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File: 40 KB, 616x498, images - 2020-03-30T155857.542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18178955 No.18178955 [Reply] [Original]

Id argue millenials are the most pathetic generation in US history.
Even more so than generation x.

>> No.18178980

green id and dubs confirm

>> No.18178996

Are these stats real?
No fucking way everyone is so poor

>> No.18179003

yeah our good ol boomer parents sent us off to uni to get laden with debt and flooded the workforce with our women and brown invaders

>> No.18179022

I'm fuckin rich though, dgaf.

>> No.18179034

follow the breadcrumbs

>> No.18179035

Nobody held a gun to your head fag, always manage to come up with excuses for yourselves huh, pathetic

>> No.18179099

>our good ol boomer parents sent us off to uni

Those are the lucky ones whose parents gave a shit. The fact that a degree is now required for low level of jobs screwed over those unable to afford one. Used to be that you could support a family, housewife included, with a high school diploma but a lot of those factory jobs were sent oversees. Meanwhile the degree mills have absolutely taken advantage of this by hiking the price up as much as people are willing to pay; since people view their product as a necessity they can charge whatever they want and generally do.

>> No.18179150

well we're also younger, it's normal boomers have more wealth, they are older.
they have still fucked us over though for the long term, and whether millenials do any better as parents remains to be seen

>> No.18179166

There is nothing like a Gen X. They are just young Boomer.

>> No.18179183

>muh women
>muh brown people
Excuses. What a loser

>> No.18179184

>go to college or die as burgerflipper
>whoops looks like you need a college degree to be a burgerflipper

>> No.18179190

Feels good to be making 70k with no degree, no overtime, and no backbreaking labor. Honestly, those who weren't "lucky enough to have parents who care" have little excuse.

>> No.18179196

Is immigration devaluing the labor force a meme?

>> No.18179199

>whether millenials do any better as parents remains to be seen
Not really. Look at how the zoomers have turned out and how gen alpha is turning out; entitled just like their parents, addicted to and dependent on technology (esp smartphones), it’s why you so often see kids playing with tablets and the like instead of actual toys or outside. Their lazy parents couldn’t be bothered to do anything other than saddle them with a dopamine addiction and something akin to playing the slots from an early age

>> No.18179221

>go to college
>fuck around for 4yrs either doing some useless sociology-type degree or the like
>not doing internships because you “like, just don’t know what I wanna do with my life yet”
>consequently can’t get a good job when your competing with all these people who who started preparing from at least their sophomore year or end up in some middling or shitty essentially dead-end job that won’t let you pay down your debt anytime soon
>i-i-it was my parents fault and those evil boomers
>they made us have to get degrees but nobody ever told me I actually had to put in any graft beyond doing my useless assignments

>> No.18179225

Gen Z is mostly the children of Gen X barring the youngest of them, and Gen Alpha is still entirely composed of children. It's going to be another 15 years before we start to see the full outcome of Millennial parenting.

>> No.18179227

Holy. Fuck. I feel a lot less worse making 30k at 24 now

>> No.18179241

they basically have no choice, in the past you had grandparents/wife etc general family surrounding you to help with kids
today the family is spread all over the place, it's not really common to see extended family all living in the same area, so you loose that support
(mine are all over the uk and even some are abroad)
and what makes it worse is the wife having to work as well

>> No.18179271

I understand, but just look at what kids in their early pubescent years are like, or how often you see children staring at tablet screens or phones like zombies in restaurants where you can already tell they’re going to grow up addicted to their smartphones, always scrolling down to refresh that Instagram feed or whatever shitty shallow social media will be around then designed to keep people glued to their screens. The signs of lazy parenting are already making themselves apparent. And a more fringe note look at all the pubescents being allowed to have hormone therapy by their millennial parents, the amount of millennials that want to push sex Ed to younger and younger years etc.

>> No.18179274

I'm STEM you retarded shit. I didn't get a proper job in mech engineering until well over 2 years after grinding shitty office jobs. And now my current job is on the line because it's tied to oil. When the boomers start dying en masse people like me are going to sit back and laugh at you parasitic leeches as you struggle to breathe.

>> No.18179292

>tfw ZOOMER that makes more money in the fucking netherlands
what the fuck are you guys doing over there?

>> No.18179299

>thinks any boomers visit 4chan
>couldn’t get an engineering job until 2yrs after graduation college
Ask me how I know you went to some middling school or didn’t have much of an impressive cv by the time you graduated. Things are more competitive now, adapt by differentiating yourself or get left behind. People who blame their mediocrity on their parents or some strange conspiracy against an entire generation are ngmi

>> No.18179309

Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit. Bootlickers follow their masters.

>> No.18179314

You must realize that jobs are a limited resource right? You don't really think that you got that job purely due to hard work and that no luck was involved? Stop being so arrogant and you'll go even further.

>> No.18179318

The US has a god awful job market. Best approach is to start your own business, but that has a high failure rate.

Combine that with debt and its no surprise.

>> No.18179328

Where do you think your thoughts and ideas come from?

>> No.18179329



>> No.18179335

What’s your degree, boomer?

>> No.18179345
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>> No.18179363
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>if we double the people in the workforce and import 50+ million shitskins the number of available jobs and the wages they pay will be unaffected

>> No.18179399
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>Blah blah blah blah I'm going to blame my failure of a life on a minority group because it's much easier to whine

>> No.18179406

Low interest rates>>18178955

>> No.18179417

I smell bullshit. Both my parents worked so they made sure I was always doing some extracurricular so I wouldn’t be home when at least my mother wasn’t. I understand some parents are simply too poor to have their kids do some sport outside school or live in a poor enough neighbourhood where their school practically doesn’t offer any after school activities but these aren’t typically the type of parents that afford to have tablets and smartphones though

>> No.18179436

Kek guess that mediocre part really struck deep didn’t it
Economics so literally not even anything special or particularly useful but by the time I graduated I’d done a spring week, a placement, and an internship so had no trouble getting a well-paying job. Also I’m only 23, don’t have to be a boomer to realise what absolute fags millennials are

>> No.18179444

>retarded and useless brainlet that produces nothing of value
>but I have a cushy parasite job :^)

>> No.18179462

Because we grew up in the 90's that everyone romanticizes, but in reality were nihilistic as fuck. Nothing matters, everything is cool except for religion, nothing can go wrong if you don't take anything seriously. It was so fucking warped.
I all set now, my wife and I are 8X over what this piece of shit shows, but my early 20's were a nihilistic goddamn nightmare.

>> No.18179469
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>I don't understand economics and can't understand there are reasons you people are poor during a total economic collapse

>> No.18179472

>triggered because he can’t make money despite doing a superior degree
Oh poor entitled anon
Also checked

>> No.18179474

What does your dad do?

>> No.18179487

my parents both worked 9-5 and we were 4 so try organizing activities for all of us
we got dumped on a myriad of babysitters and childcare places 5 times a week because school ended at 3pm

>> No.18179496

He was in the merchant marine for a long time then worked some on oil tankers and a refinery and currently pretty much retired

>> No.18179504

> we need to ban productive people from participating in the workforce so that actual entrepreneurs have to put up with millennial whiners who need dildo time when not on home office

>> No.18179516

Luck played some role, sure. But so did hard work. I got hired at my first job because of my military experience. My first year out of the military I made 92k (with significant overtime mind you).
And the jobs are there. I worked in fucking field service. Companies are always hurting for people to work field service to the point where I reject multiple field service job offers monthly. Jobs are there. People just dont want them.

>> No.18179524

>a myriad of babysitters and childcare places 5 times a week
I’m not usually one of those privilege guys but do you not realise you’re lucky your parents had access to that? Imo still better than giving your child some tablet or smartphone WHILE they’re with you (which is what my original point was) because you can’t be bothered to actually read to them or really do anything with them. That’s what my complaint is about, not parents who both have to work 9-5 or even later than that or parents that can’t afford to send their children to childcare or get babysitters. It’s middle class parents who when they are with their kids just opt for the lowest-effort route there is and just give them what is essentially a handheld slot machine (google study, not my words)

>> No.18179537
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When Schlomoburg crashes your investments, your pets vote in communism and rashad or Jose abuse, beat and starve you in the old folks home, remember this is what you wanted you traitor.

>> No.18179547
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>He thinks his crybaby post is "economics"

>> No.18179599

they didn't exist back then but i bet we would have had one if they did

>> No.18179605
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You're going to end up poor and begging for the younger generations you betrayed to help you.

>> No.18179622

>You're going to end up poor and begging for the younger generations you betrayed to help you.
Nope. If you actually knew how economics worked then you would work your way through the system, especially in times like this, but me and you know you're simply a wimp looking for excuses

>> No.18179644

> your pets vote in communism
Communism is what you're already asking for, faggot.
If labour is so cheap start your own business and make mad bucks.

>> No.18179665

It's more pathetic when you realize that millenials are between 23 and 39 years old. They aren't kids anymore. All of the 90s kids grew up without any marketable skills.

>> No.18179683

I'm a millenial with an actual job and doing well (high above median anyway), and he's fucking right. You have no idea how hard us 2008 graduates had to work, how much competition there was. Meanwhile my dad talks about getting a job like it was a breeze.
You are an example of the decadent class from decaying times. Smug and ignorant. If a war does start, you will be among the first to lose it all, not the guy you're replying to.

>> No.18179686

It's not about blaming minority groups. It's about how cancerous the system is. Western countries are extremely undesirable for people who actually want to have children or be social in any genuine form, because Western countries are degenerate as fuck shitholes. So they import 3rd worlders who grow up in countries that aren't degenerate and also try to attract capital by having low taxes for the super rich. Think of Germany not having a wealth tax, having an extremely low (if not lowest in the world) birth rate, not taxing crypto, importing tons of people (not only "specialists" but also families who have many children), etc.

The problem is that Western countries like Germany or the USA are degenerate, anti-social, anti-family shitholes producing zero social capital, but only leeching in an extremely parasitic manner. This has nothing to do with "hating on minorities." Hating on minorities simply distracts from the real problem.

>> No.18179698
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I'm better off than 90% of first worlders. You don't understand economics and you're going to be btfo in the coming decade or two.
>yes my shitskin pets vote 80% to the left and are socialists
>y-you want communism because you want closed borders and a traditional society
>I-if labor is so cheap why don't you betray your principles, nation and race and hire shitskins.
I've owned businesses, I speak 3 languages and I'm going to support my people.
You have no spine and no character and your ancestors are ashamed of you.

>> No.18179747

>a war does start, you will be among the first to lose it all, not the guy you're replying to.
Well yeah what does some poorfag have to lose kek

>> No.18179765

>I'm a millenial with an actual job and doing well
Cringe, no you don't. Otherwise you wouldn't be whining about muh brownz and wimminz stealin our jerbs. So funny when people have to LARP to prove a point hahaha if you're going to pick a graduate year then at least choose 2010 to be realistic this time.

Only post I agree with, but I'd argue it's much more complicated

>I'm better off than 90% of first worlders
Yes better at typing crybaby posts ;)

>> No.18179768

This next war they will blame immigrants and poor people

>> No.18179774
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millenials are to old to go to war

>> No.18179782
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My net worth is higher than yours and I didn't have to betray my race, family or nation to get it.

>> No.18179789

wages aren't going up for any job. When I looked in 2017 the jobs I could get out of college were offering $40k a year. Now, they still offer the same.

>> No.18179807
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>they believe whatever scapegoat we told them

>> No.18179816


Just say no matter what happens, if things get fucked up, we will attack our political leaders and rich elite. Problem solved.

>> No.18179832


Well they should quit causing problems

>> No.18179918

But millinials chose to take on that debt and they scream "MAH DIVERSITY!" from the rooftops.

>> No.18179966

Entry level jobs dont move much unless the market place is short for new talent, which its not, thanks to Boomers and Millinials demanding more brown people. Really are the two worst generations ever. Promotions are another story.

>> No.18179981

You have owned no businesses and you can't support yourself enough to stop whining, let alone supporting your people. No-one is believing your larp.

>> No.18179997
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>> No.18180014

Its just so crazy. They demand open borders. Which means shitskins flood the country lowering wages and driving up rent. Then wonder why their wages are so low and rent so high. Boomers love that shit. Means they dont have to pay high labor costs and their property values go up. Then their dumbass fucking kids demand more of it because their to stupid to figure out whats fucking their lives up. Its truly like watching clownworld in action.

>> No.18180031

You're whining on a Japanese anime site with a stranger calling them names because they told the truth about the economic repercussions of older generations. You definitely can't be better off by your own standards you just claimed. There is no higher ground for you.

It doesn't matter if you believe my larp. I still am worth more than you and I didn't need to betray my country and people to get my wealth.
Stay poor retard. In the next 10 and 20 years I'll only have more wealth and more family that loves me.
You'll have neither.

>> No.18180058

Take your meds shizo anon

>> No.18180065

jesus christ thanks for the xxl blackpill this morning anon

>> No.18180163

Yeah want a bigger black pill using that data?
Look at the median and minimum wages in their gold value.
You'll see that from the mid 40s to the mid 70s, the full time(40hr/week) minimum wage in gold paid 36 ozs of gold a year.
Today the MEDIAN wage pays 18 gold ozs per year and today's full time minimum wage 8.5 ozs of gold.

TLDR Minimum wage when boomers was growing up was with double the median wage of today without factoring in much higher taxes of present day.

Minimum wage from the mid 40s to the mid 70s paid almost 5x the value of today's minimum wage work

>> No.18180376

wtf i thought it was common for americans to make 50k ++

>> No.18180436

The mean household income is 60k

>> No.18180479

Successful ones do....
On average college grads make 50k starting. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/15/college-grads-expect-to-earn-60000-in-their-first-job----few-do.html

To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if that map is completely fabricated

>> No.18180529

Why do millennials larp as boomers on here? Do you really hate yourselves that much?

>> No.18180610
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>> No.18180677

>there's no such thing as workforce conditions
>pointing out how selling out your culture, and national values going back to your founding fathers is whining
>all that matters is working and capital

>> No.18180682

The reality is that in Tennessee the wages are ridiculously low and I can't find an explanation to why. Jobs in my county are few and the ones that are available pay jack shit.

I moved here for an 80k/year job at a startup that ended up being a complete sham and now I'm better off taking the unemployment than actually working. I've got experience in Utility Forestry but every asshole in this town wants to start me at $13/hr because I did all of my work and training in Alaska.

How the fuck does a job as an armed guard pay $14/hr? Seriously, fuck the bullshit about people being lazy or unwilling to better themselves. A man refilling ATMs and potentially getting blasted by niggers should be making at least a fucking wage to support a family.

I'm a capitalist so I can't argue with the structure and minimum wages never answer the problem. The only real answer is to start a business or sell something online.

>> No.18180691

Ok boomer

>> No.18180793
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>I'm a capitalist
Why? capitalism and communism are two sides of the same coin.

>> No.18180826

Mostly because my long plan is to get out as far away from government and pay the least amount of tax possible.

I'd be far more inclined to NatSoc if we had racial hegemony.

>> No.18180917

That's fair.
Why not go to Russia? Tax rate is like 7%, it is 95% white, it is cheap and gun ownership is allowed.

>> No.18180938

Because Russia is still a totalitarian state sadly. Oligarchs still own that shit.

>> No.18180974
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America, Britain, etc aren't totalitarian?

>> No.18181035

Millenials are scum

>> No.18181040

Same Boat. Graduated '08...right into the recession shitstorm. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's all said I was not qualified enough. All the old people started taking our typical teenage jobs and no one was hiring you if you didn't have experience.

>> No.18181111

Agreed. I don't know what the fuck happened to my generation. If I ever got to be president I would genocide them all.

>> No.18181158
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As a Gen Z this shit couldn't be any more obvious. They fell for so many Consoomer traps that life is automatically better by just avoiding how they lived it

>> No.18181168

numbers checked
we will remember this promise when you get there, anon

>> No.18181175

Suddenly I understand that I, in fact, am crushing it as a millennial.

>> No.18181184

ITT: retards who don’t see that the data is from 2014.

>> No.18181189

>complaining about being sent to university
No one told you to get a useless degree

>> No.18181266

Well, go try being an entrepreneur in Russia and get back to me.

>> No.18181342
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Will do

>> No.18181384


How is living in Montana like?
Im thinking about to move into Helena over there, because it looks actually based af over there.
Am a Germanfag

>> No.18181396

this makes me feel better about myself making $70k a year

>> No.18181507

I'm teaching my kids that capitalism is evil and showing them how to use guns and grow food, that's the best gift I can pass down

>> No.18182145

Gen Z's is even worse. It's sad, really.

>> No.18182350

>making only $21K in California
How are you not homeless?

>> No.18182392


>Cali real estate isn't a bubble, they said

>> No.18182414

Then why are you using a computer created by evil capitalists? Get off my internet hypocrite.

>> No.18182416

>dude just b urself what do you mean you aren't in the 99th percentile of the applicant pool?
Bootlickers of a corrupt system get the rope along with their masters

>> No.18182439

This, each generation has only degenerated further. Imagine what's coming next.

>> No.18182501

>but these aren’t typically the type of parents that afford to have tablets and smartphones though

You don't know any poor people. Every single child these days has a tablet and smartphone these days. Tablets and smartphones are considered essential parenting tools the same as toys and diapers now.

>> No.18182584

The youngest bracket isn't. I'm 24 and still eligible for the draft.

>> No.18182858

Not according to the center for immigration studies

>> No.18182888


It's the simplest math possible. Like stage 1 economics. Globalists put together lots of cope studies that say they're a "net benefit over time" ignoring the fact that an immigrant from 1900 isn't an immigrant from 2020.

>> No.18182926

>Nobody held a gun to your head
actually yes, you nigger boomieshit

>> No.18182958

Lol including college kids with minimal to no income in the numbers. Run it for older millennials and the numbers change drastically

>> No.18182965

What the fuck do these fags expect to have happened?
>Ship functionally all production of goods and services overseas
>Dept of Education teams up with literally every single K-12 school in the country to flood young and impressionable students with "dude go to college lmao" propaganda
>demonize entering trades or blue collar work
>retarded boomers tell these students to pick meme degrees and other junk because finding a high paying job is guaranteed lmao debt doesnt matter
>higher education bubbles the fuck out of itself in response
>tuition raises by 10,000% and useless degree bagholders saturate the fuck out of literally every market
>extreme overcompetition forces these bagholders to take wageslave McJobs and thus cannot pay debts
>what blue collar work that does exist without needing further training is also depreciated by saturated markets, immigration from latin america, and cultural stigmatization
>because of all this, the McJobs now require degrees and shit because of how saturated the market is with degree bagholders
>meanwhile wages are stagnating and housing costs are mushrooming everywhere all at the same time
>2008 makes the whole situation 100x worse because the market crash injects laid off boomers into the already hypercompetitive job market they created for their children
The last 40 years of economic "progress" has been nothing but a scam to transfer wealth into Boomer retirement funds by creating an economy sustained entirely by debt traps and wage slavery.

>> No.18182996

Now compare getting that job to graduating and going into the job market in the middle of the last recession dumbass. You wouldn’t have gotten that job because some laid off boomer would’ve taken it you short sighted clown. You’ll learn soon enough thanks to corona panic

>> No.18183001

what major did you pick?

>> No.18183048

interesting quote at the end there

>> No.18183060

But there really is no difference only the underlying cause. 1900 came for a better life if they worked hard. 2020 comes for a better life of not having to work hard or at all.

>> No.18183079

This, except promotions suck too for many jobs. If we could eliminate that H1-B visa bullshit maybe things could change

>> No.18183102


That is the critical difference. In 2020 we have generous welfare states and governments willing to literally subsidize the existence of "new voters." As well as a mature economy that is no longer growth based (i.e. there is no need for hands in manufacturing, agriculture, or construction, quite the opposite). Central Americans also send a lot back in remittances and travel back and forth freely, there is no impetus to assimilate and contribute. Most don't even speak English.

>> No.18183107

No. A higher supply of workers means more competition

>> No.18183225

Holy shit I never really ran the numbers, but if you make minimum wage and work 40 hours a week you only make 15k a year before taxes. Granted most people who make min wage are like high schoolers and he did raises before long, but I actually feel lucky for my wagie job now.

>> No.18183281

considering all the people I know who have to room with at least two other people to afford lodging, I wouldn't expect the data to be much different for 2019, especially since the economy was doing relatively well in 2014

>> No.18183283

Why, as a working class member of society, would you want outsiders competing for your jobs and subsequently lowering wages and job prospects?

>> No.18183303

>it is 95% white
slavs aren't white, bro

>> No.18183334

what's going on in alaska

>> No.18183350

You are right it means more competition. But its a competition to see who will accept the least amount of pay.

>> No.18183364
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Using guns and growing your own food is capitalism, dummy

>> No.18183388


Most poor are still in jobs that are around $10-15/hour. Genuinely minimum wage work is for 14 year olds.

>> No.18183409
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>> No.18183422

Sucks I'm part of this generation of broke normies but make way more had people on Facebook saying they literally live paycheck to paycheck and a layoff would ruin them

>> No.18183454

Gold. Is. Real. Money.

>> No.18183481

Like 70% of americans live paycheck to paycheck my dude. If you aren't, then statistically speaking you lucked the fuck out.

>> No.18183500

I don't understand why California is so low. As someone from not the US, the impression I had is that everyone in Cali was super-rich because of the technology market, and also super-lefty. Does this hold any truth?

>> No.18183525


California is an abomination, anyone who's been there will tell you that. Basically hell if you're middle class due to the cost of living, otherwise it's people living in tent cities right next to rich tech bros. Biggest income stratification and inequality in the country.

>> No.18183567

I see. Thank you for clarifying, anon.
>Biggest income stratification and inequality in the country.
Heh, quite ironical considering it is the quintessential blue state.

>> No.18183571

You're only proving everyone's point, you had to sell your body to Israel to make it where you did

>> No.18183581

I make more money with my side hustle than these mils make from a full time job. This country is fucked.

>> No.18183593

As someone in MO making about 70 (@ 24, so a millennial), I can tell you Anons the midwest in a medium sized city is the comfiest you will ever be. Texas wouldn't be a bad option either.

Honestly going forward this is the only way I see us ever being on par with the boomers in terms of work/life quality and and income.

>> No.18183597
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The Cali Dems are snake oil salesmen. Pitching this idea of working class champions while effectively pricing out the working class and entrenching the wealth of property owners and foreign investors. Economic freedom is the only way for the working class to achieve parity, and that's precisely why it's demonized by the powers that be.

>> No.18183627

What is your side hustle
>inb4 uber

>> No.18183634

Its because our generation is the first to be pseudo brainwashed by modern technology 24/7 that all life, soul, and ambitions have been fucking sucked from them leaving only a husk.

We spend all day indoors now, playing video games or masturbating to porn. No longer do men go out and play sports with their friends in their free time, getting sunshine, positive socialization time, and healthy exercise. That's rare behavior now and those days are gone.

Your average male is down 30% testosterone now. He will bitch and whine about labor rates or employment prospects online on reddit or 4chan, but in the physical world he is timid and unimposing.

>> No.18183643

Reminder you can make 90k delivering bread

>> No.18183649

Leftism always results in huge income inequality because the only groups left are the party elite and the rat eating serfs

>> No.18183655

Where cali?

>> No.18183675

Damn that's really sad didn't knkw that

>> No.18183686

>Median income in CA only $1900 more than AL
Kek. Idiots who stay where their income doesn't buy them shit deserve to stay poor

>> No.18183693

Most people who work min. wage are NOT highschoolers. Thats a false assumption. I can't tell you the real numbers, but I can tell you that a large, substantial, portion of min. wage workers are over 25.

>> No.18183697

Fuck off, you don't give a shit about them.

>> No.18183702

Everything you just posted is coping with the fact that they will be poor and debt ridden forever. It's essentially a drug. The game being rigged is the root cause.

>> No.18183729

If you're a borderline homeless portal in Cali how exactly are you supposed to just pack up and move to Alabama? You'd basically be joining the ranks of the illegal immigrants and working under the table after dropping all your debt and leaving without telling anyone.

>> No.18183752

Yeah the entire millennial generation is completely fucked and it's because each and every one of them is just a failure on an individual level.
The browns are making shit wages, too, because the labor pool is fucked and $20,000 can buy you a palace and a harem in their shithole countries so they send that money home so abuela can afford ammo to hold off MS13.
And that's our future thanks to the boomer-built world of neo-liberalism.

>> No.18183782

Not really no... work more hours or pick up a second job or get a fucking hobby that pays something instead of crying about money. You can either be broke and hungry or have money and tired unless you own a multimillion dollar company or are actually good at trading stocks you'll have to work to get by

>> No.18183813

How is it cope you Idiot? How do you think life works?

Everyone is human. You either settle for what someone tells you you deserve, or you make something happen for yourself.

Our pathetic and weak generation has led to this capitalist endgame where monstrous megacorporations tower over everyone and exploit the labor force.

We were supposed to be the ones to not take no for an answer and establish guidelines against these systems, but everyone is too busy being a worthless husk beating off to blacked porn. Is that the uncomfortable truth? That we should have been more active and held politicians and businesses more accountable prior to letting it come to this?

I have a sad dose of reality. Online "activism" is the death of activism. It is an echo chamber allowed for you to vent frustrations uselessly before they fade away in vain. Real activism for change takes place in the physical world, a place where mellenials and zoomers are fearful of.

>> No.18183849


Speak for yourself, I am doing quite well. The money is there if you're willing to jump through the hoops to put yourself in a position to get it.

>> No.18183851

>70k no degree and no backbreaking labor
Wtf do you do for a living?

>> No.18183870

Literally the same position, unironically.

>> No.18183902

lol moving states isn't like fleeing the country. Get on a damn greyhound or pack up the car and move. Before the whole coronavirus shit every fast food place I went to was hiring and starting at like $9/hr plus. Splitting rent with a roommate comes out to like $300-$400/month or even less in most places in the South.

If you can't make calculated risks to improve your circumstances you're guaranteed to stay broke.

>> No.18183903

>I have a sad dose of reality. Online "activism" is the death of activism. It is an echo chamber allowed for you to vent frustrations uselessly before they fade away in vain. Real activism for change takes place in the physical world, a place where mellenials and zoomers are fearful of.
I agree with this. I feel so many of the issues that matter, INCLUDING internet ones, would be solved easily with not even that big a direct action.
For the WNs who don't like being censored, how hard would it be just to march on Twitter HQ?
We all know what general strikes are. Why aren't those done to improve the wagie situation?

>> No.18183907

>Implying this is somehow the fault of the people instead of a social issue

>> No.18183942

I have a comfortable job, though my stocks are absolutely JUSTed right now. I do not expect every single millennial to work a government job. The kike boomer "I've got mine" mentality is literally dooming our nation.

>> No.18183947

people need to stop passive-agressive "im not bitching about money" bitch about money all the time

>why do i need to pay back this loan i took?
>why do I need to pay money to this man in whose property I love
>why are there people with more money than me
>why was my grandpas life different than mine?

>> No.18183951

Someone should make that into a Tran. Include all that special pronoun bs on the bib, you know, for broadening the spectrum.

>> No.18183995

They are too fearful to leave their homes and organize physically. That is too time consuming for them even though they will find to write angry messages online for hours per day for 10+ years. The physical organization requires too much energy.

That has to be saved for call of duty sessions and masturbating 3 times daily. God forbid instead of fruitlessly arguing about being exploited for 4000 hours online, you made a real difference in the physical world for a fraction of that time investment, and maybe became a real man in the process.

>> No.18184039

Yes. Look at what happened to Miami wages when a shitton of Cubans showed up. Wages shot up because economic growth shot up. Similarly, wages did not halve after women entered the workforce. "(Number of old workers)/(Number of total workers)*(old wages) = (new wages)" is econ 101 tier idiocy that ignores the dominating higher order effects.

>> No.18184081


>an isolated, localized case involving a litany of confounding factors, including the fact that these Cubans were formerly well to do, industrious refugees of their home country, applies to the 20 million Central American goblinos who flooded into the United States to compete with native workers for construction and agriculture jobs while getting paid under the table and getting free schooling and assistance from the government

You are carrying water for business elites, retard.

>> No.18184136

Literally everyone did.

>> No.18184139

My computer was built by factory workers and invented by engineers and scientists.

>> No.18184202

Neat chart

>> No.18184317
File: 257 KB, 500x498, oooooh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Id argue millenials are the most pathetic generation in US history.

I agree. As a generation, we've let the boomers control us and manipulate us. Millenials are powerless now and Zoomers are already more powerful and starting to make more money. We're poor. We got duped into taking out ridiculous loans for education and trivial jobs.

Here's a picture that describes millenials best:

>> No.18184349

Lol I spent 2 years learning electronics and nuclear reactor operation while getting paid then got out because you cant take accutane on a submarine. Never deployed, never did anything except get some education and get paid. Saved 15k in that 2 years and they're paying for my college. Made 92k when I was 21 and I still support Palestinian independence. How did Israel benefit?

>> No.18184926

I just said that immigration does devalue labor. Why are you posting like I said the opposite?

>> No.18184948
File: 482 KB, 542x419, boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pull yourself up by your bootstraps kiddo

>> No.18185302

>Zoomers are already more powerful and starting to make more money.
How so?

>> No.18185552

>why was my grandpas life different than mine?
Because when he was young minimum wage had like 5-10x the buying power that it does today and the cost of things like medicine, automotives, and higher education were like 1000% lower than they are today.
Why are faggots so afraid of admitting how hard they're being jewed by the system their granddads built?

>> No.18185576

>not making 125k at 28
lmao at you

>> No.18185608
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I have 0 (zero) data to back this up. I'm conjecturing mainly based on 2 things:
1) zoomers were born into the current technology meta. They've grown up on youtube, snapchat, tik tok, instagram and they know how to make money off of it. I'm willing to bet they make the most money off of social media out of any generation. That's only going to increase going forward, and will only become more important; and
2) millenials will never have our boot on the neck of zoomers like Boomers do for us. From what I can tell, Millenials lack the means to stay in the most powerful positions until we're 80 years old, because most Millenials aren't even in those powerful positions NOW. By the time Boomers relinquish powerful positions, we'll be competing with zoomers for those positions. We already are.

I don't want to say millenials are the "forgotten" generation because that's too forgiving and self-serving. We're the cuckold generation or something. Pathetic generation that didn't fight for opportunities and instead gave up.

>> No.18185621

No boomers still take the cake
For example this thread. It reeks of boombrain

>> No.18185654

>I have 0 (zero) data to back this up.
Thanks for deliveriing essential information first. I appreciate your frankness but I'm not going to read the rest of your post.

>> No.18185721

Minnesotan here, wonder what's so different.

I'm from the poorest town in minnesota though.

>> No.18185726
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Sounds good bud

>> No.18185736

Zoomers fall into the same college debt trap that millenials do and are exiting into the same buttfucked job market that millenials are (thanks Corona-chan), meaning that their finances are JUSTed forever, and also they're more irresponsible with their money than millenials are (donating to streamers, gacha, etc.). Being plugged into social media just means they're that much more vulnerable to all the scams that float around social media, and making money off social media is actually really hard unless you're a girl who's willing to whore herself out.

>> No.18185780

And only the retards listened.

>> No.18185781

More like
>Get applied science associates degree in 3 years because transferring between schools means entire classes being ignored.
>Land a job that people with drug habits, criminal records, and no college degree at all
>Move on to University to try and get a Bachelor's
>If I don't take all the nonsense filler coursework that they pile on my I won't get a degree
>Graduating in May, still no answer from most of my job interviews
>Unsure if how long it will take after graduating to get a job thanks to the new recession
Wow, yeah, I guess I won't be moving out of my dad's attic right off the bat. And that is by the way the situation with several internships under my belt, and working on a STEM(kind of) degree.

>> No.18185852

i don't like millennials but there's nothing worse than a complaining boomer who grew up in the easiest economy of all time, day of the pillow is coming soon faggot

>> No.18185908

Literally everyone did. Oh well, making 63k in a recession proof industry now.

>> No.18185943

Just move to New Richland bro

>> No.18185969

Technically every time an immigrant moves to a country, it puts some kind of strain on the host nation.
I'm not saying this to be cheeky, my family moved to the US when I was 5 from Europe, but it is a numbers game.
Also, yesterdays immigrant is just as a effected as a native citizen by any new wave of immigrants.
Of the 2 primary groups of illegal immigrants, it's important to realize that one group is in fact on the wealthier side.
The wealthier group is the group planning on living here that had to pay off countless smugglers in order to get to the US.
The other group is here because stingy orchard owners and meat processing plants refuse to pay Americans minimum wage.

Ultimately this would be less of a social issue if the US not only enforced it's immigration laws, but also penalized the employers of illegal immigrants.

>> No.18185997

>You're value and worth is tied to your income

>> No.18186011

>Ultimately this would be less of a social issue if the US not only enforced it's immigration laws, but also penalized the employers of illegal immigrants.

That is literally all I ask for. I have nothing wrong with 500,000 to 1 million legal, vetted immigrants a year, I see a lot wrong with this constant overflow of illegal retards. Not that it's as big of an issue as outsourcing.

>> No.18186106

I honestly don't know what goes through the heads of everyday people who push for illegal immigration to just be accepted.
Even the anchor baby issue, why shouldn't those children be with their parents in their parents home country?
The US is in many ways easier to immigrate to than most European countries(legally anyway), Canada, and almost everywhere in Asia.
Remember that the next time you see Americans begging for looser immigration laws, the US is one of the most relaxed countries in the world when it comes to immigration.

>> No.18186263
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>tfw i'd live like a king with that income

>> No.18186294


It's one of those issues where there's an unholy alliance from Democrats and Big Biz Republicans who both benefit from it. Americans are battered with pro illegal messaging and it's enough to push the needle and make it a "controversial" issue rather than something as simple as enforcing the law.

>> No.18186323

This just means we need more immigrants!

>> No.18186346
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>income in california isn't any higher
I should move, shouldn't I?

>> No.18186367
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Do you want to be left with the bag?

>> No.18186423

That's spot on.

>> No.18186443

I mean, you aren't wrong
>t. millennial

>> No.18186468

>When people leave your state in such big droves that the crazy amount of Indian tech workers and avocado pickers don't make a dent on the population.

>> No.18187070

web marketing

>> No.18187303
File: 278 KB, 1440x720, JBolton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW 22yo zoomer making $38k more a year than the average millennial in my state, get mogged.

>> No.18187526

Kys kike we are coming for your bloodlines

>> No.18187568

22 isn't zoomer. Anyone born in the 90s isn't a zoomer. You and I are Yoomers

>> No.18187575

1976 Immigration act. Thanks boomers and their parents

>> No.18187602

Gas the kikes

>> No.18187630

Dunno about you but I intimidate the fuck out of anyone in my presence. My t levels are too high if anything

>> No.18188104

I know two people that moved to Helena after graduating from a DC area university. It seems to be a nature hippy hit spot all of the sudden

>> No.18188803

This shit was put in place before Millenials were born, and left us further suppressed in the 2008 bailout when we were just coming. The only excuses we have to come up with is why we didn't start murdering boomers to get ahead.

>> No.18189170

> I have high test and am an alpha!! Whats wrong with you bro? Maybe its your personal problem!

Retarded shit like this is why we are losing the culture war. Some dude bro is always quick to chime in that he individually has high test so that must mean everything is fine in the world.

Male testosterone on average has dropped THIRTY PERCENT in 30 years. Yes people still weightlift and have high test and motivation (to bang whores on tinder and do nothing else productive for society), but by and large our generation is a bunch of feminine basedboys

>> No.18189244

What does testosterone have to do with making money tho

>> No.18189286
File: 8 KB, 360x238, hoffa_middle finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame whoever you want to, but there's one thing severely weakened today: unions.

My boomer neighbor and his dad got good paying jobs on the railroad right out of high school, could easily buy houses in their early twenties. And no coincidence, both were part of a strong union.

The current generation has internet poisoning, believes they can get rich by 30 through bitcoin or 'muh entrepreneurship.' Many are also brainwashed that anything 'left' is purple hair Tumblr feminist cultural marxism.

Meanwhile their granddads are sitting on a pile of retirement cash because they had organized labor.

>> No.18189363

We work twice as much for half as much

>> No.18190422

Bro I only make 39,000 a year and the majority of my friends think I am rich as fuck because of it.

Wages have not gone up in years, in fact I'd argue they've even gone down in the last 5. Companies are getting away with murder.

It's fucking bad. I know people who have been completely been wiped out just from not having work for 2 weeks. It's infuriating but nothing I can fucking do.

>> No.18190592

Importing millions of browns to bottom out the labor market

>> No.18190657

>muh testosterone
Nobody gives a fuck about your testosterone you caveman ape. There are women and trannies making more cash than you. What's your excuse?

>> No.18190714

typical loser, blaming brown people for your problems yet offering nothing to society yourself

>> No.18190728

23yo, making 60k as an apprentice... can’t wait till I’m journeyman. Fuckin retard peers thinking they can do better than the trades lol

>> No.18190749

There were millennials still in school in 2014. I guarantee you that these numbers have materially changed since then.

>> No.18190751

>The last 40 years of economic "progress" has been nothing but a scam to transfer wealth into Boomer retirement funds by creating an economy sustained entirely by debt traps and wage slavery.

Pretty much. The West is just a giant Ponzi scheme at this point

>> No.18190763

The youngest millenials are 23 now asshole. There are very few still in college . That entire generation is broke as fuck

>> No.18190781


Don't get out of daddy's gated burb much, do ya?

>> No.18190823

i live in nyc and am 29 years old
i pay $600 a month to rent a room
I work part time making $18/hr (min wage is $15)
I wake up at 6am, work from 8-12, go to the gym for 1 hour, spend the next 3 hours at a cafe reading, relaxing, listening to music, working on the things that interest me
I go home around 5-6 most days, make a healthy meal from scratch for about 30 minutes
I'm usually in bed by 8-9pm fully tired from exercising my mind and body and wake up fully rested the next day.

>> No.18190886


>> No.18190920

been here longer than you :^)
in my opinion my life is the perfect neet compromise. and i still somehow manage to save money

>> No.18190931

Gold is worth more today you stupid faggot

>> No.18190942

>i live in nyc
>i pay $600 a month to rent a room

excuse me but I find that very difficult to believe, Mr. LARPer

>> No.18190954

What neighborhood? I have a similar schedule/setup but my rent is $775, I'd like to cut it down a bit

>> No.18190960

Why are you wasting so much of your day not making money..

>> No.18190973

I live in Queens not in Manhattan or some trendy part of brooklyn like retarded transplants who move here for a year and then go back to Ohio complaining about how nyc is "unaffordable"

>> No.18190998

Maspeth Queens
Terrible train access but I was born here so I grew up taking the bus like other real new yorkers.

>> No.18191022

Like a room in a house with roommates, or a studio apartment? How big is the room?

>> No.18191055

2014 study. I’m 23 now and I was make $0 as a high school senior in 2014 lol

>> No.18191066

3 bedroom apartment shared. total rent is about $2000, i pay less because i rent the smallest room. $600 is utilities and internet included
I don't hang out at home I just cook and sleep there.

>> No.18191082

Not bad.

>> No.18191101

>2014 survey
What age range was used back then?

>> No.18191139

The oldest would've been in their early 30s I think.

>> No.18191180

Everyone is this poor and less. Mass depression is the rule is America. Most people I know make 9 to 11 dollars an hour doing simple jobs with no savings and no way to even have an emergency fund.

America is far more fucked than you realize

>> No.18191328


If you work 4 hrs a day for $18 an hr, assuming you work 5 days that's 1548 before taxes. Even assuming a pretty frugal existence that seems a stretch.

>> No.18191392

Holy shit. Here I thought I was below average for my state. I'm over twice the median in my state.

>> No.18191424

I'm almost 8x the median for the state of Georgia. God is great!

>> No.18191532

why is that a stretch?
after taxes it's about $1100
after rent that's 500
i eat very simply, i dont spend more than $100 a month on groceries (think rice and beans, fresh veggies). Coffee is about $100 a month.
When i was younger i had my fun going out drinking/partying and shit so I dont waste money on that anymore.
These days I honestly end up saving maybe $100 a month. Before i started living this lifestyle though I worked for about 2 years at $25/hr full time to save up an emergency cushion. I got about $30k in savings.

>> No.18191578
File: 66 KB, 475x300, 484949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're the cuckold generation
too true. No man I know 22-32 is really getting laid unless they're rich, and its almost always family money

>I don't hang out at home I just cook and sleep there
and there's the real explanation. you waste $600 for a bed and stove. Leave NY if you ever want to make it

>> No.18191588

Even at 9-11 dollars an hour it sure beats living in 70% of the rest of the planet numnuts. We humans are spoiled like fucking royalty compared to the middle classes before us.
Want to know what sucks? Not having a large enough stockpile of wood before winter hits and your family freezes.
Not having any antibiotics to cure your child’s strep throat or tooth infections, and they end up dying
Going on “vacation” meant taking your horse to the lake for the day, you’d never even dream of taking a 2 month effort to see another continent
You’re just another seething victimized liberal and you deserve to have no hope

>> No.18191744

Poor people don't go in vacations though

>> No.18191794

>$600 for a bed and stove in nyc - endless shit to do for free
>$600 for a house size rental in bumfuck - nothing to do without a car, nothing to do in general, extra space that can't be used without spending money
no thanks

>> No.18191827
File: 481 KB, 838x780, nooooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I have zero data to back this up.
We know, Donald.

>> No.18191864


Isn't an MTA monthly pass like $120? Do you have health insurance? I don't know man, this is one of those things were I have to take your word, but it seems like your potentially going to be wiped out by needing new shoes and your dipping into your savings to drink coffee for 3 hours a day.

>> No.18191893

Poorfag cope. There's no reason to live in any part of new york city unless you make a lot of money. I bet you don't save anything. Kys.

>> No.18191913

>paying $100 per month on coffee
Literally why

>> No.18191945

>Want to know what sucks? Not having a large enough stockpile of wood before winter hits and your family freezes.
You know what also sucks? Getting an unexpected medical bill that bankrupts you and leaves you on the street, in the wintertime, so you also freeze.
Extreme levels of cope

>> No.18191956

I don't have health insurance. I walk everywhere. It's a 30 minute walk to my job.
Being cheap does mean being creative but honestly that's part of the fun. In NYC it's very easy to be entertained basically for free. You can sit in a public park for an hour on a summer day and be more entertained by people watching than any TV show.
because I'm not just paying for coffee I'm paying for a place to sit with free wifi and interesting surroundings
the majority of real new yorkers are normal lower/middle class people. you watch too much tv.

>> No.18192003
File: 39 KB, 650x365, highresrollsafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get cucked if you don't have anybody

>> No.18192025

you can live here just fine on 50k and less even. stop listening to retarded transplants

>> No.18192091
File: 77 KB, 645x729, 80c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the majority of real new yorkers are normal lower/middle class people. you watch too much tv.
Um, sweetie.Those people don't live there because they WANT to dumb fuck. It's because they're fucking poor and they can't leave. I understand you're probably still in your edgelord phase, but that will go away when you get a little older.

>> No.18192145

Anyplace in NYC that isn't Manhattan below 96th street or one of the nice parts of Brooklyn is basically niggers and spics. That's it. They are all slaves whose purpose is to be cheap labor for the wealthy. And you all think it's so exciting and trendy to live around these people? What kind of sociopath does this?

>> No.18192153
File: 25 KB, 787x442, meirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit no wonder you are retarded.

Economics is the equivalent of a degree in theology for Neo Liberal Preachers.

>> No.18192175
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>> No.18192218
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Generation X here, leave us out of this you fucking turd.

>> No.18192224

>wages shot up
And cost of living shot up even higher. Miami is super fucking expensive these days. Try buying a 3 bed 2 bath in Miami if you're not making $150K/yr+.

>> No.18192306
File: 1.75 MB, 1080x1080, 1576629593343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be a retarded Eurocuck if you really believe anybody in burgerland is getting thrown out in the cold because of medical bills lmao

>> No.18192316

>he doesn't understand the economic advantage of living in a city, let alone nyc, one of the largest in the world
yeah they're trapped here. good point based retard.

>> No.18192385

please keep perpetuating this bad information
you're doing a great job of keeping my rent low in queens, thanks

>> No.18192445
File: 9 KB, 229x220, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the stupidest post I've ever read

>> No.18192453

>he actually thinks this doesnt happen
I volunteered at a homeless shelter for 3 months last year, this happens literally all the time. Stop being a sheltered faggot.

>> No.18192469

Your rent is low because you rent from your parents. I guarantee they wouldn't charge anyone who isn't related to them $600/month including utilities for a room in a $2000/month apartment.

>> No.18192482

>2) millenials will never have our boot on the neck of zoomers like Boomers do for us. From what I can tell, Millenials lack the means to stay in the most powerful positions until we're 80 years old, because most Millenials aren't even in those powerful positions NOW. By the time Boomers relinquish powerful positions, we'll be competing with zoomers for those positions. We already are.
You're completely right on this point, give it 10 more years and you will see millions of millennials crying their boss is half their age.

>> No.18192484


Alright anon, now come clean and let him know how 90% of shelter residents are addicted to drugs or mentally ill

>> No.18192502

Yeah no shit. Wages haven't gone up in industry since the fucking early 90s

>> No.18192531

Nice try Moshe, but I'm not interested in your Brooklyn shitbox.

>> No.18192551

this. and we are literally paying social security for your ass to be taken care of, meanwhile we aren't going to get any of that shit back.

>> No.18192600

Zoomers are taking the same $150k unforgivable student loans that the millenials did and the economic meltdown of 2020 has ruined the job market just as they're coming out of undergrad looking for ways to pay those loans back. They're fucked.

>> No.18192697

go back to school and learn to write kek

>> No.18192713

yeah i'm sure the fucking suburban dream being dead doesn't fucking help. a house that cost 80k in the 70's is worth literally 1 million now.

>> No.18192775

One, I made that post, and I am a far right wing ethnonationalist who works hard every single day, and two, the dumbest thing anyone ever says about the quality of life in America is "yeah everyone is sad with no resources but people are starving somewhere so we're fine"

>> No.18192787

Even more important that phone posting grammar is reading comprehension and analyzing data. If people born in 1996 classified as millennials are factored into this study, then it is invalid. Because I was literally in high school during 2014 and not working. If you seriously believe this chart you are either a foreigner or don’t have the ability to poll your friends and peers.

>> No.18192825

german reporting.
at first i thought it were monthly wages but then..

here median NET after tax income is about 1700 youropoors for a single and about 3500 for a family. but we have that after health insurance, pension etc all paid.

>> No.18192848

You must be extremely wealthy and living under a whale-sized rock to think that people don't lose their houses over medical bills in this country.

>> No.18192955

the really sad and depressing thing is when you realize they know, they just don't give a fuck.

>millennials are porrer than their parents
>okay, what are we going to do to fix this injustice?
>lmao idk sucks to be you guys i guess!

how am i supposed to go to work 9-5 at some wage slave office job knowing that these people are just gaming the system and taking advantage of me because of how the system works, because they know how to cheat and everyone else doesn't?

>> No.18193002

I make 70k/yr as a 23 year old civil engineer

I didn’t know everyone was this poor

>> No.18193089

you can go on craigslist right now and find rooms for the same price in queens with no problem
my parents don't even live in nyc anymore they retired to a different state

>> No.18193118
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I can't wait for the virus to kill this zombie economy and boomers with it

>> No.18193249

As everyone knows, millennials decide what their own wages will be. Wtf are you talking about, OP? This further proves that the reigning generation has absolutely fucked millennials.

>> No.18193357

>and flooded the workforce with our women and brown invaders
And then sent all the jobs overseas anyways.

>> No.18193474

Excuses for a system? This response borders on a category error.

>> No.18193500

nah he's right

>> No.18193655

Millennial here, and I agree. It feels like millennials were never taught to work hard. Like the message passed down was simply 'go to university' then 'get a job' as if that was some trivial task.
Growing up, luxuries were cheap because their parents were typically boomers who made it quite good.
Then when it got hard for them they just accepted what was easy (debt + meaningless low paid jobs) because their life until then was easy.

>> No.18193711

Fuck this thread is long, If you got here all these chumps are losers who work for the state. Democracy Now!

>> No.18193718
File: 129 KB, 771x750, (((elves))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drove through the main strip in my city today and all the high end businesses were boarded up. Completely blocked off with plywood like a hurricane was coming. I wish I was able to slow down to get some pics for you guys.
They know the riots are about to start. This system is so rigged and unsustainable it cant hold itself up anymore. Our society is about to rip itself apart.

>> No.18193763

I have ADHD so I don’t mind doing physical work and making 50k a year as a 3rd year apprentice. I’ll easily be making 6 figures by the time I’m a journeyman.

>> No.18193880

these wages are still too high, but thankfully globalization will life millions of asians out of poverty and return more of your undue earnings to capital where it belongs

>> No.18193949

i also like to pretend to not to understand political economy when doing so undermines my ideology!

>> No.18194009

It makes it so much better if you do.

It's like getting off in the most fucked up way.

>> No.18194033

i don't think you yet appreciate the rhetorical purpose that moralizing serves for neoliberalism.

>> No.18194036

We didn't all just wake up and find a means of producing all our goods from home. What economy collapsed? The feudal system that keeps reminding us privatization is a thing keeps indentured sex slaves going. Whats it all about.

>> No.18194129

wages are where they were in 1995 but prices have quintupled

>> No.18194168

land values represent most household wealth, because most people work for someone else, so their wealth consists of a home and whatever they have in mutual funds and funko pops.

>> No.18194234

No shit retard. It's called inflation.
1950s wages in 1950s price gold vs current day wages in current day priced gold.

>> No.18194298

>A generation effects how much the average salary is
No, that's the previous generation. Next question.

>> No.18194320
File: 306 KB, 750x1334, D78168A1-361A-4268-B437-71673EA05677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Median annual individual income in the US is shit.

Granted income isn’t necessarily a measure of wealth, still most people in the US make dog shit.

>> No.18194387
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>> No.18194397

>We humans are spoiled like fucking royalty compared to the middle classes before us.
we have shiny phones but middle class before us had houses

>> No.18194439

How old is a millennial? Not sure where I fall into this list

>> No.18194469


>> No.18194473
File: 220 KB, 1029x1372, 1584404419890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from 2014.

>> No.18194521

Usually counted as people born from '81 to '96 but I've noticed certain organizations especially political polls still using 18-29 as "Millennial which is like half zoomers.

>> No.18194637

Damn, I am a fucking zoomer and a I make almost triple my state median, is this chart real or are millennials really that pathetic

>> No.18194648

who is your daddy and what does he do?

>> No.18194669

We have shiney phones, but we have to exist in a world devoid of traditional morality and the ability to feel as an impactful part of a local own or community. Would rather have raised a modest potato farming family and died of dysentery at age 40. Instead I am obsessed with making my little numbers on screen go higher.

>> No.18194690

I have an associates from a community college and I am a programmer

computers are literally free money and people are too stupid to figure it out

>> No.18194730

>IT with an associates degree
You're working in the white collar version of a manufacturing job that is about to be outsourced to China my dude

>> No.18194733

do millenials just have to accept that their lives basically peaked in K-12? as in, mid 80s to mid 2000s?

those are ugly numbers, and they're not 23 year olds anymore where there;s a little room for forgiveness. They're like 31 average.

>> No.18194750

More likely India, they speak better English

>> No.18194765

i still feel like im in high school even though im turning 30 this year.

>> No.18194837

Programming not IT
and what do u do? mcdonald?

>> No.18194850

no they will eventually control the state, simply through attrition.by then a lot of damage will have been done tho

>> No.18194875

possible retard take but it feels like every last droplet of wealth went to a small handful of highly specialized fields that you need so much fucking education for. Stumble once and it's over because there's 20 more that'll take your place for 20% less pay to boot

and all the jobs and opportuntiy are concentrated around a handful of cities and thus have cartoonishly high housing price since industries that made up the mid west all went overseas

>> No.18194914

Mechanical engineering
>programming, not IT
That makes no difference, the Indians and the Bangledeshis are the Chinese of computer science and serve the same role in terms of code monkeying for people

>> No.18194975

he has an associate's degree so he's safe. no one from an h1b lottery has better credentials than an associate's degree.

>> No.18195052

Megacorps like Microsoft aren't importing H1Bs, they're going into 3rd world countries, recruiting a bunch of poorfags, teaching them to code in 6 to 18 months, giving them computers, and in doing so building for themselves a factory of coders who know enough C++/python/etc to do the gruntwork they'd normally give to fresh Bachelor's/Associates grads but at 1/100th the salary. It's quite literally the CS equivalent to a megacorp packing up and building a factory in China.

>> No.18195053

Minimum wage now has less buying power than 50-80 years ago. Ig you took today’s inflated minimum wage and took it back those many decades, you’d be dead within the year.
Minimum wage is a joke. Anyone making above 12 dollars is living on easy street.
Housing and bills aren’t any better.

>> No.18195104

This. Foreigners don’t know how little they’re paid because USD is worth a ton in their country.

>> No.18195120

>Anyone making above 12 dollars is living on easy street.
Lol what the fuck
Min wage is 15 dollars in CA and you may as well be a slave if you make anything under 25

>> No.18195199

7 is two jobs and a cardboard box tier. 12 is small apartment tier. 15+ is the point where you better not fuck up.

>> No.18195213

There’s your problem.
You are a slave below 25 with the conditions in that state.

>> No.18195737

It's a little bit of A and B. The pervious gen sets up the board while current gen has to navigate it.

>> No.18195788

you're already fucking up your labor market if you need to rely on wage floors to set your wage rate at a level that a worker can afford to live

>> No.18197049

Believable. Another STEM grad checking in, I had one shit offer (~$28k/yr) and then nothing for months. It took me almost a year of searching to find a "career" wagie job. I get a pretty good salary now, but it's more of a random shit-show than I would've liked to believe.

I've thought about moving a few times to a smaller company with more room to not just be a replaceable part, but if I'm honest, I'm a boring person and I'm boring enough to just /smg/ style VTSAX and chill for a while.