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File: 984 KB, 2814x4223, lDEGwMr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1815579 No.1815579 [Reply] [Original]

How much wealth and status do you need to get a woman/wife who looks this good ?

I will take your advice seriously.

>> No.1815585


are you willing to get cucked after spending $50,000+ on her is the real question.

>> No.1815593


Nobody in there right mind would ever get cucked (would not let their partner cheat).

>> No.1815596


>> No.1815632

op my advice is

>> No.1815634

Like Warren Buffet...

>> No.1815822


>> No.1815884

you don't need wealth or status to claim this prize, just a fucking personality and good fashion sense. If you can show her a good time, and of course maintain a well paying job, then this will be fucking easy for you.

>> No.1815903

>no tits

>> No.1815908

You don't need money to own these types of girls
Just a good personnality, stable job and life, show her a good time.
Just be yourself
I date a 10/10 and I am barely a 6

>> No.1815910

Financial independence obv with enough left over to support her as well.

But more importantly you must be socially rich. Lots of friends in high places especially the kind who can start her career in modelling and acting. Bonus points if this is your career as well.

>> No.1815913

>implying big ol titties are everything

>> No.1815915


>I date a 10/10 and I am barely a 6
lol okay anon, cool story bro

>> No.1815926
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Anyone who goes after someone that is not a 10/10 in their eyes is just settling and is a shallow piece of shit.

That said, getting your perfect waifu is unironically chance. There are people who make over 500k, workout, seem to have the perfect qualities of a husband, and get cucked. Just look at all the famous celebrity affairs. And then there are people on /b/ who have their perfect waifus, and ARE FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT ON THEM (oh yeah, ive seen the stories)

Its not even a personality issue. Ive looked up many introvert love stories on reddit, and the way betas get their wives is like winning the lottery. Even fucking Chris Chan had a slim chance with meagan before he drew porn of her.

Really, the best thing you can do is to just force yourself outside as much as possible whether thats a job or going to a bar or something.

So, to answer your question, its depends who your wife is really.

>> No.1816176

I always laugh when rampant homosexuals stay in the closet in the interwebs

>> No.1816182

that's an average eastern european girl, there's nothing unique about her looks.

>> No.1816779

Go learn pickup.

>> No.1816793

Save up for a waifubot harem. That's what I'm doing.

>> No.1816811

Not in the literal sense.
The point he was making, is that you're going to spend a shit load of money on them, and they'll leave you when the money runs out or they find someone with more wealth.

Didn't you just create a thread on /fit/?

>> No.1816813

This is why I'm convinced god doesn't exist.

>> No.1816814

>liberals actually believe this
lad, you're delusional

>> No.1816827

This post was extremely autistic, and I didn't like it.

>> No.1816866

The only honest women you ever meet are prostitutes.

Young Millennial numales will eventually learn this.

>> No.1816908

No they will not.
Nu-males are going to get cancer and die by the time they're 35.

>> No.1816917


>Nu-males are going to get cancer and die by the time they're 35.

We can only hope

>> No.1816951

If you don't look like John Merrick you can be a complete poorfag and have a bitch hungry for your cock if you're alpha as fuck

>> No.1816966

Bro, only betas care about providing for bitch. I never spend more than $3 on a woman I'm trying to fuck and never will. Just be an asshole and groom yourself.

>> No.1817000
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No way.
I'm fucking 25, and women are nurtured knowing they need the best possible provider.
So, unless you're picking up street trash whores, good luck.
I've had my fair share of socialist women. Never again.

>> No.1817006

>Bro, only betas care about providing for bitch.

When you're Alpha, bitches automatically assume you're going to provide for them... and not just provide, but provide WELL.

Only beta nu males spend 100% of their energy trying to prove to women they can "provide"

And these numales always end up being used by the women they are "providing" for... all while they're riding Chad cock on the side.

>> No.1817014

>I'm fucking 25, and women are nurtured knowing they need the best possible provider.
lolno. That's what mommy and daddy say. Women are hardwired to fuck assholes and make beta providers care for them after they turn uggo, used up, and old.
>So, unless you're picking up street trash whores, good luck.
Dude, all women are like this. From the goody two shoes church girls, to the nerds, to the normal ones, to the hipsters, to the high powered lawyers, to the party sluts,
>I've had my fair share of socialist women. Never again.
You're doing it wrong

Fucking kiddies think they have it all figured out

t. 35

>> No.1817033

>When you're Alpha, bitches automatically assume you're going to provide for them...
Are you high? Women are aware that alphas make shitty fathers and husbands (in the provider sense)

They want an alpha to breed them and a beta to feed them
>Only beta nu males spend 100% of their energy trying to prove to women they can "provide"
I agree. Talking about your portfolio doesn't make a pussy wet, being a cocky asshole does.
>And these numales always end up being used by the women they are "providing" for... all while they're riding Chad cock on the side.
Nerds are smart but lack common sense. They don't realize a chick will just use them as an ATM while fucking her cute personal trainer who teases her all the time.

>> No.1817038

there is no amount of money that is enough money for women. You shouldn't be giving them your money anyways. If they're not happy about your financial status and you are successfully supporting yourself on your own with money leftover for recreational activities, then she's a 0/10 and can go fuck herself.

>> No.1817057
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2/10 at best

>> No.1817084

As somebody that grew up in LA, there's plenty of women that look better than her married to $80K/year wagecucks.

There's also a "famous" whore on Instagram mentioning she only needs a man that will give her $5K a month.

So to answer your question, you don't need to be rich, but you need to be upper middle class. And looking like a Chad helps too. All of these 10/10 women married to average middle class salary guys typically look like they haven't aged in 20 years and still have abs in their 40s.

>> No.1817096
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>lolno. That's what mommy and daddy say. Women are hardwired to fuck assholes and make beta providers care for them after they turn uggo, used up, and old.
lol no way dude
I understand this defeats your narrative, but you gotta grow up motherfucker. I'm not implying men fuck assholes, I'm implying you're wrong about everything.
>Dude, all women are like this. From the goody two shoes church girls, to the nerds, to the normal ones, to the hipsters, to the high powered lawyers, to the party sluts,
Don't pretend like you know women, loser.

We all know you're a lying cunt.
I understand you're trying to virtue signal or whatever, but you've gotta give it a rest.
People can see through your role-playing.
You're giving yourself away.
You automatically assume there's cucking, and beta behaviors.
You've probably learned everything you know from tv.
Men learn how to provide in school and women learn how to adapt.
Women need a provider, and men meet that requirement.
No level of "alpha" behavior will undermine women's programming.
Unless, again, you're talking about leftist women with no morality and a false sense of reality.

>> No.1817098

daddy put out cigars on her arms as a child.
that, or she was a cook.

>> No.1817100

>All of these 10/10 women married to average middle class salary guys typically look like they haven't aged in 20 years and still have abs in their 40s.
good genetics.

>> No.1817111

This guy I know makes shit wages working at a bank inside a Walmart, but he looks like he should be in men's fashion magazines and is always dating 10/10 women that should be wrapped under the arms of A list celebrities. Meanwhile I make close to $90K in IT and the only women I ever attract are STD stricken Mexican whores and sort of ugly women that have the same hobbies as me. I guess the ugly but nice body /out/ women would make a good wife for me though. This girl I've been talking to and go hiking with sometimes is a Principal at a middle school and her parents are successful business owners. But god damn she's a ginger and her face, shoulders, and arms are covered in freckles. But she has a nice fit body with a perky ass and okay but smallish tits. The other major flaw is she's sort of feminist. She actually believes there's a gender gap and thinks women deserves more rights.

>> No.1817139

Depends how attractive you are, and how much of a gold digger they are.

>> No.1817143
File: 26 KB, 576x432, walken_true_romance34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay first of all, women are vain. This non-arguable.
If a woman sees a man that appears to be under good circumstances, i.e. good genetics and a seemingly good job--she will undoubtedly go for the person.
As far as the ugly rich ginger you were referencing, I say go for it. The double standard applies in this situation, whereas a woman with money is beyond grasp by most people.
However, an ugly woman with money is a go-to situation.
Look at Donald Trump and Ivana. She was ugly as a horse, but she had money. That is what you call a leveraging situation. A power relationship, if you will.
That is marriage material. You two can fuck whatever you want on the side. Of course, it's smart to arrange the parameters beforehand.

>> No.1817144

>Anyone who goes after someone that is not a 10/10 in their eyes is just settling and is a shallow piece of shit.
That's the opposite of shallow.

>> No.1817145
File: 108 KB, 400x381, IMG_0197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's s tradcuck episode

Aww, shit

You guys are worse than feminists because you agree with them and at the same time deny empirical fact

>> No.1817150

what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.1817296

nice vid anon

>> No.1817305


I've had better for a night for less than $500.

Why marry one who is gonna divorce you and take half your assets, and stop fuckng you after a few months. Just rent em for a bit of fun and live your life.

>> No.1817329
File: 60 KB, 640x480, chloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great point, other than the bit where the woman takes your assets (get a prenup).
Where do you get your escorts?
Is there a website, I'm having difficulties in my town.
Not shitposting, I'm actually serious.

>> No.1817342
File: 1.78 MB, 2814x4223, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy paying alimony for your 7/10 roastie

>> No.1817345
File: 43 KB, 612x612, 16473104_403912959948676_1134045308132122285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either be rich or good looking. Preferably both.

>> No.1817354

I agree with the marrying a woman who's like 5/10 but has good earning potential. That 10/10 is going to be a 5/10 eventually anyway and you're probably going to end up broke because she'll spend all your money during the time in your life when you really should be saving/investing it.

>> No.1817446

Traditional conservative

AKA soft feminist

>> No.1818534
File: 180 KB, 1280x960, jE9DMBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, being a conservative is the most logical way to carry out your western life.
If we all lived in shitty-ass India, then we could be Hare Krishna.
Also, I do not agree with modern feminism, so I don't understand your hostility.

>> No.1818622
File: 104 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. beta male

meanwhile good looking chads working in mcdonalds nailed her during her 16-20 yo prime.

>> No.1818627

If a woman is nailing dudes from McDonald's, she has low aspirations.
If you think that what you're saying is true, you're a defeatist and a true beta.

>> No.1818630
File: 275 KB, 890x1222, DQuK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money don't mean shit when you are still an autistic, ugly dweeb. See pic related.

>> No.1818634

>Californian liberals.

>> No.1818636

>Is a billionaire
>marries a post menopausal chinese peasant
That's autistic facial blindness for you.

>> No.1818656

You can have most women if you're solid looking and have a nice house and a nice car, big plus if you're financially free (rich). When it comes down to celebs and very high status type women, you'd either have to be a billionaire or be famous yourself. It's all about supply and demand my friend.

>> No.1818671

Seriously what's this guy's problem, couldn't he find someone nicer?

>> No.1818672
File: 1.49 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean well I've fucked this girl in pic related and I'm dirt poor. But I've known her all throughout high school and we were always good friends so I guess that's why. Plus I'm in college right now so being poor is okay for right now.

>> No.1818674
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, B8XsiM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had women, multiple women, tell me that they couldn't give a shit about looks. As long as you're not hideous, the only thing women are looking for is status and money.
Unless you're talking about naive little girls, but women become sexually aware by the time they're 12, so I wouldn't go down that path.

His entire life is based on computers. Literal Asperger's.

>> No.1818675

Anybody can fuck a nigger.
I had 2 spics and a nigger casually hit on me last night, but that doesn't count.

>> No.1818677

he probably still fucks escorts, but the guy is socially braindead, ironically. the way he talks would make any decent girl throw up, and why take a trophy wife if you already have some girl you've known for a while?

>> No.1818682

Let's be real, that guy is anti-social and borderline autistic.

>> No.1818788




>> No.1818795


You guys are assholes. His wife is literally his girlfriend from high school. You'd be lucky to have that kind of meaningful relationship.

>> No.1818796


10 wealth

>> No.1818809

Who cares about getting hot sluts? What I want to know is how much income do you need to attract a young 17-20 yo virgin traditionalist Christian girl who wants lots of babies.

>> No.1818820

>thinking high school matters

>> No.1818846

>lol stupid idiot he's rich he could marry the most attractive woman in the world
>said woman uses him for his money

>> No.1818857

0 if you find one that isn't an attention whore from Instagram

>> No.1818866

>implying she'd be with him if he were a street urchin shooting heroin into his nutsack, working as a waiter.

>> No.1818873

I'd say $140,000 per year in NYC but you still have to be attractive, charismatic, an achiever, and command attention when you speak. Regardless of money you would still need to change your personality to keep her attention

>> No.1818874
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>> No.1819576

god you are bluepilled. browse sluthate and lookism you fat deformed subhuman.

>> No.1820078

This happens constantly IRL

Women are not attracted to men because they have money, they're attracted to the money itself. The guy is 99% of the time a safe, boring, ok looking beta. This is pussy kryptonite.

Women lust after alphas when they're fertile. Social class be damned.

>> No.1820084

Depends if you're ugly and old then net worth of at least 1m. A young stud like me can get her with a couple thousand

>> No.1820410

>young stud, yeah right
You're some cuck roleplaying on 4chan's /biz/ board

>> No.1820416

Or maybe women are attracted to power, and usually people with power have money.
Your idea of a "boring beta" is probably just some smart conservative that worked hard to get where he is.

>> No.1820444

My wife is better looking than that and we only make 65k combined

>> No.1820466

pictures or you're delusional

>> No.1821054

Ok, a real answer.

Combined familial assets, including mother and father, of about 50 million. Additionally, you will need about 500K to 1 mil in revenue a year.

>> No.1821385
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If you can't talk a women into your bed, how can you talk a boss into a promotion, or investors into funding your business?

Surely it's easier to bang a 10/10 than become a multi-millionaire?

>> No.1821450
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>Ive looked up many introvert love stories on reddit

>> No.1821541


>> No.1821563
File: 933 KB, 4558x4542, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've run the calculations. You need about 6 gorillion Ether.

>> No.1822363

"Be yourself" isn't good advice to a bunch of neckbeared virgins. Which is why they mock you. Good advice otherwise.

Same as above, don't know why some argue against a valid point. At least, I prefer to pretend that I don't.

10/10 Get a job IN a bar. Bartenders develop good game purely by job requirements. Social skills develop as you interact with everyone from the alcoholic who discovered the wife fucking his best friend, to the girl celebrating the latest seed round for her internet start-up.

Honestly, you'll get tired of the shitty people, learn all the songs (depends on the bar), and work nocturnally. BUT you'll be surrounded and interacting daily with high-energy, high-value people AND in a sexualized enviroment.

Also by bar, I mean a nightclub or social bar. Dive bars/drinking dens are much more limited in these respects while bar-and-grill bars are just glorified restaurants which happen to serve alcohol; not real bars imo.

>> No.1822458


For men this usually means have a 10/10 job like male stripper, military general, or Forbes 500 C-Suite. That's super-high status. However, status is relative to everything.

Your average collage football player is fairly low on the Nerd Totem Pole; nerds don't care about football. They are average among football players, yet high among football fans. And above average in Greek Life due to their skills and distinction.

Just expanding on this train of thought.

Yup. People are programmed to find those who are like them most attractive. Also the fact that your 10/10 is not my 10/10 but both of us want to be multi-millionaires. There's less people chasing the same goods.

Being assistant manager at Starbucks while she's a retail employee is relateable and a "step-up" for her. Even if you're both no-job students that's relateable. But, staying assistant manager and she's the daughter of a noveau riche "go-getter" entrepreneur and she's interning at Deloitte; you're only good for dick. If nothing else, she'll leave or you'll get cucked.

At the same time, if you're an MD at Blackstone and she's a museum curator (putting that English degree to good use)... she'll wonder if she's just another "piece of meat" or worse... what is wrong with you that an MD has to "settle" for someone so beneath him. Even if this woman is literally God-on-Earth to you, there is just too much disconnect. Beta-mode is literally is the only way to get this woman and even then, she might feel like a 'piece of meat'.