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File: 148 KB, 1280x759, communist murderers now targetting world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18177453 No.18177453 [Reply] [Original]

- Coronavirus (COVID-19) was first discovered in mid-November.

- A group of Chinese doctors like Li Wenliang told the international doctor community about a SARS like virus emerging in Wuhan on December 30th 2019. These doctors were immediately arrested and silenced by the CCP.

- In January 2020, millions of Chinese citizens traveled out of China for Lunar New Year holidays, thus spreading the virus outside of China. The CCP allowed these millions of people to travel outside of China without screening them even though they knew there was a coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan since November 2019.

- The CCP finally tells the world (WHO) about the coronavirus outbreak in mid-January 2020; 2 months since it was first discovered.

Chairman Xi Jinping and all his CCP communist comrades are bioterrorists confirmed and sole blame for this coronavirus pandemic lies solely in him and the CCP.

>> No.18177475
File: 121 KB, 672x627, Untitled10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


chinks lied people died

>> No.18177493

op is not a homo and pretty based

>> No.18177964

Art of War will tell you this was all plotted perfectly. And that's their bible.

>> No.18177994
File: 69 KB, 368x475, 1585423333805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you have evidence

>> No.18178092

youre glowing :)

>> No.18178408
File: 217 KB, 650x630, Socialist-mass-murder-650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18178625

whats the point of killing millions of people when you can take out the leaders and the grunts will follow

>> No.18178644


>> No.18178651

Good thread, fuck China.

>> No.18178657

Gonna be based when western nations collectively seize all Chinese owned assets within their borders, after moving means of production to India and Vietnam. We won’t even have to go to war with them, they’ll just collapse into civil war.

>> No.18178691

China is going to profit by building supplies like masks for all countries that needs them

>> No.18178698

dont forget to mention the chinese nationals who were caught smuggling laboratory samples out of canada and the us, or the pirbright foundation's investment in the wuhan level 4 biocontainment laboratory

>> No.18178721

you can tell this is true because their bioweapon is just a shitty chinese knockoff of the flu

>> No.18178728

very skeptical that this would happen at all. they have been deeply entrenched in the bureaucratic processes of western nations for a long time. for instance, feinstein had a chinese spy on staff for 18 years, do you think it's likely she was the only one?

>> No.18178798

Depends on how bad it gets. I hope people will demand more autarky but I doubt it

>> No.18178818
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 80930DB4-D10F-4E61-A8F2-7AEF69D64B20.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13th post best post

>> No.18178834

hope it happens, steel yourself for the case that it doesn't.

>> No.18179086


Corona is a hoax. A chink scam.