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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18157587 No.18157587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18157614

The public does NOT need those "journalists" the news media is so in love with itself... Completely tone deaf.

>> No.18157625

>and thats a good thing!

>> No.18157626

based, i hope they go homeless and starve in the streets after getting mugged by the niggers they love to defend.

absolute poetry

>> No.18157628

>needs them the most
Not needed at all. Fuckin die

>> No.18157651

>he likes being uninformed

>> No.18157661

Dont worry journalists, pick yourselves up by the bootstraps, learn to code, make a lot of projects in your free time, apply for a minimum wage code monkey position, and go in there, look em in the eye, and say you want the job.

>> No.18157675


>Hundreds of journalists

Doesn't sound like a very big number...and when did we ever "need" professional liars?

>> No.18157692
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>> No.18157698

maybe they should learn to code

>> No.18157706

They'll have plenty of free time to learn to code now

>> No.18157718

Someone explain this -inos meme to me.

>> No.18157729
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>right when the public needs them the most.

>> No.18157800

learn to test
for coronavirus

>> No.18157827

The public needs opinionated agenda drivel and pc bullshit right now?

>> No.18157862
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>right when the public needs them the most

>> No.18157910
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>right when the public needs (((them))) the most

>> No.18157913
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>People who produce negative value for human society getting cut off the clownworld teat

>> No.18157929

If all the journalists went on strike no one would give a shit

>> No.18157938
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>> No.18157953
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>> No.18157984

MSM News is basically worthless and worse than hearsay and rumor. MSM news is propaganda and owned by the rich elite who tell you want they want you to know, not what you should know. Look at 911. All they did during 911 was repeatedly show the airplanes ramming into the wtc towers and people jumping from the towers and then say Iraq and Afghanistan did it. During the “Great Recession”, they said they had to pass the bill or there would be widespread chaos and economic upheaval even tho no one knew what was in it.

>> No.18158012 [DELETED] 

>Landlords btfo
>Jewrnalists btfo
AHAHAHAHAHAH, what a great time

>> No.18158020

Is this bullish for Suterusu and the Asian media during the Corona recovery?

Fuck journalists.

>> No.18158043
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>right when the public needs them the most

>> No.18158058
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I can't blame the reporters for this. CNBC tried to report on the big things but they got shutdown. In particular, pic related was up for a day, and the next day, CNBC's CEO's children were murdered "by the nanny" and the nanny "committed suicide" by slit to the throat.

>> No.18158083

The public needs journalists, not glorified tweet curators with an agenda.

>> No.18158155

>implying journos also have a law degree

>> No.18158175


>> No.18158200

I don't understand why journalists are getting laid off, they should all be remote at this point.

>> No.18158259

I'm looking this up and holy shit. Doesn't look like he was the CEO tho

>> No.18158295
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wew i lold

>> No.18158299
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Learn to code couldnt be more right

>> No.18158306

>not understanding why cutting useless dead weight is good for any organization
you kids know how when there's a group project at school, and there's always one guy who does jack shit, and piggybacks on other people's work? now picture an entire generation of that guy. that's you.

>> No.18158338
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>> No.18158349

STEM here, we don't want more purple-haired, lower than pajeet tier, tranny wannabe coders.
>pajeets submit some shit code, even if it crashes airliners
>trannies submit 0 lines of code, instead creates a "code of conduct"

>> No.18158362

HAHAHA thank you for showing me this OP fuck journalists, they are the ones who hyped this shit up and cause panic if I see a homeless person on the street that says they were a journalist I'll fucking Pat Bateman them.

>> No.18158418
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You should've grown some balls 10 years ago and stop (or lowering the bar) from these parasites from entering STEM.
Meritocracy is fucking based and you /g/ (as well as /v/) started this

>> No.18158461

(((Journalist))) is codeword for Jews and they are traitors to our nation. We don't need them and in fact they should be executed.

>> No.18158481
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>> No.18158488

Going to be frank here. The media as an entity is useful but it can jump the shark, it's gotten to the point where it needs a culling and a purge. All it is is quasi socialist globohomo propaganda and female histrionics.

>> No.18158607

Oh, I know it was a CNBC executive for sure. Just may forgotten about the proper title.

>> No.18158632
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>right when the public needs them the most

>> No.18158646

>blaming /g/
>not (((academia)))
>be manager, 17 headcount
>hire 4 fags upon different ocasions
>3 are complete shit
>try to fire them all within 2 weeks
>director says can't, just give them 90 days
>83 days later, they're still shit
>2 get transfered out, not my problem now
>1 faggot invokes fucking ADA to not get fired. can't transfer him now, no one else wants him either. can't trust with important shit. has never and will never meet minimum performance goals. will never receive a raise.
>the good one has a sugar daddy is is only working for the lulz, might leave at any time
fucking your bleeding hearts /biz/, you bar is lower than mine

>> No.18158678

she gonna jump, LIVE!, or what?

>> No.18158721

>when did we ever "need" professional liars?
Something something government

>> No.18158832
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Long ago, the four deceptions lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Orange Man attacked. Only the journalists, masters of all four deceptions, could stop him, but when the world needed them most, they vanished.

>> No.18158891

Can't wait for some faggy hipster tell me how it's just the flu and how calling it Wuhan Flu is racist.

>> No.18159020 [DELETED] 

>he went to college to learn to code

>> No.18159036

Anons, these are real people, losing their careers. At least have a little sympathy.

>> No.18159039

Oh god who will write the buzzfeed quizzes

>> No.18159056
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Sorry, can't. Not when they're active harbringers of cultural division and decay. This is a good thing for everybody ultimately, we only need a few people to relay the bare facts of the day.

>> No.18159072

Meh, that's fair. Carry on.

>> No.18159074

And what about the thousands who were denies careers, and it was these jewrnalists jobs to jewsplain to the public why that's a good thing, and they should learn to code?

>> No.18159087

Gee that’s a good point I hope Matt from Buzzfeed and his colleagues who occasionally post here are okay.

>> No.18159137

Why are they being laid off?
I imagine talking in front of a camera or writing an article wouldn't be affected

>> No.18159139

"Journalism" was one of the most inflated bubbles of job market this decade. Everyone knew this was going to happen soon or later

>> No.18159144

Fair, fair.

>> No.18159223

They will be taken care of once all the landlords are attended to first.

>> No.18159833

Get with the times, bigot. Linux is inclusive now and code from marginalized programmers should take precedence over white code, regardless of quality.

>> No.18159857

Finally a good news

>> No.18159871

>he enjoys lies, diversions and propaganda