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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18206991 No.18206991 [Reply] [Original]

Are the incels done seething? Can we get back to discussing business and finance?

Pic related, if you ever wanted to own property you will be able to get quite a few steals in a few months. My money is waiting.

>> No.18207022
File: 48 KB, 860x599, 1585101829274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there really kikes out there with 30 fucking mortgages on properties doing SHORT TERM rentals, and they had the audacity to tell concerned citizens that this had no effect on the price of housing?

>> No.18207053

Yes. Its going to be an absolute bloodbath

>> No.18207060

I'm keeping optimistic about a housing crash, but if people take advantage of this to buy up lots and slumlord them, doesn't it just prove that it's an endless cycle where the banks always win in the end?

>> No.18207072

I don’t give a shit about americucks

>> No.18207128

airbnb is multinational, this hits everywhere with tourism

>> No.18207159

This is the BEST feeling ever. Nothing makes me happier then seeing Chainlink fail and Linkers suffering immensely. Fucking beautiful. The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam. Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $2.00 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $1.00 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all Linkies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their asshole continuously while refreshing binance. The $0.20 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in LINK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to binance to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the deluded Linkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Deluded Linkies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you Linkies. There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be deluded, don’t be a stinky linky

>> No.18207171

Finally, cheap houses again! I can't fucking wait!

>> No.18207174

ha ha she did a porno

>> No.18207203

When the crash happens, FHA will completely disappear. You’ll be able to get mortgages with 40%+ down. Only those with BTC and Gold will be ready. Banks will be begging to suck your dick if you have BTC.

>> No.18207265

Thats weird, you are posting on an american forum. Maybe find a forum for your third world shithole instead?

>> No.18207291

I don’t give a shit about americucks

>> No.18207301
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>going into the bank to buy a house after the recession

>> No.18207319

Those airbnb jews deserve what's coming to them. Literally over leveraged on fucking ridiculous risky business. Where's the fucking sense in anything anymore? Fucking cucks.

>> No.18207324

yea but even right now if you own Bitcoin who cares because at only 6500 per Bitcoin what type of house are you buying? See my point.

>> No.18207408

>mfw making the decision to go under contract on a house now because the risk of losing 15-20% and having to wait 4 years for it to return is infinitely more appetizing than the risk of holding out and not having a locked-in monthly payment if hyperinflation hits

I’m not advocating everybody do what I’m doing since everyone’s situation is different, but be careful. If you hold assets you’re confident in retaining value then by all means wait. Most of my net worth is in paper ponzi money so I’d rather put it into a place to live than let it become worthless as the brrrrr machine continues.

>> No.18207457

I'm waiting for the crash, make it rain baby!

>> No.18207459

If you had saved capital instead of buying avocado toast, it would be a good time to acquire property.

>> No.18207628

A year's supply of avocado toast is apparently $600 according to a condo sales group in my city.

>> No.18207669

Silence, worm!

>> No.18207695

I’m about to close on a house and I’m not really sure what happens next. I guess I hope for high inflation?

>> No.18207738
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Government central banks slashed interest rates but the banks are increasing them pricing in risk, mortgages will be 5-7% interest in the coming years so prices will need to fall at least 50% minimum to be affordable, considering unemployment is going to 2-30% minimum and middle class jobs will no longer exist more realistically housing prices will fall 75-90% and take decades to recover if it all. Politically we will see the rise of left wing radicalism and capital gains tax on real estate for those who do manage to profit will be at least 75%+

>> No.18207766

just closed last month comfy as fuck desu

the market will not collapse. screen cap this

>> No.18207798

That’s what I’m doing.
The other thing too is a house (if it’s your primary residence, and mine will be) is as much a survival investment as it is an economic one. I’d rather min-max in other investments, stability when it comes to housing is much more appealing to me.
/biz/ will call this cope but most of /biz/ can’t afford to buy a house in the best of times so they’re worth ignoring.

>> No.18207842
File: 171 KB, 1079x1226, The sudden collapse of AirBNB has been, legitimately, the funniest fucking thing I’ve watched play out this past month.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18207845

These people are exaggerating.

>> No.18207920

>the people shilling rent evasion are actually colossal airbnb subletting jews

>> No.18208083

>Are the incels done seething?
Are the Jeets done shilling?
Are the closet homos done posting trannies?
Are the racists done blaming jews?


>> No.18208111

Right, in a total collapse at least I have a house. If inflation then hooray? My interest rate is under 3%. If the housing market just crashed? Well I guess I overpaid, but my mortgage matches my rent do not that bad I guess?

I know someone with 5 such properties. And I hardly know anyone. I doubt he is shilling anywhere. He’s just going to walk away and fall into another stupid easy way to make money like always.

>> No.18208112
File: 15 KB, 615x360, comoundinterest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not appreciating $600/annum
this is why you will never make it

>> No.18208176

Retardocados aside, Where the fuck are you getting an 8% interest rate? You estimating an index fund or something similar?

>> No.18208196

Judaism is a religion, not a race.

>8% interest
>100 years
Just invest in miracles until you're 120, bro.

>> No.18208251


>> No.18208297

The stimulus is buying CDOs preemptively this time. Banks won't default but the secondary market for these houses is going to be cheapppp

>> No.18208425

Im planning to go bid on a foreclosure in Silver Oz.

>> No.18208456

You have the right idea but your numbers are a little hopeful. I would say a 20%-30% drop is reasonable, even a little high.
Don't forget what will happen with foreign investors...

>> No.18208517
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These events are intrinsically related to each other.

>> No.18208541
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Would fucking love to see even a sliver of evidence to support this fucking argument

>> No.18208545

Don't forget that Japanese commerical real estate is down NINETY FUCKING PERCENT from it's highs

Imagine owning RE bags at this point LOL. If the FED manages to keep this shit propped up again it will be a miracle.

>> No.18208565

go to airbnb.com, pick a state, look at listings, they all slashed prices 30-50%, probably just the cost of their mortgage. Click on hosts, see how many properties the hosts have. I was skeptical too but hes not wrong

>> No.18209519

I need a strong man, to cum in my ass.

>> No.18209610

Projectile or intraneously?

>> No.18209676

>AirBnB is about to crash the housing market
Imagine believing it was airbnb
>2008 all over again
this tard has no fuckin clue whats happening, probably a biz tard.
'08 has to be paid back, even Mervyn King uses phrases like 'kicked the can down the road'.

Shame most refuse to understand double entry bookkeeping

>> No.18209883

>Are the racists done blaming jews?
I cant speak to your other questions but I can give you a firm "no" on this one.