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18156304 No.18156304 [Reply] [Original]

So if I wanted to make a lot of money as a newbie trader would stocks be the right way or should I consider crypto?
whats up with crypto anyway?Heard its not doing opposite of how the market is doing despite anons claiming that's what it's for. Are bigger entities at play in regards to btc and link? Also whats the fastest you made a large chunk of change

>> No.18156405

Crypto is gambling so if you go in only throw in what you're willing to lose.
For stock trading, start by looking up some basic ratio analysis and what they all mean.

>> No.18156430

>So if I wanted to make a lot of money as a newbie trader

>> No.18156437 [DELETED] 

Did you know that hillary clinton is a lesbian? I wonder if she takes her political decisions before or after licking some other mummy rotten pussy.
If you think about that, this is a complete game changer, an entire nation would have been depending on this simple fact.
I imagine her announcing third world war, you can SPOT because microphone seems to melt in the same moment in which she speaks, because an old lady pussy liquids don't go away from your breath for weeks, even if you wash your teeth with bleach

>> No.18157792

Yet many of us are all or nothing on cryptocurrency.

>> No.18157850

If you want an answer you need delete this disgusting anti-semitic OP right now.

>> No.18159088

Do you want to be rich or not? No one's ever made their fortune safely.

>> No.18159117


>> No.18159140

nah nigga. stupid people are. smart people have been short selling stocks and are now cashing out.

>> No.18159161
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Yang gang is done

>> No.18159192
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>> No.18159200

Crypto and PMs are dropping because people need cash since they're not earning it because of all the stay home bullshit

>> No.18159221

Stores could just start accepting it, problem solved

>> No.18159231

literally kill yourself

>> No.18159875
File: 7 KB, 200x200, 152323434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you so mad

>> No.18159935

>So if I wanted to make a lot of money as a newbie trader would stocks be the right way or should I consider crypto?
The best way to make money through trading is by charging transaction fees or charging a fee for actively managing a fund you sell to people. If you mean just for yourself, you typically can't beat either random chance or the total market aggregate. Any insights you have are likely already baked into the market; see the efficient market hypothesis. Also see Random Walk down wall st

>> No.18160023

>So if I wanted to make a lot of money as a newbie trader would stocks be the right way or should I consider crypto?
You'll want about 60% in ETFs.
30% stocks
4% crypto.
6% options.

If you're under 35 you'll want to build retirement income. There's a 1 in 500 chance you'll get to live to 200 in amazing health if you keep your finances together to afford the procedure, which is a better chance than becoming a billionaire, getting struck by lightening, dying in a shark attack or winning the lottery, meaning it's something you should absolutely prepare for.

>> No.18160185

A 1/500 chance he’ll get wealthy enough to afford it or a 1/500 chance it will be real technology in time?

>> No.18160229

The latter. That's why I'm telling him to save. I'm keeping EXTREMELY close tabs on biotech (partially out of interest, partially to get my /biz/bros informed if anything relevant pops up BEFORE Washpost or whoever poomps the stock into oblivion) and longevity is legit starting to look EXTREMELY likely for even a moderately wealthy (think "can afford hang gliding & Ayahuasca retreats" not "owns a fucking yacht and villa"-tier") to be able to afford once it's being rolled out.

Cancer is probably gonna be curable by 2057 or so, but less powerful measures will come out much much much sooner.

>> No.18160300 [DELETED] 

>partially out of interest, partially to get my /biz/bros informed if anything relevant pops up BEFORE Washpost or whoever poomps the stock into oblivion
Based bizbro. I like biotech too, Am considering going back to school for it. Want to send to my burner cdg2@live.com some mailing lists or good new sources to be on?
>think "can afford hang gliding & Ayahuasca retreats" not "owns a fucking yacht and villa"-tier"
Lol yeet I can afford that stuff. Was just talking about hang gliding with my mom the other day she said “that looks fun. But scary.”

>> No.18161198

oh thats cool.

I saw a link to some pharma sites that were going public,


How do you find your biotech companies dood