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18229520 No.18229520 [Reply] [Original]

I was on the verge of losing EVERYTHING.
I shorted the bottom (at 5356) with a small contract of 1 btc at 50x leverage and I watched the price climb nonstop with zero sleep. Then I managed to increase my short average cautiously until I brought it up to 6131. I just closed my position with little loss.
Was that the bottom? I honestly will kill myself if it wasn't just because of the pure terror and psychological distress that I went thru last couple days.

>> No.18229530

hell no bro we're going down

>> No.18229557
File: 44 KB, 512x420, 1563568481300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're going sub $2k

>> No.18230774

this but unironically

>> No.18230809

Do the opposite of OP and you will be rich.

>> No.18230841

Only bet 10$ u child

>> No.18230867

10x short entryprice 6200, lets go

>> No.18231124 [DELETED] 

What size investments do you make each month to keep transaction fees bearable?

>> No.18231130

You post the 1 min chart. Holy fuck dude zoom the fuck out

>> No.18231158


Can you tell me the logic of shorting after a 30% drop, OP?

this is a hard lesson for you to learn, but im sorry its likely not going to drop back to your average entry point.

>> No.18231239

I was scalping. My entry price for scalp is 1 contract. I didnt expect the pumps to have no pullback. If there was pullback, I would have been fine.
Also I already exited my position and it looks like that WAS the bottom. strong resistance at 6180.
I think I'm gonna go meditate for 3 days in a row and clear my mind.

>> No.18231322


I thought you did a retard short a week or two ago on the big drop after it already dropped.
and scalping with that much funds is still gambling. scalping is not a real thing, just what people call it because its sounds better than gambling.

TA is risky enough. scalping is gambling.

>> No.18231348 [DELETED] 
File: 810 KB, 640x704, bitfinex CEO Jean Louis van der Velde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bzzzz > brrrrr

>> No.18231349

>I trade in a vacuum and have poor risk management

>> No.18231395

no I bought the dips during that big drop. and yeah youre right 1 contract is still pretty big. I'm gonna go with 0.1 now for starting amount.

>> No.18231459

you were me a few days ago
exactly SAME story

shorted link from $4 > $1.8: 28k profit
shorted the bottom: 17k loss

>I think I'm gonna go meditate for 3 days in a row and clear my mind.
best thing you could possibly do for yourself now... forget about the charts come back here in a few days

>> No.18231526

thanks bro
glad you still made out with 11k

>> No.18231833

you should be more enthusiastic about not getting liquidated than profiting
use it as a lesson and use stops for fucks sake
if you feel fear while trading youre shit at trading and need to further understand what it is you're doing
risk management is #1

>> No.18231915

thanks for the advice anon