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18253578 No.18253578 [Reply] [Original]

So it's been roughly 3 and a half weeks since I've been off the medication and I have to say I'm feeling pretty good lads. Just thought I'd give you and update on situation but yeah I feeling comfy bros.

>> No.18254291
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4 years on meds and without another psychosis
post me some thots I can coom to later as a celebration

>> No.18254493
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based and redpilled

>> No.18254537

bipolar bro? half of my family is prone to psychotic episodes after going manic for a while. it's fucking terrifying to watch

>> No.18254578

Not bipolar, I went down the rabbit hole of smoking weed for 6 years, albeit not actually a large amount, but shit happened and it threw me into a pit of depression.
I'm hoping I got lucky and its a one off, episode lasted 7 months until I was put until hospital and given meds to bring me out.
Staying off the weed, taking care of my body and mind. Fingers crossed it's not schizophrenia.

>> No.18254629

yeah that sucks bro...sorry to hear it. try to get deeeeep into meditation if you can. Ive heard amazing things from people who suffered from depression and other mental struggles. meditation has been scientifically proven to rewire people's brains, creates new neural pathways. it's powerful stuff. I sit everyday for at least 20. good luck.

>> No.18254731

Thanks man. I wish you and you family well, mental illness sucsk.

If any other of you schizophrenics out there feel like venting then come and share, were all anon's here in this comfy thread.

>> No.18254787

Neet lives are so depressing they need jew pills to make them feel happy and fulfilled

>> No.18254891

I didn't take jew pills, I too injections, a powerful antipsychotic which pulled me out of an episode. I would still be in a mental hosoital without it

>> No.18255036

Im on day 2 of /noweed/ after 7 years of abusing on a daily basis give or take. Trying not to slip into alcoholism now, have made an appointment with a doctor who had to postpone my screening interview with another month because of corona. Im at the point where im ready to take just about any pill to feel more normal and leveled. Also feel incredibly stupid and slow realizing I have probably shaved off 20 IQ points by abusing that fucking shit systematically like a nigger. I deserve all of it.

What are you on?

>> No.18255082

I was on Aripiprazole, which for the first few months feels like you have an electric currant going through your nerves and makes you feel very rigid and upright.
I'm off it now, and damn I forgot what it felt like to be normal.
And yeah, I'm being very careful with alcohol and not touching caffeine.

>> No.18255188

What happens if you consume caffeine? How are you feeling right now? Arent you afraid that the effects of the medicine is just preliminary?

Cant wait to see what kinde of pharma they will put me on

>> No.18255271

go clean bro. I smoked weed for like 20 years and drank pretty much all throughout that time. I had some fun times but now Im old and broke and probably killed off a shit ton of brain cells.

I stay clean these days and Im loving it. money piles up, I wake up early and go sit outside as the sun is coming out. just appreciating life as it goes....dealing with the shit days and actually feeling all the pain as opposed to trying to numb myself from it. just being awake and aware and feeling grateful. wouldn't trade it for shit.

>> No.18255387

Basically according to some Dr's, the dopamine centre in my brain had grown too large and that why I was getting auditory hallucinations.
The medication made the hallucinations go away after a way and slowed down my thinking to sub normal.
Now I'm off the meds, my thinking is back up to speed, but not too fast and I don't get paranoia, false memories a hallucinations.

Coffee makes me very jitterish and I just don't like the feeling.

>> No.18255414

A comfy post for a comfy thread.
This anon gets it, drugs and shit make you miss out on life itself.

>> No.18255516

Hallucinations seem so surreal if you have never experienced it. Must be really unsettling. Do they just suddenly start appearing or do the creep in insidiously?

Thanks for the advice, anon, its good motivation. Happy you made it out. What made you quit?

>> No.18255560

>Hallucinations seem so surreal if you have never experienced it. Must be really unsettling. Do they just suddenly start appearing or do the creep in insidiously?
For me the hallucinations crept in insidiously, firstly started off as false memories and then started very quietly where I couldn't 'hear' them but there, I guess the best explanation is that I could hear/feel them in my head, then as things progressed they became audible.

>> No.18255865

desu I just got tired of it after all those years. that, plus I watched friends become addicts...become alcoholics, addicted to meth, or just watched friends of mine just become total burnouts and smoke weed all day. I used to smoke for most of the day but eventually just got sick of needing something.....something to help me escape. I didn't want anything to control me and I didn't want to have to depend on anything to get me through the day. I got clean, I have a TON of energy, I work out, I eat good, I sleep like a champ, I remember everything that happens throughout the day and night, I don't wake up feeling like shit anymore, no more hangovers, no more red eyes, no more being tired all the time. I just feel good. I feel fucking alive and just taking everything as it comes.
It did take me many years to learn that I don't want to get fucked up anymore. Im older now and I realize Ive only got so much time left...and I don't want to spend any more of my days in a haze. It was fun though....so I get the appeal for sure....but there are trade-offs to getting fucked up all the time.

some friends of mine and I sat down one day and tried to figure out roughly how much money we spent on weed and alcohol over the course of 20 years or so. It was a LOT. something like $60k or some shit if I remember it correctly. now Im old and don't have shit for money. I did finally land a really good paying job though in the tech industry...and with nothing to spend it on besides whatever hobby Im currently into....the money just piles up. about to start traveling all over the world like a madman. to each their own though. being sober is just what works for me these days. it's not easy though....when stress piles up to not having anything to release the stress besides exercise and meditation.

>> No.18255906

Why dont you make this ”comfy” thread on /r9k/, faggot? Hmm?

>> No.18255926

Because I come to biz to hang out with cool guys and make sick gains

>> No.18256047

Shit, I have just gotten to my second year of smoking weed everyday and with this corona isolation I've been smoking a lot more. I barely even feel high anymore when I smoke but i feel so sick without it. How long did it take to leave it all behind? I can imagine it was difficult but how did you cope? I too want to stop numbing my brain.

>> No.18256440

Scary stuff anon, wish you all the best. Thanks for the replies.

Based thoughtful answer. I feel exactly the same way as you did when you decided to stop. Will cap this post as a reminder, thank you anon, best of luck, glad you're escaped that rotten mental prison inducing plant.

It happens gradually. Id advice you to stop immediatly and spare yourself from the cognitive and emotional deficit it will leave you with if you continue fucking with your brain chemistry. I could sit in a meeting and literally not remember what has been 5 minutes before. I would forget simple things like what I ate yesterday. My memories of the last 7 years are blurry as fuck and it makes you feel as if you have been asleep the whole time.

I have two friends only, and they too smoke weed but furiosuly deny that they are addicted to it. You can easily tell that deep inside, they dont want to do, what they are doing with that shit, but they just cant accept that they are addicts. Its the first and most imporant step of becoming independent of that mind numbing habbit.

>> No.18256544

You'll find your memory will return mostly to normal after you've quit for a while.

But one thing that's been said to me repeatedly since my first episode is, your processing gets slow the more episodes you have. That's enough to scare me off the weed for good. Imagine having a clinical retardation because you smoked too much weed.

>> No.18256559

Once you get a couple of weeks behind you, you will feel so great you won't even have the urge to get high. I smoked every day for around four years and realized how dependant I was on weed to feel pleasure and happiness. The brain fog and feeling retarded aren't permanent, your brain clears up and you will feel normal again. For me, once the guilt of getting high outweighed the pleasure of getting high, quitting was easy.

>> No.18256788

Thanks guys. I have been starting to really get in control of my finances lately too. So kicking this habit would really help me there aswell

>> No.18257204

I got depressed about 2 years ago after a series of very unfortunate events made my life go to shit. Pot, porn, caffeine, sugar, alcohol, fast food.

Now I'm stuck in my house, jonesing for an energy drink that I can't risk going to a store for, trying not to smoke any pot. Only internet and gaming to distract me. I just want to get clean, so pot is uncommon and fun again.