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18221331 No.18221331 [Reply] [Original]

Who benefits from restarting the economy? Is there any point?

>> No.18221395
File: 384 KB, 754x1158, 1585728653548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do rich guys really get to fuck their hot maids whenever they want?

>> No.18221432


>> No.18221471

Juden, as always

>> No.18221608

if she declines you just fire her

>> No.18222051 [DELETED] 

whenever you think shitcoin shilling can't get more retarded and cringy another XRP thread pops up

>> No.18222803
File: 8 KB, 245x206, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obvious homos showing women their place. Not one normal man.

>> No.18222926

(you) on the tray

>> No.18223216

(((who)) indeed

>> No.18223381

>Do rich guys really get to fuck their hot maids whenever they want?
Yes. The rich guys hold all the power since they can fire them and leave atrocious feedback to their agency (if they have one).
If the rich guys are married the maids obviously have some power too since they can potentially rat the rich guy out, but even that will obviously get her fired anyway, so not much she can do.
Not to mention that women are attracted to power and maids are generally poor and super attracted to rich guys and don't mind fucking them, so it's not like it's extortion.

>> No.18223389
File: 49 KB, 652x403, giandrea-sprague-fig4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If done like liberals want it, it will cull the weak and leave the herd stronger. If done like before it will just further reinforce the financial elite at the cost of workers. If done right, it is an opportunity for building a better system.

>> No.18223487


People who hold assets that can't be inflated away win. Gold, metal, crypto, certain stocks, property and of course LAND.

>> No.18224181
File: 347 KB, 642x482, DE071527-61D4-403A-81C6-D8230AD90350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Schwarzenigger and this is what you end up with

>> No.18224552

pussy is pussy, and given the opportunity I would too.
It should also be mentioned that maids either live in the house or at least work there many hours per week. Imagine being home alone working in your office or something and this maid walks in. You are a little horny. Why not go for it? Why bother calling a hooker who will show up 2 hours later because of LA traffic when you can just fuck your maid?

>> No.18224590


>> No.18224706

thats not his wife ?

>> No.18224927


Anyone that over leveraged themselves and didn't keep 6 months of operating expenses at hand that could stretch that out even longer with furloughs.

>> No.18225001

how did you make it green?

>> No.18225022


>> No.18225028


>> No.18225058

Imagine having all the leisure time in the world and the money to hire the best personal trainer and you still choose to be a fat limp-wristed blob.

>> No.18225632

He actually cares a lot, hes a little bitch. Imagine your illegitimate step-brother completely showing you up despite you having all the resources in the world.

>> No.18226084

He's the son of Arnold. He doesn't have to impress anyone least of all with muscles. Maybe he even deliberately doesn't care about muscles since it would always place him in the shadow of his father. Now the illegitimate son on the other hand, he has something to prove.

>> No.18226107

people with saved money

>> No.18226518

He doesn't have to.

>> No.18226570


>> No.18226572
File: 82 KB, 500x375, earthcult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's being done by the Earth Cult people (the ones using Greta as their mouthpiece). They think they're saving Earth.

>> No.18226796

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