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18212360 No.18212360 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that COVID can permanently damage your lungs? My chest has been hurting for two weeks but I never had a fever. So I never got tested. But I definitely feel it’s my lungs because my wind isn’t what it’s supposed to be. I’m scared bros

>> No.18212398

If you didn't get pneumonia you're probably fine.

But what the fuck do I know ask a doctor not 4chan retard

>> No.18212491

fever is not present in all cases, though usually covid appears in the guts or wind bags (not sure about other organs). good luck dude

>> No.18212519

Chest hurt is never the lungs because you don't have pain receptors in the lungs. It's probably the spine. Did you carry anything heavy? Or maybe you sit on a desk all day and never do sports?

>> No.18212569

Could also be the heart.

>> No.18212616
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Probably not.
Personally, from all the information I've gathered, I would strongly advise going on a low inflammation diet at this point. Fluid in the lungs causing damage, that could be an issue. There are techniques to improve lung capacity, should damage at some point occur, but it's better to prevent than have to fix. Avoid the easy traps, so sugar and smoking. So you want to avoid that fluid from getting there in the first place, e.g. low inflammation diet. Not a doctor, so I might be wrong here, though I doubt it.
Personally doing carnivore diet and I personally feel Corona bulletproof, though that might also be not the case. Stay away from 5G and wifi as much as you can, as well. I'm not even memeing at this point, a lot of information is pointing to negative changes in electrical activity functioning as a trigger for causing viral infections such as Corona. The city of Wuhan had a major 5G rollout, not long ago.
These are hypotheses and conjectures at this point, do your own research.

>> No.18213107
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Im not an athlete but I’m not a complete slug, I used to have to walk around for my retail wagie. Haven’t been there in over three weeks because it’s a tiny box with poor ventilation. We also had international travelers coming all through January and February including ones from China and Europe.

I’ve heard for a long time from a fellow named KT The Arch Degree that 5G is a major component of promoting this virus. We have a 5G connection at my house. I suppose I should find a way to cut that signal off and keep the 2G going.

Do you have any tips on implementing the low inflammation diet? Thansk for your responses frens.