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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18155802 No.18155802 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 26, virgin, literally friendless and I have 31$ in my bank

>> No.18155828

27, also friendless, and have less than $1 in my bank
had a gf when I was younger though, fucked hundreds of times during our relationship
since then I've had sex like once per year on average for the past 8 years

>> No.18155846

Why are you friendless, how did you end up like this?

>> No.18155855

26 still young enough to turn it around. Physically rate yourself out of 10
Mentally rate yourself out of 10
Something off...

T. Married wagie

>> No.18155856

A sex blow-up doll sounds like around your level

>> No.18155912

30, live with parents, never had a job, worth 5K. Haven't had sex in 10 years, also friendless.

>> No.18155914
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almost 31, virgin, no friends, don't have a bank account

>> No.18155941

Why would you even have a bank account at that point?

>> No.18155947

"friends" are overrated frens, keep 1 - 3 people as true friends. the rest will find ways to hurt you it always happens.

>> No.18155968

>posting in a datamining thread

>> No.18155973
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welp looks like you guys have nothing to live for.

>> No.18155985

I am 25 virgin, and have 17k my dad gave me.
Enrolled though.

>> No.18155990

very tall (99th percentile) and masculine
not a super model but not very ugly
the type of guy who never breaks his promises who does everything to avoid conflicts who knows how to love people who is always smiling, welcoming and happy, never angry at others
I'd say 9/10 in terms of character

>> No.18156009

You’re better than me at least.

>> No.18156018

i've fucked tons of chicks but feel empty about it. tinder turned me into a cooomer... i want off, make it stop. 35, no income, no assets and 34k in credit card debt. should i stop paying my minimums bros?

>> No.18156019

still I'm a loser beyond words

>> No.18156030

40 Year Old Virgin
Don't even have a passport

>> No.18156067

31, live with parents, virgin, have a job.
7k savings, 5k link

>> No.18156095

to receive welfare
OP here, no passport either, am welfare recipient in a country I am technically not even a citizen of

>> No.18156270
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47k in the bank
725k in my portfolio
250k salary
Own 3 rental homes and rent a high rise condo just for the view
Fuck sloots on the reg

>> No.18156279

You're friendless because you're a shitty incel and nobody wants to be around people like that. I can tell because you mention that you're a virgin as if that's something important or interesting. To normal people., it's meaningless. It's like if I introduced myself and then described myself by the brand of toilet cleaner I use. Nobody cares and everyone thinks you're kind of weird for bringing it up.

>> No.18156320

>larps on /biz/

>> No.18156321

>I can tell because you mention that you're a virgin as if that's something important or interesting
bla bla bla you dumb fucking retard you lost your virginity long before adulthood so shut your retarded mouth

>> No.18157818

1) Lift weights.
2) Don't buy shit you don't need to live.
3) Learn a skill
4) Get work (not a job - use your skill)
5) Have money to take girls out

>> No.18157912

If you're being honest here, you sound like the kind of person I'd hang out with.

>> No.18157934

Buy 20 link and wait three days mah dude, we'll met on the yatch

>> No.18157965

>5m LINK
So you're a millionaire? Just market sell it all and go live the high life

>> No.18157989

30 next month
Have had sex
$1500 to my name, all in crypto
Have a career in marketing that I don't like and Im not going anywhere with it
I should have gone for a computer engineering or learn to cide but I lack the drive
Feel Im too old now to learn something new
Venezuelan still in Venezuela

>> No.18157998
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Not everyone on this website is an incel
It's kind of interesting actually
This website is where basement dwelling anime watchers and chads get along. And in a productive way I might add.
I think it's the memes.

>> No.18158003
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i am 33, almost 34
neet loser
virgin(neets don't get laid)
no car(i did get my license a year ago)
i have 1.1k. i lost 900 dollars due to chainlink becoming half its value. i bought when it was 4.60. i am hoping it will eventually go back up when this corona virus bullshit passes

>> No.18158015


>> No.18158056

27, $18 in my bank, but im "hot" and not a virgin. Also im at a milf house rn while I post this dont get married

>> No.18158106

how big is your dong

>> No.18158125

Turn your $31 into $310 with Suterusu in Q2. Then go for $3k.

>> No.18158143

yea well I live in Scandinavia so ...

>> No.18158152

This. No where else in society would this mix occur. I love it.
T. Tradie who hates office work

>> No.18158168

Well if travel to... oh wait you can't lol
When you can Ausi woman love tall Scandinavians.

>> No.18158179

Post throwaway

>> No.18158185

Stop shilling your shitcoin.

>> No.18158195

Scandinavian women love tall men
but they're worthless cum swallowing whores so
if you ever plan to come to Scandinavia I can come say hi to you or if you're rich you can pay for a trip to Australia

>> No.18158207

>He isn't ~$60k in debt
Heh, nothin' personnel kid.

>> No.18158223

I didn't lose my virginity until age 26. I've banged over 15 Thai hookers since then. I'm 30 now.

>> No.18158274

did you try thai bussy, thai ladyboys?
how do they compare?

>> No.18158291

24 turn 25 in 3 months
I have a lot of acquaintances but none are real friends. And the few friends I have are in college and they all went to the four ends of the country.
I have $3421 in my account. But $1500 of that is from student loans [24k].
I get my EE degree in August and I need a thousand or so to finish up summer classes. I also don't have any experience or an internship and no employers are getting back to me especially now with all the lock down and uncertainty.
No gf and my tinder account is dry with no likes

>> No.18158313

Post Rolex or fake

>> No.18158344
File: 91 KB, 501x1162, 1443571053884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and $250 of litecoin that got stolen in the cryptopia hack. Still waiting on the recovery of that

And currently $37 on coinbase which only a few months ago was $107. Currently holding BCH

Looking to find a broker to throw $500 in that can do Forex and options. I might just throw it all down on a lotto pick on a friday and hope for 300% up or lose it all. Or invest at the bottom and hope I make some cash.

No Job too...
All I wanted was a motorcycle this summer

>> No.18158355

Nah, I can't do it. Plenty of attractive ladyboys there if you're into it though.

>> No.18158380
File: 90 KB, 800x720, F31630E3-C64A-4E6F-BB31-C1B190E64BAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

63 here, virgin, no gf, I don’t have a house

>> No.18158393

100k in crypto 150k in other assets
body count over 50, am a 8/10 with autistic chad personality
multiple social groups that i am connected with

still frogposting though.

>> No.18158413

Homo go make friends

>> No.18158641

You sound like a chad desu

>> No.18158786

This has to be a larp. I’d hire a prostitute at that age and just gamble every paycheck.

Anyway, 28. Lost virginity at 25, been with same girl since. Total assets come out to something like 30k so not much not bad. Still have a job making 90k a year thank heavens. 90th height percentile and above avg in looks if that means shit which it doesnt. Try to be a decent person and help less fortunate people, also lift and play vidya sometimes.

Not larping and not saying this to put other people down. 4 years ago I was a weed smoking virgin loser for like 6 years that couldnt talk to girls, had sucidial tendencies, depressed as all hell and hopeless (also browsed 4chan then too). Just wanted to show you anons that if I made it you guys can make it even though im not some rich ass neet or anything, being stable and having someone to love and a good job is damn good enough for me. Chin up brethren.

>> No.18158794

>have 31$ in my bank
throw that shit in Link. Wait 5 years. Congratulations you have a retirement fund.

Seriously, make sure you have some Link, it doesn't matter if you barely have any, even 1 Link token will be worth a metric ton in the future.

>> No.18158816

how can you be 63 virgin, and straight? i find it impossible. even if your peen is 2" long you can still get bitches.

>> No.18158825

Just don't use your girlfriend for hardcore degrading sex like blowjobs, deepthroating and all that faggot stuff

>> No.18158997

How 2 get from point A to point B

>> No.18159016

40k debt for an art education that i did not finish
had sex once in college but she never called me back

>> No.18159083

Yeah also lowest antisemitism of any board

>> No.18159089

Same but 35

>> No.18159118

Stop being a poor loser change your attitude c’mon faggot do it

>> No.18159162

write naked options

>> No.18159228

I would rather be OP than you. Your situation is brutal

>> No.18159249

Not really, only in your mind. As long as he still has food and shelter love can be fun and it will be his challenge to get out of debt.

>> No.18159339

That kind of debt is impossible to pay off on your typical art drop out wage

>> No.18159349

this does not add up anon
are you sure your not a narcissistic childish asshole?

>> No.18159365

>Fuck sloots on the reg

let me fix your post
>likes to go on 4chin and lie

>> No.18159381

Well, for a start, typically the dollar sign goes in front of the number

>> No.18159416

>who does everything to avoid conflict

You're a beta anon, learn to stand up for yourself and say no, meeting a hot girl will have moments that are like conflict you gotta be unflinching

>> No.18159485

it's pretty hard. did manual labor for quite a while, decent money for my situation but my body is not cut out for it, got very ill multiple times. did retail, but that environment is not conducive to growth. doing it helpdesk stuff now, there is light at the end of a ~10 year tunnel, but it's not looking good for the near term. i don't even bother trying for women. if i get one, she is either in bad shape herself or not very ambitious, both options don't seem like a good fit.

>> No.18159490

>neets don't get laid
i do lol

>> No.18159525

30, hot girlfriend, decent job for local government as a mechanical engineer, $5k savings, tall, muscular and good looking, bit of a cunt to strangers, take care of my friends, need to be better to my family. Prone to depression.

fucking holding like 1 m HOT I bought at 17 sats
150 ELA I bought at $15
$10 K in shares now $5k (fuck yea lithium mining)

Life's decent just feels kinda purposeless