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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1816300 No.1816300 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside, just how can you people stand it? Don't you ever feel the need to killing yourselves working day in and day out for shit pay for an ungrateful boss? Considering that life is too short and after that its over for good, I really want to understand what goes around a person's head when they willingly enslave themselves in debt slavery for someone who does just 0.01% of the work you do but takes home x1000 the pay.

>> No.1816311

r9k knows, you should go there.

>> No.1816312

Depends on the work, I used to work for a mail courier and while it was depressing as shit, it's needed work and helps the average person out.

>> No.1816332

I work in public transport so I usually get up two hours earlier and take all the other commuters to their work.

I prefer job security over the high risk high reward lifestyle of my bosses.

>> No.1816356

You're only worth what you do for society. Just because wages are distributed unfairly, doesn't mean that the work isn't important or needed.

Somebody has to keep the pipes going to and from your house working.
Somebody has to keep the electrical grid working.
Someone had to keep the Ikea wood farm working, the distribution network for it, to stock the store.

>> No.1816360

I do exactly this, at the same 6:30 am, but i am the store's owner, so i work to myself.
Feels good man, i am above and beyond the wagecuks and cuckneets.

>> No.1816361


I work in medicine, so I actually take a little pleasure in my job knowing that I'm helping people (though sometimes they don't listen).

>> No.1816402

I like my job, so it's not really work.
I'd do it even if I wasn't paid tbqh.
I just sit around and explain to people how their mutual funds are dicking them over every day.

>> No.1816403

as a 4 year neeter, i am trying to break back into wage cuckery out of sheer boredom. am trying grad school, all the students are females and they are all sad and overworked, probably going to neet again as seeing hot bitches strung out and depress ed is demoralizing

>> No.1816421

Specific funds, or mutual funds in general?

>> No.1816448

Comfort in being miserable. You add a few years and it becomes your life.
I was NEET for 14 years now I'm minimum wagecucking.
I'm saving up and move to a cheap location and work on my fiction writing and if I fail I'll go back to wagecuking but by god I'm not going into that gentle goodnight without a fight.

>> No.1816453

Every fucking day...

Sitting here on 10 hours of overtime.

Watching Boondock saints 2 for the 3rd time today while shotposting.

Have to be at work, but early signs show 0 or near 0 customers.

>10 hours of overtime to just sit and shitpost
>still rather eat a shotgun then be owned by slavemasters
>even if the slavemasters are very kind and generous...

>> No.1816455


>> No.1816458

What type of store?

What i wouldnt give to own a solid brick and morter biz...

>> No.1816459

HAHAHAHA. Yup. But my moms cousins kid said they will make more money so i better keeo them...

You a financial planner or banker or are you actually Robert?

>> No.1816462

Being a business owner is risky. Being on salary is stable. You an work 80 hour weeks for a small chance at a huge pay off or a bug chance of failure. Or you can put in your 40 hours, get a steady pay check, and take on none of the risk.

>> No.1816507


>am trying grad school, all the students are females and they are all sad and overworked

They feel "sad and overworked" because they actually have to try for the first time in their lives.

Grad school isn't the place for dames to bat their pretty little eyelashes and slide by with a 2.3 GPA. It's probably the first time any of them feel challenged.

You could probably beat them out, lad.

>> No.1816932
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In USA I would work (and most of them are buried in student debt & no neetbux like in europe) but in Europe the median net salaries are not that much bigger than Neetbux so it's definitely not worth slaving 40h a week for the small payment

>> No.1816942

Because I need money to buy the things I require.

>> No.1817286

I like waking early, less traffic and the world is quieter.
My breakfast is decent.
I enjoy my job and my employers are grateful I work for them.

>> No.1817292


its called contrubuting to society. repaying the world for all its given you

>> No.1817293


>I work for a small biz
>Boss does more work than I do
>Feel like I'm contributing to growing this business
>Work hard because it's fulfilling and I know I'm capable of it
>Satisfaction comes from satisfied clients (handjobs optional)
>No debt
>Money to save for experiences

I used to be NEET, that lifestyle is stagnant as fuck. Free time becomes a chore and you have to delude yourself out of depression.

>> No.1817538

I don't know how anyone can be a NEET their whole life. I had a summer off once and instead of getting a job (like I do every summer) I just played games and fucked around. Got boring after about 4 weeks.

>> No.1817540

There's a reason they're all depressed and try to kill themselves.

>> No.1817554
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Good goy, keep rowing with your shitty wagecucking commutecucking effort so the lucky ones can maintain their god tier lifestyle.

Now you just have to delude yourself being a wagecuck isn't depressing.

>> No.1817557

Try having rich parents.

Or getting money doing nothing like uploading pictures on your instagram and making 5 figures per post.

Or anything equally effortless.

Everything else is cope and cancer.

>> No.1817559

Only wagecucks like you deserve respect. You are trapped due bad luck law, that's all, admit it or cope.

>> No.1817560


>get up and be active each day
>be productive
>interact with people
>solve problems
>make money, help people make money


>sit at home on the computer
>eat, wank, get fat
>decide how to spend hours upon hours of monotonous down-time
>fight constant boredom

No delusion here anymore.

>> No.1817574

Good goy. Be a tiny cog that spits out money and pays taxes until you are worn out and are no longer useful.

>> No.1817575

Because the other option is to stay a poor, unemployed nobody.

Working is the lesser of two evils.

>> No.1817576

wagecuck pls

>> No.1817577

>be NEET
>have so much free time that you end up making 300 bucks a month on the internet
>spend it fucking 7/10+ escorts and go to gym to stay fit
>have 24 hours of free time
enjoy your incel worker bee

>> No.1817584


>making 300 dollars a month with 24/7 free time

You sound like the slave



>> No.1817597

Specific funds usually, but all funds in general are absolute dogshit. They fuck you over on taxes and tend to just underperfom in general.
I work in finance yeh. It's fun and I genuinely enjoy it.

>> No.1817598
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Memes aside, just how can you NEETs stand it? To be a no-one, a nothing, no skills, no hope. The longer you stay a NEET, the more you are trapped. Try being a NEET when your in your 30's, or even 40's, depression will consume you.

I followed my passion, coding and maths, and I enjoy what I do (pic related). Currently studying to be a data scientist.

"He who busies himself with things other than improvement of his own self becomes perplexed in darkness and entangled in ruin. His evil spirits immerse him deep in vices and make his bad actions seem handsome." - Ali ibn Abi Talib

>> No.1817639

I have fairly decent pay, actually, and my boss thinks my shit is gold bars.

>Highest performing data warehouse
>SQL Server

>> No.1817662

depends on the job, when i worked retail i wanted to fuckin shoot myself.
now i work IT for small buisnesses in my city and its great

>> No.1817747

Go back to your swamp r9polposter.

>> No.1817759

Well, the more motivated NEETs create income streams to fund their lifestyle. This could be ad revenue, online business, applying for disability, etc..

Personally, I graduated college 2 years ago and made the decision to not go into the labor force. I lived with my parents and managed to start a successful online business, which requires near 0 maintenance. I earned 55K last year but growth potential is huge.

I could buy a house in a shitty area and retire at this point. Actually all my income is in bitcoins so I could dodge taxes too.

>> No.1817785

I work at a small company. Remote. Interesting work with some of the smartest people in my field. I make good money.

What's the alternative? Be some smelly fucking squatter with a free spirit? Leech of someone else's work? Get fucked.

>> No.1817790

>median net salary in Germany: about 1800 Euro, +2,200 with a degree
>welfare in Germany: 400 Euro + rent
Your choice.
My family is fucking poor, we're the 1% but the bottom 1%, most people from eastern Europe and from 3rd world countries are born into wealthier families than me.
I work to acquire capital that I can invest so I can buy myself freedom in my early 30s.

>> No.1817799

be happy with what you have, some would kill to have your position.

>> No.1818078
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> applying for disability
shameful parasite on others.

>all my income is in bitcoins so I could dodge taxes too
respect, good work anon

>> No.1818088

How can I get paid for shitposting??

>> No.1818090

I work 11am-5pm 4 days a week, I feel fine. I could work more for more money, but I'm comfortable now.

>> No.1818095


>> No.1818177

It's not bad if you like what you do. I do drug research so I design/run tests all day and analyze data. The environment moves at a fast pace, but I'm forced to keep learning new things which keeps it engaging.

That said, work is still work. Of course I'd rather be independently wealthy and doing whatever I want, but why steep yourself in guilt for not attaining such a lofty goal and spend your time trying to enjoy what you do now?

>> No.1818198

>Wake up, still exhausted from yesterday
>Poor sleep due to anxiety
>Sit on the edge of my bed, looking at my unwashed uniform on the floor
>Consider suicide
>Get dressed
>The bacon and egg breakfast I planned to have, will be skipped due to lack of time. Same as every other day
>Quickly drink a coffee and brush teeth
>Stumble to the car, tired, hungry, and feeling ill
>Drive to work and just want to hear a good song on the way
>Some faggot radio hosts talking absolute shit for ages
>Consider crashing my car into a pole
>Arrive at work, tell myself I'm going to walk in and resign
>Walk in, force a smile, and buckle down for 9 hours of retailcuckery

This has been my life for 4 years. I don't even know myself anymore. Where the fuck did I go so wrong.
I have mentioned quitting before to my family and I get "Thats a STABLE job!! Do you know how bad the economy is?!? When I was your age I would of killed for such a job!! I bite my tongue and don't tell them that if this path is how to end up like them, then I'd rather die.

>> No.1818205

Are you making money anon? I let my family know the full extent of my disgust and hatred for my job, and they're just surprised at my resolve to save my way out of having to work where I am working.

>> No.1818207

try working on fixing your sleep, see if you can take something to let you go to sleep earlier, so you can wake up with 1 or 2 extra hours in the morning. that will probably make the biggest difference, feeling rushed every morning will absolutely fuck up your stress levels.

>> No.1818224

>people who wake up 10 minutes before they have to leave
dont do that
I wake up at least an hour before I have to leave every day so I have time to make food and shower.

>> No.1818231

>my passion, coding and maths
you're so lame

>> No.1818234

> all my income is in bitcoins
drug dealing is not a valid business

>> No.1818247

you dont have to be specific, but what general area is your business in?

>> No.1818248

Because I need money. And not having money is one of the most depressing, soul crushing states to be in.

>> No.1818250

I am not a leech, and won't try and obtain neetbux, so I must build a financial moat for myself instead, or find work that is enjoyable. My current work can be enjoyable, but bullshit hampers it, and I'm not allowed to work the overtime I want.

>> No.1818257

self employed master race
being my own boss and earning twice as much as my wagey colleagues

>> No.1818285

(((Stay within the law)))

>> No.1818308

Have a nice easy job,main regret is after marriage and 6 month vacation I feel fucking lazy to even go to the gym or keep studying as I used to so I'm thinking of joining some job as tourist gutKing on weekends to make some extra bucks and use my language skills,don't even need the money,but as a way to have a more active live and force myself out of my newfound comfyness

>> No.1818444

Im 22 been wage cucking since like 13 and blue collar shit too it has made me one strong physically and mentally mother fucker

>> No.1818449

>having 24 hours of free time and 300 USD in spain which means I can fuck a couple of 8/10+girls + i go to out and have sun and go to gym everyday


>being a wagecuck incel that jerks off on friday night because hes too tired to do anything

>> No.1818459

You do know that particle board is, in fact, made from WOOD chips, right?

>> No.1818470

>You're only worth what you do for society.

Haha, oh wow. Pleb mentality in a nutshell.

>> No.1818490

Actually, I receive unfairly large wages, and will likely do so even more in the future, which I'm using to save up concentrated time and life energy, to be free of ever getting cucked by the economy.

I'm winning this fucking life game nigga, or I'm going out with 100's of thousands of dollars of cocaine abuse on the way out.

>> No.1818509

You can live comfortably in spain for $300 usd a month?

>> No.1818513

you are an autist rotting in some office, thats the definition of no one

>> No.1818514

no, but i live with my parents which pay food etc

so i make 300 usd for me which i blast on 8/10 escorts and go to gym

meanwhile wagecucks are too tired to get it up and can't even fuck escorts

>> No.1818516

Yeah but do you drive a srt8 hellcat

>> No.1818517

delusional wagecuck

>> No.1818520

>srt8 hellcat

>> No.1818553

it comes down to liking your job . im a pawn broker and the pay isnt anything great, and my bosses are money hungry jews but i have a lot of downtime and have learned a lot. i like the people that come in and how every day is a little different.

Learning the in's and outs of buying & selling stuff has made me very profitable in my spare time.

One day i plan to open my own pawnshop. i doubt there is a more profitable business model around. Our tiny shop cleared $14,000 in sales yesterday and almost $20,000 in redemptions (of items pawned)

But tax season is always busy, a normal day is half of that

>> No.1818897

6:30 am? Oh that would be nice

More like 4 am

>> No.1818974

>Don't you ever feel the need to killing yourselves working day in and day out for shit pay for an ungrateful boss?
well i like what i do and actually only work like 20% or my work hours. rest is spent dicking around socializing and browsing.

>> No.1818982

>who does just 0.01% of the work you do but takes home x1000 the pay.
btw this meme is really low quality.
take an example me i could single handedly write the software we make if i got a contract from the buyer directly. but i don't have the capital that they even bother to negotiate with me. i don't have my bosses ability to scrounge up business and to take the risks with his money that it all goes to hell. so not only i couldn't take the risks he takes i don't even have the money to risk on it.

he may not do anything productive in the project but it would never happen without someone like him. and what he takes home is probably a lot less than 1000x what i do. 20x maybe. i wouldn't be surprised if it was only 5-10x.

>> No.1819023

Is it wrong to just admit that you're a fucking worm who buckles under stress? I used to work upstairs in Quality Engineering at the manufacturing facility I'm at, but the Project Manager quit so they moved me downstairs to keep an eye on his most critical project. This shit is stressful as fuck. I can't even come home after my 9+ hours and relax because I'm still thinking about the parts. Just today three people called about the parts and I ain't even on the goddamn clock. I hate this shit and I want to die.

>> No.1819038
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The fact is only dumbasses work at a job forever and don't expect to get big.

Smart people are trying to get out of the typical "9-5" job and looking at ways to escape and become wealthy.

people enjoy it because they are goal oriented and are looking at the bigger picture and at the same time trying to get out of their job

>> No.1819043

Why do you think everyone here is trying to get rich?

Wagecuckery sucks and everyone knows it.

>> No.1819172


Completely normal. Humans aren't meant to live like that.

I worked a 12 to 16 hour day, 6 days a week job as a car salesman and though I was making some good money I quit in three months

>> No.1819282

So you dont ever feel guilty to force your parents to work until they're old to support you? Are you not going to even give them a good life? What happens after they die then?

>> No.1819290

I work in HR for a factory. I basically do new hire paperwork, showing them around for orientation, and setting them up with a trainer, and I also do payroll.

>how can you people stand it?
I do the same thing I would basically do at home sitting on the computer 50% of the time

> Don't you ever feel the need to killing yourselves working day in and day out for shit pay for an ungrateful boss?
I'm happy with the wages I receive considering I do hardly any work and get as long as a lunch break that I want. And my boss is a good friend and fishing buddy.

>Considering that life is too short and after that its over for good, I really want to understand what goes around a person's head when they willingly enslave themselves in debt slavery for someone who does just 0.01% of the work you do but takes home x1000 the pay.
My boss is constantly working and traveling. I work 8 hours a day Mon-Fri, with no overtime and great benefits. I have no debt.

>> No.1819292

Because I work at a startup local distillery and my job is awesome. I'm friends with the family and love bourbon. What's not to enjoy?

>> No.1819374
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I get up at 5:30 AM and have ample time to do all the shit I need to get ready for work. Work takes 30 minutes to get to (can be an hour if there's an accident or something).

My boss is super grateful for the work me and my coworkers do (we're the IT department). I fucking love my job and the people I work with/for, especially since I also get to work with tech.

I'm a 22 year old college dropout, and I got this job only a couple months after leaving college. Pay is currently $11/hr, but I can see myself doing this shit for the rest of my life if nothing else more enticing becomes available (and it would have to be a real big step up from my current job).

Fuck you for implying that anyone's job is immediately shitty.

>> No.1819378
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>pic related
>a proud NEET

>> No.1819382
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In my case (>>1819374), I honestly don't mind working for a wage. It's a stepping stone for sure, but it's helping me get further ahead while enjoying what I do in the mean time.

>> No.1819400

You're wasting your breath senpai. Wagecucking is not so bad as long as you're going somewhere in life, progressing. Kids on biz only know about wagecucking in McDucks

>> No.1819412

>so bad as long as you're going somewhere
No, thats half a NEET answer right there. You work because its good for you and is good for the greater community of people besides yourself. That's why most people work- it gives them a real purpose and reason to beneficially interact with humanity. People know this best after they lose their job, especially men who lose their edge after some weeks or months, some even their mind. It only seems pointless when you've already decided noone else but you really matters. And that itself is a mental defect
See >>1818078

>> No.1819441

i refuse to work 1 day in my life, hopefully ill get a diagnos so i can get neetbux easier

>> No.1819457
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No offence, but most people, in the west, and worldwide work because otherwise they would starve/become homeless.

>> No.1819631

The way I see it, if you're born without any advantages you have two options if you don't want to be a wageslave. Neetbux and Self-Employment.

With Neetbux, you hit 18 and you start drawing your check. From this point forward, your life has already peaked. You go to bed every night with the knowledge that your value as a human is ever decreasing due to your age/experience ratio, you will never earn more money, you will never be able to afford to live in a place where you feel secure. Sure, you might feel comfy and secure for a few years, but trust me, its an awful feeling to never have anything to look forward to. You'll live in shitty section 8 with shitty neighbours forever, nobody in society will ever see worth in you, and you'll never be able to escape. You put yourself in financial prison and as you age, you dig your cell deeper and deeper. Lots of people idolise the idea of not having to work, I've seen my friends do the same thing, after 4 years drawing a check they fucking hated themselves. We need to feel fulfilled by something, and welfare actively de-incentivises self-fulfilment - you take any steps to bettering yourself and they'll take your check away.

With self employment, you need a whole host of things, from capital, skills, and most importantly, self-discipline. You can't just roll up and try to get through the day like you can with most jobs if you don't feel too good - your success is balanced solely on the fragile apex of your human psyche. If you haven't got a bunch of capital to tide you over and you aren't giving something your 100% every single day, you're losing ground and you're losing money - eventually you're losing the fight altogether and winding up with nothing but wasted time. Being self employed isn't just fucking hard, its soul destroying unless you pull it off absolutely flawlessly. There's a reason why most people don't take that risk.

Being employed is secure, there's room for ambition and advancement. The other two lack one.

>> No.1819673

>Everything I don't like is Jewish


>> No.1819708

>Just because wages are distributed unfairly, doesn't mean that the work isn't important or needed

If they are needed then why aren't they paid more?

>> No.1819877


It's needed work, but not skilled worked. Less qualifications needed means more potential people to do the job. Position is opened because it is necessary to deliver the product or service, but there is enough of a supply of workers that the loss of a worker isn't worth paying more to prevent.

>> No.1820087

I do HR at a hotel and it's a comfy gig.

>> No.1820207

Easy. Hard drugs. Gets me to the weekend

Wake up: pop some adderall then drink espresso/coffee throughout the morning
Lunch break: comedown hits, take a shitload of xanax
Get off work: Do a speedball of coke and heroin in the bathroom before I have to take the subway. Long ass commute.
Get home: when the buzz begins to wear off I pop some Oxycontin washed down with vodka, pass out and fall asleep

I don't eat much during the week obviously, and this regimen has been wrecking my health for almost a year. It's not bad though. Always look forward to that post-work speedball.

>> No.1820502

I got like 27k USD in cash (don't trust banks in my country).

I live in Russia, Mòscow and I've got this freelance gig where I work as a simultaneous interpreter and, since I'm doing all this on my own, I don't pay ANY taxes. I work where I want and when I work. The work itself is insanely satisfying, plus you get to see all the cool events with your own eyes and not through the silver screen.

The profits come and go depending on the season, but I can say that I earn 2400-5000 USD per month.

Before sanctions the exchange was twice as high. So, previously I made 5500-10000$. Thanks, Obama.

And I work about 10-12 days a month. Also nice. I'm 24.

Did I do good? I was actually thinking about enhancing my qualification and enroll into some Swiss/British/American M.A. where they got conference interpretation program.

Should I do it or leave it as it is? Moscow is pretty cheap, I'm a hard believer of thrift, so I spend only about 600-700$ per month.

>> No.1820706

Get the anxiety and sleep sorted . I did and it made a huge difference to my life.

I got beta blockers for anxiety and nytol to sleep. Initially though I tried zopiclone,it was good but they wouldn't give me more and nytol does the trick anyway.

Why don't you do office temp work for a while?it's just filing and data entry. I hated retail so I get the kys vibe

>> No.1820709

I fuckin hate it and desk jobs are the worst.

Now all the easy shit is automated, what's left makes your brain hurt hard, overloaded with responsibilities, constant pressure to deliver more and more and more.

But if you don't have a job you are a leech on the rest of the society, go fuck yourself.

>> No.1820714

i hope to god you're alive in 5 years.

>> No.1820725
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>> No.1820907
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You need to invest in something that can generate you passive money, as a hedge against your job. Going abroad to study might be okay just to widen your horizons but it probably wont bring any more income.

Other than that - incredibly done.

>> No.1820969


Damn, there's no way I'd keep that much cash, especially living in what I assume is a cheap/shitty apartment or w/e.

Is there any way you can get that money into something/somewhere safer or where its actually doing work for you?

>> No.1821282

I don't see that happening. I manage to eat a lot on the weekends where I only smoke weed and drink so I'm not malnourished (eat almost ZERO on weekdays), but I'm not delusional. All of this shit really adds up and stresses the entire system.

>> No.1821662

I go to a decent paying job with decent mannered people.

The pay will not make me rich but I can live comfortably with my family.

I am not ambitious and will likely retire with a decent amount of material worth to pass on to my children.

What is the problem?

>> No.1821664

>You're only worth what you do for society
You played yourself

>> No.1821747
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The definition of a looser right here, aspiring to be a sponge on others, hoping to get I'll so it will be easier.

Just kill yourself now, why live your pointless existence.

>> No.1821752
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not yet, but soon.

The west is full of welfare sponges. Filthy, inhuman parasites that drag down what was once a great civilization.

But all governments are bankrupt today, how much longer can they go borrowing and printing money? The welfare train is approaching the end of the line. One day there will be no welfare, no state assistance. And then the NEETs will have nothing, no skills, no experience, no contacts, no money. Only then will they feel the deep sadness and regret that comes from knowing that they've wasted their lives.

>> No.1821755

people who work for a while are literally unable to imagine anything else

>> No.1821893

>It's needed work, but not skilled worked
>keep the pipes going to and from your house working
>keep the electrical grid working
>not skilled worked

That's complete and utter dogshit. You are totally useless in these fields without skills. Stop talking about the things you don't know shit about, you haven't even worked a day in engineering/maintenance.
I take it your idea of "skilled work" is a white collar 9-5 cubicle drone whose only skills are MS Office and the ability to answer phone calls.

And your other point is bs as well
>Position is opened because it is necessary to deliver the product or service, but there is enough of a supply of workers that the loss of a worker isn't worth paying more to prevent

they won't pay you significantly more just because there is a shortage of labor. Some won't do it because they can't due to high costs of keeping the bloated company afloat, to pay all these HR and PR people salaries and benefits every month. Some because they are cunts, who think that "grease monkeys" are disposable (even when they are the ones who generate the income of the company in the first place).
You won't get a decent $ unless you start your own business and cut off the middleman (the management of the company you work for).

generally speaking - there is no direct correlation between "your value to society" and your compensation. I'm not even speaking about discrepancies in wages between first and third world countries here.
Wall St. CEOs who destroyed their firms got hundreds of millions despite their pisspoor performance. And if you think that this practice ended in 2009 then you're wrong.

>> No.1822054

Oh i dont take it for granite. My last job was 80-90 hours a week for shit pay working for cocksuckers...

Sucks being owned and knowing freedom isnt that far away but i am grateful for a near foolproof secure job till i die. I can do this job until im bedridden

>> No.1822061

Lol, i dont get paid for shitposting. I get paid for fucking off all day most of the time and shitpost during it.

That being said ive highly considered irl trolling people. Like theives and the like. Gos tag a yeti cooler and go get it back and such.

Wire up my own bait car just to publicly troll the theives.

Small town.

Example, i had my garage broken into and one of the 3 tweakers in town had to have done it. His mo. Bust the handle off with a hammer.

So, i peaked in his window, saw my shit, kicked his door in, and took my shit while he was appollagizing.

Told him i wouldnt call the cops if he gave me $100 for my time.

Woukd be a lot easier with gos and cameras

>> No.1822068

Odly familiar. Sucks anon.

Gotta research how to beat that deoression and force yourself tobbebin a good mood. Its twice as hard as not eating thst shotgun but the positive imoact you leave on people sometimes does show. And that will helo you to be a little hapier.

Tell your family fuckoff, sac up and put in your 2 weeks notice. Go to work somewhere else. One of the few good things about shit jobs is that you can get another tomorrow.

Bounce around every few months and keep it new until u find a descent job u can tollerate.

Hang out there a few years planning your future

Good luck to you brother. I was in althe same boat for over 10 years. I'm about to have the second shittiest week of mynlife next week and after being sober for 2 years i'm gonna put a bottle of whiskey to my head friday and pull the trigger hoping i dont wake up...

>> No.1822076

Enjoy it while it lasts brother.

Shit makes you an old man quick.

I started pulling wells at 14. Got a metal plate in mybfoot, bunb knee, and my back is dicked...

>> No.1822078

Ya. Pressed together sawdust and a little glue.

Litterally made from trash.

Oh no i spilled my coffee.

Time for a new trash table

>> No.1822080

That's the spirit son!

>> No.1822082


Wonder what it would take to put a cuckshed vacation house down there.

>> No.1822086

Got i fucking hope not. I'd have to stop in my comaro or mustang or hell... my 45 year old pickup to help him work on the piece of shit twice before we get fone with the quater mile. Then find somewhere not plastic to hook a chain on and drag him to the trailer.

...fucking dodge

>> No.1822088

I know.my sides

>> No.1822092

Yup. 100%.

The hardest part of my job is not dickpunching 3 retards a day that tell me how good i have it.

Maybe. But i do have to deal with your smug ass living on unemploymebt in her next door fishing and fucking off all day just to drive by and laugh at how good i have it whike i'm stuck working in 70 degree weather in the middle of winter.

Serioudly fucking hate people

>> No.1822094

Kek! 2 months selling windows.

Double the best money i ever made while working 20 hours a week from home.

2 hour meeting twice a week at work.
Then just me.

Salesman are lying cunts and that aint me. I tore up my commissions checks and told them what asshokes they were

>> No.1822097


Its okay tho. We can put bunck beds in the hospitol

>> No.1822101

Jeeeeeese.... rip anon

>> No.1822106

Shit should be ona poster...

>> No.1822228

How? What makes you think you're better? You achieve an objective to make money, same as anyone. In fact I likely make significantly more than you and have less risk working for a company.