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18173174 No.18173174 [Reply] [Original]

Dude if Chainlink ends up being a scam... I don't know what I'd fucking do. I'd go crazy. In fact its probably some elaborate scam to empty the wallets of all you 4chan people.. hmm

>> No.18173188

if chainlink isn't a scam I'll go crazy

>> No.18173219
File: 150 KB, 731x900, 1571932893516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18173270

I really like this jpg, do you mind if I download it?

>> No.18173310
File: 297 KB, 1919x1440, 1573620474587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel free sir

>> No.18173330

>If 1+1= turkey sandwich I don't know what I'd do

>> No.18173350

Oh you poor gullible soul

>> No.18173409


It's 100% a bullshit scam. Kys now before you disappoint your fat ass mom even more.

>> No.18173584

Dude lmao if it's a scam just appreciate how strong of a scam it was and how Sergey is the greatest scammer alive and be like "u got me, food," and laugh at how you, me and all the rest of us, plus Kek-knows whom else, and that (((they))) got us good that time! LOL I cannot believe how hard we all fell for that fucking fat Russian scammer! And, then, just sell all your bags for like a few hundred bucks at least and buy a bus ticket to the party we're all gonna have on the rooftop of the nail salon in San Francisco where smartcontract.com is based.

I honestly would simply laugh in wonder if we got scammed, but it would be such an unimaginable surprise that I would cherish the revelation, such an experience being worth more than ChainLINK mooning.

I would honestly shake their hands like a good sport... but, like, if you can't spiritually evolve in time, consider joining the literal manhunt about ten thousand autistic loners will surely pursue if LINK turns out to be a scam.

>> No.18173721

Even if it’s not successful I don’t consider that being a scam. I believe the people on the team truly think Chainlink is a good idea and not just a money grab.

>> No.18173725

It is literally dumping right now

>> No.18173786

lmao the fact that you unironically think it isn't a scam means you fell for the link fud is a meme reverse psyop. this was literally a 4chan joke/pump and dump. the token has basic utility and it's literally being used right now. you're seeing it in action. and it's worth $2. congrats on this. it'll forever be tied to bitcoin besides some random outlier pumps and dumps just like every other altcoin

>> No.18173887

Some people actually unironically think it is not a scam? Of fucking course it is a scam.

Its just an improved version of bitconnect.

>> No.18174272
