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18246549 No.18246549 [Reply] [Original]

we're just going through a crisis like the one Rome sustained during the 3rd century bros.. we're gonna be a-alright!

>> No.18246584
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Fuck mutts and fuck roman shitskins

>> No.18246593

So, who's the next economical power? Russia?

>> No.18246634
File: 2.75 MB, 1100x619, maniple3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will stay in power, we just need an Aurelian to bring us back bro

>> No.18246700

Nah, it's not that bad not being in power, at least people stop adressing you for every single bad thing that happen in this damned world.

>> No.18246809

Aurelian was fucking shit

>> No.18246885
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for unaware anons

>> No.18246938

the usa looks more like rome in the first century bc
ready for an augustus to take the power for himself and end the corrupt oligarchy the republic has become

time for barron to rise and avenge his father after pelosi shots trump at his reelection

>> No.18246965


Sad thing seeing Americans already coping

>> No.18247004

Nah. There is no coming back from this one. The best you will get is Probus or Constance.

>> No.18247009

Pretty much this but without the Trump cringe.
The US are rips for an Empire, but before having one there is always a civil war.

>> No.18247025
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The Romans came out ok in the end right? R..right?

>> No.18247036

You are still in the denial stage of grief. Bargaining comes next month.

>> No.18247068

No, it was pretty much over after that. Every barbarian out there was sacking Roman cities, demanding tribute and shitting on Tome in general.

>> No.18247098
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w-we'll be alright! the economy will rebound in no time!

>> No.18247120

Are you fucking high? You think this is comparable to the crisis of the 3rd century? Rome used to shrug shit like this off all the fucking time, this is nothing. Aside from that, we're still a Republic. If we're gonna follow suit of the Romans, we have hundreds of years of glory ahead of us. I personally can't wait for Bar Kokhba Part II

>> No.18247278

>I personally can't wait for Bar Kokhba Part II
It's already patched in.

>> No.18247502

Kek, imagine showing this to a Roman during the fall of the Western empire and telling him it was made 1600 years in the future by some fat loser living in a part of the world not yet discovered by western civilisation and posted on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.18247550

i don't even live in the usa
europe is dead, usa is the only one left standing that is an industrialised nation with naval trading and force projecting capabilities

it was clearly a joke of historical references
what i meant to say was there needs to be a big public event to occur for the future strongman to really the support of the common people against the incompetent current rule

>> No.18247668

>ready for an augustus to take the power for himself and end the corrupt oligarchy the republic has become

Unlikely, there might be many things that divide Americans but never has the concept of a King or Despot ruling over America been in contention between the various factions that have sprung up over the century. It would take a gangbuster of a Civil War for that to occur, likely with some nuclear firecrackers being cooked off leading to 80% of the population dead. Even then I would expect a widespread insurgency that tapers off into a low scale one like Colombia's FARC.

Certain values in America are just too ingrained to overcome. These values are so ingrained into the common consciousness of America that I see people who hang around Americans start confusing them for their own and get surprised when their shitball European government punishes them for it.

>> No.18247863

I‘m Russian, m8. The future ruler of the world.

>> No.18247997

that is exactly what romans said about themselves in 70BC after sulla abdicated
if the economy crashes hard enough people will scream out for a saviour
the only factor missing is switching the loyalty of the military from the state to the individual it can happen in 1 generation so imperium americana by 2040

you are not ruling anything you are cockblocked by both geography and declining births
you will be having the lights on in your fortress moscow for longer than the european capitals tho

>> No.18248049

We are still in the republic stage. We havnt even gone full empire yet

>> No.18248070

We weny empire at the turn of the new milleniam

>> No.18248146

What do we need for a US general to seize power?

>> No.18248152


>> No.18248404

>highest European suicide rate
>highest European HIV patients
>highest alcohol poisoning rate
>declining birthrate
>future ruler of the world

>> No.18248708

the only thing russia is good at making is camwhores who can prolapse
t. knower

>> No.18248716


>> No.18248767

Who will be our Aurelian?

>> No.18248815

>Restutitor Orbis
>Being shit
Holy fuck you have brain damage. Get help lad

>> No.18249730

The Roman Republic had the concept of a Dictator built into it. They were used to giving someone unlimited power in times of crisis and Marius and Sulla ignored the plebs during their spats so the Romans felt safe when doing so. The American Republic does not have such emergency provisions to allow a single person to take control of it via Civil Means, also Military Coups cannot occur in complex democracies like the US. Caesar had half of the military under his personal sway when he marched over the Rubicon and the remaining forces of the Republic were a patchwork of local units from far flung areas. There is no singular general in the military that has large enough contingent of troops to block all transit points, occupy all media and government sites and control a major state like California or Texas let alone the entire US. Also, no general is viewed positively anyway, the last time generals had a following was World War 2 with luminaries like MacArthur, Eisenhower, and Patton and we all saw how fast MacArthur got shit canned during his insubordination during the Korean War.

The only way for a Civil War to break out is in a grass roots manner and this is impossible to determine how such an event would occur or proceed.

>> No.18249902

Consider the following


The US would be *incredibly lucky* to actually be in the process of repeating Rome. That would imply many centuries of glorious empire to come, after we ditch the vestiges of a degenerate democracy.

>> No.18250257

Hopefully the US can work their succession at that point compared to the Romans then.
>inb4 Maternal Tyranny fucks the US over just as it did the Romans

>> No.18250585
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>> No.18250614

>that guy in the center-left that just can't grab his sword

>> No.18250701

Well let's be fair here
Being invaded sucks

>> No.18250726

I think he'd laugh

>> No.18250824

>Russia world superpower by 2021. R-r-right?...

>> No.18250870
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Canadian here, can confirm

>> No.18250888
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>The virgin maniple

>> No.18251004

Big brain post.

>> No.18251078

I'd take the burgers over those soulless chinkoids