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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18183646 No.18183646 [Reply] [Original]

oh yeah baby right on time

>> No.18183669

And they're not even reporting the marketcap anymore. lmao! Crypto is 99% fake volume and wash trading!

>> No.18183755

1.5 billion is nothing

>> No.18183773

and if you want to see it live

5M from the treasury

transaction detail
> https://whale-alert.io/transaction/ethereum/5695b824ed2922bf0f632395a6a68f7823b0fe743b0992207db03b8b34b7844b

5m send to this address
> https://etherscan.io/address/29146557ce37eaf8090a4300b5083a40ef28687b#tokentxns

immediately sending 2m to this address
> https://etherscan.io/address/0xd6e7772e4ad872ee29128b0ed3d8e521295119ef#tokentxns
which basically just send money to binance

>> No.18183816

if you play your cards right, buying at the right time and putting buy walls at the right price you can move btc price by hundreds of dollars with a few millions

>> No.18184140

one bumb
I'll just make an other thread tomorrow when they print an other 120M anyway

>> No.18184158

haha number go up

>> No.18184199

Its almost as if people got free money to invest in high risk assets.


>> No.18184213
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1billion : 1,000,000,000,000
1Thousand Million: 1,000,000,000

>> No.18184279

look a the tweet faggot, they admit it's not backed

don't have the room for that

>> No.18184307

just a quick question for you, if tether was REALLY minting out of nowhere & WASNT redeeming for exchanges

then why is usdc price of btc same as usdt price?

you realise they can only mint usdt... if they buy usdc it distorts the ratio... so its a big nothingberg fud.

>> No.18184361
File: 27 KB, 445x336, 1563309021203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because most of the trading volume is done in USDT
there's no volume on the other stable coin pairs

>> No.18184388

doesnt really answer the question, theres still alot of action done on other pairs, just less. usdc/usdt pair would see fast slippage if anything funky was going on

>> No.18184441

The price of any coin will be equal across all exchanges because of arbitrage

>> No.18184453

>usdc/usdt pair would see fast slippage if anything funky was going on
no because the majority of this market actually believe tether is backed, so they keep using USDT
nobody is selling large amount into the other stable coin precisely because they want to avoid slippage on such shitty liquidity pair, and since they trust USDT why use something else

>> No.18184515

no thats not correct, think about it

>you have btc & usdc
>you notice btc is much higher in usdt
>you sell your btc for usdt
>you buy your btc back for less with usdc
you have successfully arbititaged, right?

no, you are lower on usdc now -so either you run out and cannot arbitage any more, or buy more usdc with your usdt.

breaking the ratio which ends arbititage. exchanges are able to redeem usdt or the pairs would collapse

>> No.18184536

>you have successfully arbititaged, right?

If the price is $7000 for USDT but $6800 for USDC. You would buy Bitcoin in USDC and then sell it for USDT. Thus increase the USDC price and decreasing the USDT price. This will continue until the prices equalize.

>> No.18184547

>you notice btc is much higher in usdt
except that it's not the case, difference between stable coin is less than $0.1, precisely because they are all supposed to be 1 to 1 with USD
and again the majority trust usdt being backed and value it at $1

>> No.18184550

Based tether printer autismo, youre the only one keeping track and calling these scammers out

>> No.18185018

So what you are trying to say is that we are gonna crash hard really soon?

>> No.18185136

right but you now have more usdt & less usdc,

to get back to your original you need to swap on the pair, breaking the ratio

>> No.18185156

tethers are printed to pump or support the price
they are supposed to stop dump

>> No.18186150

Meaning once they stop printing crypto is gonna plummet? Or once USD loses value?

>> No.18186277

USD losing value would not really have an impact on USDT it's supposed to be 1 to 1
they have no reason to stop printing as long as this market trust them

>> No.18186309
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Trust me it's not 'nothing'. Cryptomarketcap prices are inflated AF. 99% of the volume is washtrading.