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File: 106 KB, 667x1000, f93f4646606578fb8b700364333c3ad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1816355 No.1816355 [Reply] [Original]

Do normal people usually shell out 5k USD or more for a less than decent engagement ring? I get by pretty decently with my wages, but buying an ring of this price seems preposterous! I ring with a shiny rock doesn't seem like something I can monetize or that will have much ROI.

How can I cut the costs so I can get hitched?

>> No.1816357

I paid 1k. It's just engagement why blow so much. Lol don't think you will get roi but who knows

>> No.1816500

Having a partner that understands that 5k can buy a decent kitchen instead, helps.

>> No.1816508

Could you just fool your fiancee? Tell her the ring is worth more than it actually is.

>> No.1816518

>I won't marry you, unless you give me a 3k diamond ring

Might as well go to a hooker

>> No.1816575

My Gf told me explicitly not to get an engagement ring. It's a silly con that men have been falling for for the past century. How did we get so stupid in such a short amount of time?

>> No.1816579

I bought my wife a $500 ring and we had out wedding at the courthouse. True love t b h. We're more concerned with affording a house.

>> No.1816596

>I ring with a shiny rock doesn't seem like something I can monetize or that will have much ROI.

That's because generally marriage has a negative ROI for the man.

>> No.1816613


> Do you love me
> Yes
> Buy me something

This was all well and good up until 1960, when wives were still wives.

>> No.1816692

I paid 3.5k for a custom ring including a diamond ordered from the internet. It was worth it to me and fit my budget.

Never spend more than 1k without getting exactly the thing you want. Also, realize that anything stocked in a glass case is going to be shit. Do your research, make a budget, and then get the most bang you can for your buck.

>> No.1816709

If your lady expects you to spend $5,000 for an engagement ring, what are you doing with your life? What is SHE doing with her life? Apparently scamming beta scrubs into buying her needlessly expensive jewelry.

My husband and I got our wedding rings on etsy for like $12 each, because we don't need overpriced trinkets to let people know we throw away money for each other. Heck, we almost didn't get rings at all.

But seriously, $5,000? Money better spent elsewhere. There are plenty of online stores that have excellent options for easily less than $1,000.

>> No.1816723
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I work at at a jewelry store

Don't bother getting married #1

Don't buy a useless lump of carbon #2

The average decent clarity and color engagement ring is 1/2 of a carat and roughly $1,500, a single carat is about $3000

Wait for sales and coupon offers cuz she'll be bitching about a band soon

>> No.1816728

Marketing is a force to be reckoned with

>> No.1816734

>$5,000 is a lot of money

Poorfags shouldn't get married

>> No.1816736

On average jewelry is priced 400% up on it's real "value"

And of course you can make objectively flawless shit for like $5 a pop, nothing sickens me more than watching betas try to buy love

>> No.1816770

I spent $6k on my wife's ring but we have a combined income over $250k, so it wasn't a big deal. We had a very small wedding and only spent about $3k on that, so we didn't have a huge wedding/dress expense on top of the cost of the ring.

>> No.1816829

I spent $700 on a ring. A year later we got it appraised and we got offered about $1000 for it, so we traded it in and got a ring worth $500 (so $1200 out of pocket total). The ring is worth about $2k now.

I wouldn't go much higher than $1-1.5k on a ring. Not worth it at all. You can get a pretty nice ring for 1500 and a pretty nice honeymoon for 1500 instead of a ring for 3000 and a honeymoon at taco bell.

>> No.1816874

>ring worth $500

Meant ring costing $1500 and had to pay $500 for it.

>> No.1818149
File: 59 KB, 240x320, best I can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a lab created diamond... is she a gemologist, nope. She won't know fuck all about the actual quality of whats on her finger.. all her fucking shallow friends will be impressed by the bling bling. YOU, save thousands and look like a prince in her eyes.

60 years later, you two if still married are penniless and go into a pawn shop to pawn it...

>> No.1818150

nigga your ring is still worth $700... that appraisal is bullshit, its just aruse to get your ring for $200 less... holy shit. 2nd of all... nobody retail buys back 2carot or less diamonds anywhere. You would need something in the 4 - 6 carot to even get a store interested to look. At $700 that sure as shit aint a 4-6 carot ring.

>> No.1818160

75pc of ll marriages end up in the shitter. Why would you bother with this sort of expensive trinket?

>> No.1818162

12 year old detected. Back to >>>/b with you sonny

>> No.1818434
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Lol, exactly what I did. Bought a cheap piece of shit for the equivalent of a 100 bucks, dumb bitch never noticed. Dumped her before marriage tho, she pulled out all the stops on the crazy train as soon as she thought she had me locked down.

Seems like a good strategy for finding out how insane the girl is, desu. See if she goes loca after you "commit". Shame most guys only find out when they already have a shred bank account.

>> No.1818435
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>> No.1818662
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I know
but it might help, who knows

>> No.1818948

I'm buying my gf a $12k ring from Tiffany & Co.
I'm also buying myself a $15k Rolex watch.
All of this without breaking a sweat.
Stop being so poor.

>> No.1818970

>spend 5 grand
>lose another half of your possession the moment you say yes

>> No.1819151

You know what would be funny? If you bought an engagement ring and the diamond just fell off and disappeared forever. Luckily, diamonds are worthless so it wouldn't really matter anyways. But it probably would remain an uncomfortable memory for the rest of your life.

>> No.1819183

Why don't you buy 4chan as well then?

>> No.1819185


>> No.1819188


I don't get this pic are those balls? Where's his dingus?

>> No.1819204

If your penis hangs lower than your balls then you're literally a plebian. Patricians have small penises and large heads. (look it up)

>> No.1819233

Bought my wife a $600 ring and a washer and dryer. She picked out all three. Buddy of mine bought a flawed diamond for his wife trying jew the jews. His mother in-law busted out her eye piece and called him out. Wife was pissed and he ended up having to return it.

Don't marry shit-tier women.

>> No.1819239


This is actually pretty accurate.

There are only 2 scenarios where you could get found out: She goes to get the ring serviced, or the marriage is a split and she goes to pawn the ring.

>> No.1819251
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>rolex watch

>> No.1819317

In what country are lesbian loli marriages a thing?

>> No.1819358

I paid $1,500

>> No.1819393


this ring doesnt have enough child bone marrow on it

>> No.1819409

Spent 3.5k on the one for my fiance. I think 5k is a little much unless you are dead set on that specific one. At the end of the day she cares about the thought. Spend $500 less on a slightly smaller diamond and she won't think twice about it.

>> No.1819410

>Not buying a Hublot
Rolex is tacky

>> No.1819443


The true poor mans watch, if you're going to larp at least put some effort in you lazy scrub

>> No.1819505

Diamonds are literally a Jewish money laundering scheme, they are worth fuck all.

At least with a gold or silver band you know what you're buying and what it is worth.

>> No.1819507

>falling for the jews tricks in 2017

>> No.1819511

That's because she doesn't want to marry you ya dip

>> No.1819526
File: 270 KB, 495x644, Screen Shot 2017-02-25 at 9.25.18 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are prettier (and much less expensive) gems/stones out there.
Another example I have an aquamarine ring because I love the ocean. It's my favorite piece of jewelry and I don't have to feel guilty he spent too much. So there's money left for the rest of the wedding and also flexibility to show her you know her interests.

>> No.1819577

there are so many cooler minerals than diamonds

why not get Moldavite? Its literally meteor glass

>> No.1819603

Buy the components separately and have a custom ring made. APMex sells gold flakes. To get a diamond, go to discount giftcard sites and buy discounted giftcards for zales, tiffany, etc. Go to the store websites immediately after getting the cards and buy loose diamonds. Weigh your diamonds and gold on a food scale. Take your stuff to get custom ring. Weigh the ring and remainder afterwards.

>> No.1819610

I don't want to waste my money on this shit website
4Chan bleeds money, that's why moot sold it and ran away.

>> No.1819711

>How can I cut the costs so I can get hitched?
'eco diamonds'

>> No.1820051
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thank you for funding our business Mr. Jones

>> No.1820061

>buy cubic zirconium ring
>tell wifey it's a diamond

>> No.1820065

What kind of faggot even wears rings?

>> No.1820648


>> No.1820683
File: 64 KB, 530x600, homi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5k engagement rings
>expensive weddings
>divorce and lose 50% of your shit

you gotta be kidding me

>> No.1820781

You have to find a women who understands that (((jewelry))) is a scam. Good luck!

>> No.1821389
File: 28 KB, 675x379, gettyimages-504506192_640x320jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you make your money? Also How do you maintain and increase it?

>> No.1821759

Internet marketing.
Making 6 figures a month, I work 80 hours a week. Its good.

>> No.1821763

Now this I have to see..
More details please

>> No.1821771

bought my girl a $2000 chain, might as well get her a dank ring also

>> No.1821783

Its a huge industry, you get smart, get the right contacts, networks and sell products all day long.
You also gotta have at least $10k to start and be willing to lose money until you get good.

>> No.1821833

I work in internet marketing in LA. I've worked for SteelHouse, AdMedia, OpenX, etc. Show me a check that says you made six figures last month and I won't go into work this morning and come work for you.

>> No.1821838

If youre going for a diamond ring, dont get diamonds. Get moissanite. Way cheaper and it does genuinely look better.

If you're being smart and not buying a diamond ring go to a respectable jewellery maker that isnt something franchised and get a custom job that has a personal meaning to the both of you.

>> No.1821849

1. Why 5k?? Does your fiancée expect you to pay that much?? If yes, well, I would reconsider if she is true marriage material.

2. Apparently, diamond engagement rings are not the symbol of courtship anymore (at least according to The Economist). So are you sure that your lady wants a diamond ring or are just assuming because it's a tradition to follow? (Btw this tradition only exists because De Beer marketed it that way with the purpose of making a shitload of money).

3. Rather think about a great experience - something she always wanted to do. Get a nice/decent ring, but do not stretch your budget - that would be more than foolish and above anything else also unnecessary.