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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18176374 No.18176374 [Reply] [Original]

>USD loses value because of unlimited printing
>all other currencies dump even harder than usd
>gold dumps
>silver dumps
>crypto dumps
So, turns out there are no safe havens in global financial crisis?

>> No.18176394

Then Tether up you idiot, that's why Tether was created

>> No.18176398

You're gay

>> No.18176424

that's a man, isn't it?

>> No.18176526

The idea is that for speculative assets to go up, people need to think they will go up and not down. If people think stuff will go down, they'll just wait for it to go down to get a better bargain when they buy it.

Non-speculative stuff (eg copper, steel, oil) goes down when the speculative stuff goes down because people relying on speculative stuff to go up contribute a large percentage of demand.

Normally some stuff like precious metals and crypto are supposed to be used as safe havens, but nowadays with the massive savings glut/everything bubble, speculative money is overflowing into them too, so they start acting like traditional speculative assets

>> No.18176640

That's tsuruko, one of the best thing came from Australia

>> No.18176767

what sort of gun is that? does it always show up in anime?

>> No.18176788

USA printing money devalues everyone's currency but theirs because usd is world reserve currency (for now). That means every other country sells their shit currency for usd as a hedge and to invest in cheap American stocks, land, women etc. This will keep going on while America is the world police but it will die when Israel takes over in the next decade

>> No.18176787

how many fucking times do you need to be told? USD is undergoing out of control DEFLATION idiot.

>> No.18176828

>Then Tether up you idiot, that's why Tether was created
noob here. how come sometimes tether will trade at $1.01 or $.99. Thought it was supposed to always be $1.

>> No.18176844
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We live in a crazy world. Im gonna invest in my soul instead

>> No.18176848

Haha you kikes r scurrrrred

>> No.18176860

Tether is pegged to the value of the dollar

>> No.18176886

It's a Kriss Vector. Popular with sci-fi type stuff because it looks unique.

In full auto it's supposed to be very stable because it has a some mass that moves vertically to counteract muzzle rise.

>> No.18178029


>> No.18178061

Bullets, non perishable food items, penicillin and other tools are the only investment

>> No.18178068

being a low time preference productive white man is the only safe haven

>> No.18178150
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My portfolio is recession proof

>> No.18178234

Violence is invitation to hell Devil punch you in the face with a question: Would you like to dance with me? Kindness cause more kindness and one can not get it by violence

>> No.18178237

It isn't a financial crisis yet, faggot

>> No.18178248

KRISS Vector.

>> No.18178595

you are your own safe haven

>> No.18178636

PM's are dumping because people need to make there margin calls(its time to buy), crypto is a scam, the USD wont die till 2021

>> No.18178683

zoom out on PMs, the drop is gone already, still near ATH in most currencies

>> No.18178702
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Peter Thiel's stable coin?

>> No.18178805

Mind explaining this to a brainlet?

>> No.18178855

> So, turns out there are no safe havens in global financial crisis?

leveraged idiots without cash needed to go liquid, so they dumped everything on the left and right

Keep emergency cash for at least a few months
Keep physical gold
Keep BTC (remember not your keys not your coins)
Govs will try to get your money, it happened many times in the history and will happen again and again
You have been warned; This is not a drill

>> No.18178890

ammo is up 50+%