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File: 1.74 MB, 1652x3056, NocoinerSuicideWatchNewYearEdition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1818647 No.1818647 [Reply] [Original]

People often ask "how do I get rich". Well, here's an example:


Tim Draper's $19 million BTC investment is now worth $35 million.

What a legend, scooping up 32,000 Bitcoins in a BEAR market, being ridiculed for it by trolls as the price halved, sitting pretty now. Yes he could have bought the coins cheaper but he put his money where his mouth is and helped to buy out the SR coins in a huge way. Now he's up millions of dollars and the party just began.

This is exactly how it's done. Take big risks into something you believe in, be ahead of the pack. Do this a couple of time and your initial 10,000 investment will turn into a million.

You need luck? Sure, but you need to know the fundamentals too. This board has been told to get in on Bitcoin since it was $150 after the big MtGox crash. You got EXPLAINED why it was a good opportunity. Then $450 after the Bitfinex august hack, then after the PBOC crash.

You have been told this is something huge and in the long term those would get rendered as excellent entry points.

Similarly to Tim, by looking at the data, I stuck real to my vision of bitcoin being something too important to vanish, and now im up 6 figures after an initial $20,000 investment. This was a big risk for me, I could have put those into more comfy investments, or just let it rot in the bank, I wanted something radical, and bitcoin was it.

The moral of the story is: Take big risks into something that seems reasonable to you and have luck, everything else is dogshit. You aren't going to beat the time/money graph without taking big risks. Now I just need to repeat this feat with my $100,000+ which I can afford to lose and i'll be a millionaire

>> No.1818651
File: 2.29 MB, 1763x1764, pizzapass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is over now.

The top shall blow off and all the untraceable money makers are about to find out the penalty for earning "something for nothing".

>> No.1818668

Someone ban this fucking windowlicker.

>> No.1818686

Why so emotional?

>> No.1818699

>be millionaire in BTC
>try to liquidate a large sum
>cause market collapse

>> No.1819247


Tbh to make money from money you either need to have a lot of it in the first place and you can play it safe or you have to go balls to the wall if you dont have much to begin with.

>> No.1819249
File: 4 KB, 23x24, 4chan-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19M to 35M

That's not even double faggot.

Oh wow, someone almost doubled their money. Whoopy! You can do that in a day in options.

Troll harder nigger.

>> No.1819252

B-But it's $16 million

>> No.1819690

The nocoiner suicide watch is real.

>> No.1819695
File: 90 KB, 1453x788, 9h98UIu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1819713

Daily volume is 140 million. You could sell $500,000 a day and it would be a all-but-unnoticeable blip if you spread it out over multiple exchanges

>> No.1819716

PSA that the next such opportunity is Ethereum. Anything sub-15 is a bargain considering that it will be 20-30 by the end of 2017

>> No.1819719


thats why you set up put options first. make sure they expire on the day of sell off. double profit.

>> No.1819724

"traders" are cucks

"We've reached the ATH ! Time to sell, I'll buy back after the dip! Haha im so clever, I know exactly where the price is headed!"

Traders have no idea where the price is going and usually end up losing money but never admit it.

The only smart people are those who hold indefinitely

>> No.1819743


>In order to get rich you have to take big risks


>> No.1819871

Congrats on the gains, OP.

>> No.1819872

Only the brave ones make money.

>> No.1819888

What do you guys use to buy/sell bitcoins?

>> No.1819894

New to BTC here, any chance the price will drop and rise like this again? should I just buy now or wait?

>> No.1819918 [DELETED] 

Monero is the only truly fungible cryptocurrency available and now people are getting caught on DNM through Bitcoin.
Monero is the answer::

>> No.1819942

...and thats why we stubbornly buy ethereum

>> No.1819950

nocoiners.. when will they learn?

>> No.1819984

Can someone tell me when I should get in on this? I've been waiting since they were $200, always waiting for a crash...

Should I just buy-in at this all time high? I don't want to miss when this bitch blasts off.

>> No.1819986

To kind of answer my own question here, (couple of posts below yours), I don't think it will ever crash as hard as it did before. Simply because people have watched it recover after drop from 1000 to 100 and then back up to all time highs. People will be much more willing to sit tight and bag hold through another crash now.

>> No.1819987

you will never get in, crashes have happened since 200$, but you'll forever think that it'll surely crash it a bit more.

You'll also never buy exactly because it crashes, you'll forever rationalize and tell yourself boy am I happy I didn't get in at x because it now is at x-(x*0.1)

>> No.1819991

So what do?

>> No.1819997

don't get in, it'll save you money. If, and this is a big if, you'll ever buy in, you'll just fomo, and panic sell and end up losing money

>> No.1820002

No I will hold forever!!

>> No.1820199

If you want a 5 to 10 year holding position it doesn't matter.

>> No.1821276
