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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 22 KB, 1200x1200, tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18256004 No.18256004 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, gentlemen. I figured out how to get matches on tinder. The redpill here is girls heavily edit their photos to look skinnier, bigger ass, bigger tits, clearer skin, etc. Yes, all of them. Men have to have the same mentality. The reality is, unless your're an 8 (I'd argue an 8.5+), you will get little to no matches. This only works if you're not morbidly obese or a literal twig. If you're one of those, eat less or eat more and go to the gym until you're normal looking. Now that abortion is pretty much banned, all you got to do is coom in a White woman if you're a White man then BOOM our race is saved, hooray

>download Retouch (Men's edition)
>edit your pictures to make you look realistically in shape; edit your body to look like what you could look like after 6-12 months of a perfect diet and lifting. that will get you into the 8.5/10 range.
>spend $10 each on like 3-4 pictures. $30-40 is an excellent deal for 500+ matches on tinder
>have a full body pic/portrait (shirtless), a close up where you're smiling, and a pic of you being social/with friends, and a pic with your dog if you have one
>boom, pic the woman you want to coom in

Best of luck, /biz/

>> No.18256036
File: 1014 KB, 2208x1586, 1554477328380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alright, gentlemen. I figured out how to get matches on tinder.

Stopped reading there. Here's a redpill on kikes instead. Reminder that ISIS is entirely supported by Israel.

>> No.18256067

Only the dredges of society use tinder and online dating apps.

High quality people stick to real life

>> No.18256080

females are a total waste of time and money

>> No.18256096
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Holy shit, absolutely based.

Israel is not a legitimate state and should cease to exist on a legal basis.

>> No.18256166

if you arnt naturally beautiful for a guy and not getting 100s of matches of 10/10s with just a plain ass selfie, then just quit. Hookers save you the headache and are payed to be a 10/10. Only fags think they dont count because they do not understand relativity and how they will always be replaced by a bigger chad if they were in their viscinity. Seriously how anyone could prefer fucking a landwhale they got "authentically" over some hot escort is beyond me

>> No.18256190

Based thread

>> No.18256621
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, 1585106543556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are utilized by everyone and their mothers. e.g. germany has usually a large shit show in the media if once a year the media outlets tell how many billions were officially made with exporting weapons (the taxes made hereby are not mentioned). so it came the day a lot of folks claimed saudi arabia, turkey and a few others in the middle east must not be allowed to buy german weapons. when the public pressure went to high all tv-shows, news rooms, newspapers and what not were full of refugees in syria, isis propaganda and reports about war crimes. the moral imperative kicked in and it was discussed to send troops. the germans were given the choice to decide between exporting weapons to middle eastern partners or sending troops (which means drafts). germany send some guys training local militias (mostly kurdish) to fire milan-bazookas and also conducts surveillance flights with tornados. nobody is interested in weapons export anymore. the hype is chilled. without judging but this shows the mechanisms of instrumentalisation of the enemy's propaganda. everyone does this because it is rational. but brainlets like you try to desinform and shill for whatever reason. i don't know if you're just naive or a stormfaggot right wing gay lord. you present small pieces of information placed in a new context. fuck you and your antisemitic shit show.

>> No.18256667

Not downloading your app Rajneet. You really must think we're schmucks huh? Fuck off street shitter

>> No.18256821
File: 16 KB, 819x827, 1550048228008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually put my real interests and non edited pictures on my profile and super like girls with similar interests and get matches with cuties that like video games

I spend 20 bones a month on super liked but it always gets me to match and talk with girls i actually am interested in and not just roasties. Currently talking to one who works at an animal sanctuary and likes resident evil.