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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18184004 No.18184004 [Reply] [Original]

Only 25 more years until I finish paying off my student loan debt

>> No.18184236

Maybe you should have majored in something useful ?

>> No.18184249

You should be cheerleading for hyperinflation right now

>> No.18184283

I have a mid-upper level starting salary for biomed engineering and will still be paying student debt for 20 years. Sucks but I don’t want to buy a house any time soon so that helps me cope at least

>> No.18184315

>dropped out of school
>paid off student loan debt in like 2 or 3 years from the 2 years I went
>my school is now saying I owe for an entire semester that I never even went to, wrote a single test, attended a single lecture, wrote a single exam, bought a single online course for, etc
>I dropped out and filled out my papers after 1st semester's final exams during the week break between
>Still says I owe like $4500~ from the semester after I dropped out

I dont even know how to begin to fight this, it was so long ago (like 6 years) but I only started getting calls from collection agencies last year for it.

>> No.18184390
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Never thought of it that way. Good point.

Could be worse. I owe a stupid absurd amount from 3 of the worst years of my life in grad school. Paying it off in 25 years for me isn't even a stretch.

>> No.18184727

lmao burgercope

>> No.18184744

>willingly entering a contract for something superfluous is the same as being born into slavery

>> No.18184762

There are no non minimum wage jobs that require just a high school diploma

>> No.18184809

>There are no non minimum wage jobs that require just a high school diploma
Flat out false.

>> No.18184854

>bro, how was I supposed to know taking on $200k in debt was a BAD idea??? wtf that's like hard math bro
>what do you mean I should have gone to a cheaper school or gone to community college for the first two years then transferred to a cheap college wtf bro that's hard math
Expensive schools are for the wealthy who's parents will pay or people who can get scholarships to pay for it all.

>> No.18184913
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>I'm too low IQ to make something of myself without a college degree.
>I'm too low-T to start a business or go into a trade where I have to do manual labor.
>I need a piece of expensive paper to fool companies into thinking I learned something in college and that I didn't sit through class drunk and high.
Go back to the COPE-A-CABANA!

>> No.18185491

>just start a business

Jobs in my area are low wage service sector. You cant get anything good unless youre related to business owners