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18253584 No.18253584 [Reply] [Original]

Why do modern women have such a high level of entitlement?

>> No.18253650

I want a gf who says the n word

>> No.18253660
File: 74 KB, 1200x628, 17238879-E0C1-4ACC-87C0-4FE2042A11F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know but this guy was based

>> No.18253666

By n word I mean nigger of course

>> No.18253686

What's going on in the picture? I presume these are the qualifications for sending her gifts?

>> No.18253693
File: 9 KB, 285x160, dr nelson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discrimination is bad
>is 6 feet tall
Sick of this, manlets rise up

>> No.18253743

me too

>> No.18253837

that girl is a living legend, literally who

>> No.18253870

And what does she offer in return for all that?

>> No.18253873

>rise up


>> No.18253874

kek, we manlets cant rise....dat why we manletts.

>> No.18253909

So if you are above you can give her a jewlery? Don't get it.

>> No.18253937
File: 94 KB, 645x773, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girl is more racist than I am sometimes

>> No.18253942

Your girl is a man

>> No.18253953 [DELETED] 

100 shares of premium roast beef stock.

>> No.18253962
File: 974 KB, 1029x2141, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just let me pretend

>> No.18253996

I have all the qualifications, and am available. However I'll never make the cut, because her real criteria isn't listed anywhere.

> He's crazy rich and will support my thot lifestyle

>> No.18254015

100 shares of premium roast beef stock.

>> No.18254022

shes maybe a giraffe, if thats her neck hes pinning them pearls on.

>> No.18254023

All women are whores.

>> No.18254044
File: 495 KB, 1394x1196, abooorter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18254060

Lol they are not. Imagine taking a girl's word for words. You are forever to be friendzoned if you do that.

NEVER TAKE A GIRL's WORD FOR WORD. Dont value her like a fucking SIMP you fucking virgins. She comes to your world and changes everything for you if you have a Strong Masculine Frame. Only pussies complain about wemen.

>> No.18254076

post gf

>> No.18254109

I don't get the pic. For a man like that she'll let a girl put a jewel on her ankle??

>> No.18254144


oh no I’m out bros

>> No.18254152

has *text* in her eyes

>> No.18254167

>wimmyn twitter
>expecting logic
subtext is 'ignore whatever bs I type, just buy me expensive shit'

>> No.18254176


>> No.18254189

everyone is free to dream anon.
i dream of a bombshell girl with a cute face and young tight body that deepthroats like a champ and enjoys anal. i can cook if i must.

>> No.18254216
File: 9 KB, 211x367, 1506473859518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the picture to me?

>> No.18254319

"I am a stupid whore and I shouldn't have the right to vote"

>> No.18254464

>doesn't say the n word
cringe and bluepilled

>> No.18254505

>He doesn't say the n word the media told me that's a meanie word teehee
>also 50% of the male community is too genetically inferior for me to even consider XDD

>> No.18254548

It’s only white women

>> No.18254589


>"doesn't say the n word"

But irl only black guys would ever say thi......

>> No.18254593

Just reply her with the man version of that meme, and have a good laugh at her reaction.

>> No.18254637

what a grEat picteR

>> No.18254657


Oh shit, 5D chess. Based roastie

>> No.18254675

Good luck finding a black guy who doesn't say nigger at least once an hour.

>> No.18254681

you had me until that pua cope

>> No.18254705

I love watching roasties lose their shit when a guy doesn't want to date a "girl" with a penis or a landwhale, but when they want a dude over 6ft it's completely normal.

>> No.18254729


This is the world we've chosen and accept. Let's be honest, modern men have no backbone and don't hold women to task for literally anything. So everything comes down to whether it's acceptable for women or not, ofc they don't care about male issues.

>> No.18254772

They get everything handed to them until 12 when they have to open their legs to keep getting everything handed to them.
Everything is way too easy now, no one has to really try, but they don't have to try at all.

>> No.18254808


>> No.18254874

You don't say nigger? You gay bro?

>> No.18254931

My gf is a complete shitlib who thinks anyone who says nigger is committing a heresy, I still call people nigger in videogames and she pretends to be scandalized for like 2 mins then forgets about it

Women don't actually have opinions, and if you're not cowed by social shaming then you can do what you want

>> No.18254965

Very based sir

>> No.18254994
File: 111 KB, 929x1175, 1585352428627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bich can't go 11 words without contradicting herself

>> No.18255007

my gf says the n word all the time.

>> No.18255294 [DELETED] 


>Where are all the good men?

With the good women.

>> No.18255315

>Women don't actually have opinions, and if you're not cowed by social shaming then you can do what you want
This guy fucks.

>> No.18255371

It's an advertisement for mgtow.

>> No.18255528

This. Girls really want racist manlets.
We're all gonna make it

>> No.18255669


Prisoner’s dilemma. If you reject a thot there will always be some guy who will take her up instead.

>> No.18255696
File: 194 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20190519_093828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeet here, she is say that if those conditions are met, she will let him marry her (that picture is guy putting an anklelet on the girl which happens during marriage of the night of marriage)

>> No.18255712

a used hole. no refund

>> No.18255722

Me and all my friends meet all of that and let me tell you the sex comes easy

>> No.18255767
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 1564620592842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, too bad i'm a dry-humored, 4 foot tall midget with a cheap suit and a bunch of Liza Minnelli cassette tapes that says nig*er. Now make me a sandwich, bitch.

>> No.18256111

oh no not you too Pajeet

>> No.18256132

Women are extremely influenced by their bf/husband. If you’re a chad she’ll be a nazi, SJW, Muslim etc if you are.

>> No.18256141


>> No.18256193
File: 112 KB, 505x394, A330DA9F-9026-45D3-88F3-2C38F57C7E82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I say nigger and other racial slurs repeatedly, have a juvenile sensor of humor, wear t shirts and jeans every day, am racist, am misogynist, and am a mediocre cook that relies heavily on pasta and grilling
>mfw I still get laid routinely, or at least did before the quarantine
What she actually means by her post is “when he’s 6 feet tall.” That’s all you have to do.

>> No.18256246

she's indian or something you morons

>> No.18256486

>be good looking, rich and tall
>be beta simp at the same time
>to get an ugly Pajeeta thot

Why? The thot bubble is about to burst, I tell you.