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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18155166 No.18155166 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

what are you going to invest in when you get your $1,200 check?

>> No.18155180

have sex with ur mom 1,200 times

>> No.18155209

Just save it for now.

>> No.18155230

Toilet paper

>> No.18155231

I'm going to put it in the bank.

>> No.18155250
File: 47 KB, 336x274, 529FF9F5-B687-45E2-BD08-37BDA6EFBFBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Printing money does not create real wealth, it just redistributes it

>> No.18155251

me and my wife are buying kayaks

>> No.18155275

Literal paradox of thrift

A lot of people are just gonna bank it, this “free” 1.2k won’t do shit

>> No.18155290

How do I claim that?

>> No.18155293

Not getting one, college scams me again

>> No.18155329

I’ll just put it in my Citi Accelerate Savings account.

Not really. The overwhelming majority of people live paycheck to paycheck. Only a small percentage of people will save it.

>> No.18155375

gold, I'm going to list a couple things below that retards will buy, If you buy any of these you are a retard
>don't buy anything, just saves it into a currency that will fail anyday
>toilet paper
>anything other than food, guns, ammo, gold/silver and survival items.

>> No.18155386


>Asks about a $1,200 check.

>Posts picture of $1,500 cash.

Fucking idiot.

>> No.18155405

Buy orchid and xrp

>> No.18155484

Paying down credit card debt

Pls no bully

>> No.18155617

Had to sell a few 1 oz bars in order to cover closing costs on the home I bought late last year. I'm thinking of buying guns/ammo or putting it all in LINK. I've got a stack just over 30K and the Trump bucks will put me at a little over 31K.

I unironically had my boomer dad tell me I NEEDED to use that money to spend on "eating out and supporting small businesses." I considered explaining to him that the money would be better spent on investments or adding to my gun collection, but then I remembered both my parents shitlibs who religiously watch CNN, read the WP (and actually think it's ((((unbiased)))), don't own any guns, are retired, on pensions, and have millions in their stock portfolio. I love my parent's but thier boomer mentality is the reason this country has gone so fucking far down the shitter. I can't fucking wait for shit to go back to normal and LINK to be implemented on a mass scale. I'll have made more money overnight off a $10K investment than my entire extended families combined in their entire lifetime.

>> No.18155632
File: 17 KB, 480x360, zoidberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't buy gold or crypto with that money, you're an idiot.

>> No.18155648

Straight to Bernie2020

>> No.18155692


Yep, and not the way most people think. Its not like robinhood. The government just printed $2.2 trillion, which would have been enough to give every adult over $10k. They printed it from nothing so that devalues your savings and your future income. Then they give back $1200 to you. Meanwhile it inflates the value of assets like real estate, stocks, etc. that the rich mostly own. The billionaire stock holders, investment banks, etc. who own the global corporations that got most of that money are the winners here.

>> No.18156535

tqqq/tmf 60/40 spread

>> No.18156572

SPY calls.

>> No.18156593

Tossing it into Mitsubishi. Decent dividends. Decent stock valuation. Pretty much an establishment at this point.

>> No.18158149

Isn't there a lot of it going to pay for salaries by corporations in a form of loan they don't have to pay back? Or is it even worse?

>> No.18158244

Shouldn't have bought all those weeb figurines you nerd.

>> No.18158294

If you go by the 6 trillion figure, it's close to 20k per citizen. They're taking out a 20k loan in your name and giving you $1200. Since I make >100k, I'm not even getting that much.

>> No.18158318

food nigga

>> No.18158319

Probably pay my taxes to the Jew government. I owe like $2k from capital gains

>> No.18158331


>> No.18158462

Put it all in UVXY...DOUBLE IT UP BABY

>> No.18158487

Put some in the bank (for now), put the rest into crypto.

>> No.18158864

An iPhone. Getting tired of my Moto g6

>> No.18159272

The more people collecting the trumpbux on this site, the less you should trust what people are saying. Only poor wagerinos collecting those checks.

>> No.18159305

$600 into silver
$600 into NEO

>> No.18159332

>$600 into NEO
and why would you do that?

>> No.18159406


It's my crypto gamble. It likely won't go down much, but has plenty of potential to go high. Or I'm wrong and it shits the bed. Way she goes.

>> No.18159456

I’ll use it to rent some office space, assuming that’s still possible. I want to LARP as a modestly successful entrepreneur.

>> No.18159518

I'm going to buy chickens, a chicken coop, garden soil and seeds

The fucking end is coming we are all going to get whiplashed and the people that grow and raise their own food will be the only ones to prosper through the slump

>> No.18160326

It's a boring answer but probably guns and silver. I would like to save it and put it towards a home improvements but I don't see that or the cash itself being worth much soon.

>> No.18160336

this happened in japan in the late 80s kek. most people didn't even cash their checks