work so much your hourly pay is basically just above minimum wage.
Wagies love the abuse

>> No.18265587

Did they demand anything other than time?

>> No.18265607

>employer called me back telling me I was a fucking idiot for rejecting it and that I will never get a job again

If this part actually happened(which I doubt) then you dodged a bullet.

If you actually turned down 80k to work from home indefinitely during a recession without actual bullshit happening, then you are a true moron.

>> No.18265610

if he comes back crying in a week or 2 for not finding the right skilled guy like you, demand 100k at least to show who's the alpha

>> No.18265648

>ignoring the long-term career benefits
Short term thinking is why neets and the lazy remain mediocre and poor forever

>> No.18265659

Gullible insect people like you are why salaries aren't going up. You take whatever piece of shit these corporations hand you instead of finding a competitive offer.

>> No.18265664

>that I will never get a job again
Isn't this a threat? Sue him.

>> No.18265684

Yeah do this

>> No.18265685

>a 24 month non-compete.
say you will sign one for as long as there you've worked there start with 1 month - 1 month then 3 month - 3 month etc. upto the runway money they've given you... which is none. I doubt it is enforceable to the degree they write it out to be but just check.

>> No.18265709

Probably dodged a bullet, if you have to work 80 hours a week in an infra job even in this situation the company's IT leadership is dogshit

>> No.18265716

non-competes are pretty hard to prosecute these days unless you quit and open a business the next day using their unique processes.

>> No.18265722

Ya u guud

>> No.18265734

10/10 bait, but /biz/ LOVES bait
>how badly did I fuck up?
badly, you should have taken the job & looked for another one.

>> No.18265742


The fact your employer was so pushy and that mad about you not accepting it leads me to believe he's struggling to fill a very important gap, so you probably aren't the only one to reject it.

Two year non-compete with 80 hour weeks, weekend working and rarely allowed vacations for $80k? I'd pass too.

>> No.18265754

Anon in my experience 90% of a bad job is a bad boss. Even when I was doing shit tier jobs just to help pay through college, a good boss makes a bad job tolerable. A bad boss can make a great job into a nightmare that you have to quit from to escape.

If you rejected the offer politely and he reacted that way then it sounds like you dodged a bullet. It's likely he is in some kind of situation where he really needed to hire someone. But that's his problem, not yours.

Good managers are shit umbrellas, bad ones are shit funnels. This is especially true in the corporate world where the org tree is much larger.

Good luck with your job search.

>> No.18265761

you did good
follow your instinct

>> No.18265764

yeah, fuck that.
ya did good

>> No.18265777


>> No.18265778

You think making 80k as an infra it guy in bongland is possible?

>> No.18265781

80 hour weeks for a engineering job sitting on your ass aint worth it for only 80k.

Youd make that much working at almost any job if you worked 80 hours per week

>> No.18265798

Second this

>> No.18265838

Non-competes are enforcable in the USA, he wouldn't be able to "find" a new job for 24 months.

>> No.18265887

what fucking slavery is this?

>> No.18265899

>24 Month noncompete

If he signed he literally couldn't take another job in the same area for 2 years, and his boss would know that and hold it over him.

+ the pay was dogshit for those hours at that skill level and a company with that long of a noncompete has a low turnover so low mobility.

OP made the right choice.

>> No.18265923

>bad vibes
Trust your instincts, every time I've felt this before accepting a job it ended up badly for me.

>> No.18265980

80 hrs x 52 weeks = 4160 hrs worked
80,000 ÷ 4160 = 19.2 an hour


You shouldn't accept shit less than 25/hr. The 80k ticker is to sucker ppl in to work for pennies. Good job fren.

>> No.18265992

there is literally nothing wrong with living an average life

>> No.18266002

you suck at math

>> No.18266019

Good decision

>> No.18266022

How? Do it differently and educate me then.

>> No.18266103


IT Infrastructure Engineer
>work from home?

>> No.18266138

Imagine being proud of being a wagecuck

>> No.18266160
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>80 hour weeks

>> No.18266303

you should of took and only worked 30 hours a week. also non competes are almost always thrown out in court once you leave the company in any liberal state

>> No.18266403

80k for 80 hrs a week is absolute chump change. I would tell an employer to suck my nigger dick if they offered me that.

>> No.18266444

? If your data centers are a colo you have remote hands, and it most cases it is better to have some DC tech be remote hands. Most of the job can be done remotely for any infrastructure service line

>> No.18266521

yeah you fucked up bro. if you want to get paid a lot then they are going to suck every once of it out of you

>> No.18266707

This has slave driver boomer boss written all over it. You did fine.

>> No.18267147

80k is a lot of money for an entry or perhaps junior it job working 40-50 hours a week. It is not a lot of money for a skilled professional for 80 hours a week.

>> No.18267197

Don't listen to boomer trolls saying you're lazy. That job is guaranteed to be slavery tier. Burnout happens after ~50 hours doing almost anything over the course of weeks. 80hrs is completely unsustainable. The fact that the guy expects 80hrs with no vacations for IT infra (a knowledge field) shows he's fucking retarded. That's a great way go get shoddy, slow work from a team who hates you. The fact that he personally insulted you shows he's a brainlet narcissist with zero ability to lead or manage.
You did fantastic. Follow your gut when it comes to employment.

>> No.18267210

Lmao I make 40k working 40 hours a week as a technician with engineer options. Im not giving up my weekends to slave for billionaires

>> No.18267233

>finding a competitive offer while the economy is shutting down
Imagine being proud of being a neet

>> No.18268280
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Its funny how in the op you think to yourself
>wow this guy can make 80k very very nice
then you find out its literal slave work where those 80hours probably are a 100 and if you dont finish it on time you wont get paid for your time, essentially working for a little more than min.wage

I finally get how all these anons here have a '6 figure' salary

>> No.18268302

Your instinct was confirmed when he called to call you a fucking idiot.

>> No.18268330

thats literally pajeet tier you did the right thing

>> No.18268351

>Employer said you should be grateful and using fear based tactics to try to get you to accept it.

You made the right call anon, especially if it was 80 hours a week for 80k, time and energy drained aside nothing is more miserable than working for an employer you hate. The environment can make or break a job even if it's a job you otherwise would love having a leader or manager, or coworkers you despise can make all the difference in the world in making your life a living hell day in and day out.

>> No.18268382

Always listen to your gut. It's survival natural instinct. You will be fine

>> No.18269492

Absolute right call, the non-compete is total bullshit

>> No.18269530

fuckin based

>> No.18269625

You made the right call.

>> No.18269649

why didn't you save the call and reverse it on them.

>> No.18270015

Sounds very suspicious, plus the pay is bad. Those stock options were never going to be worth anything, if they were doing well theyd offer more than 80k.

>> No.18270256

>employer called me back telling me I was a fucking idiot for rejecting it

and then everyone clapped

>> No.18270332

>pay rate is $40k a year for people working normal hours

Good for dodging that nightmare.

>> No.18270386

Sounds like a horrible employer. Good job, OP.

>> No.18270523

Should have counter offered with terms you wanted.

60 hrs a week max.
Payout if they fire you.

>> No.18270731

Smart anon. You'll get a better job from IT even if it pays less.

Also just let me flex my job.
>127k a year
>3 weeks vacation time.
>40 hour work weeks.
>Work from home due to beer bug
>spend most of my time on biz.

>> No.18270949

I make 170k base working from home due to corona now. I was always a bit jealous of people who could work remote, but holy shit working from home sucks big dick. I've done it for 3 weeks already and I'm about to go crazy