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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18154553 No.18154553 [Reply] [Original]

German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead - suicide

The body of Thomas Schäfer, finance minister for the German state of Hesse, was found on train tracks near Wiesbaden. Police suspect the 54-year-old died by suicide.


What does this mean for Euro?

>> No.18154603

It means he found something out that he shouldn't have.

>> No.18154617

OMG, the Hessischer Finanzminister. Now that's a real nothingburger, /biz/

>> No.18154629


>> No.18154651

Could mean that the German far-right actually has its shit together and is understanding the whole "make it look like an accident/suicide" conventional wisdom of covert murder. Not just walking into a politician's house and shooting them like spergs.

>> No.18154691

ah yis, waiting for the breadcrumbs!

>> No.18154695


>> No.18154715

Kek, they sure were out of line with the long knives night shit, even the name was suspicious.

>> No.18154733

he knew what awaits us and could not handle it

>> No.18154739


>> No.18154751

>What does this mean for Euro?
Fucking nothing since the actual work is done by the Staatssekretär and his staff. the minister just puts his ugly face in front of the TV camera to give the plebs some persona to relate to. He'll be replaced (same party oc) and literally nothing will change. Do you guys even into politics?

>> No.18154755

possibly, I def wanna get more in on this! if it's really a "murder"

>> No.18154760
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>Fucking nothing since the actual work is done by the Staatssekretär and his staff. the minister just puts his ugly face in front of the TV camera to give the plebs some persona to relate to. He'll be replaced (same party oc) and literally nothing will change. Do you guys even into politics?

>> No.18154762

at that point they had already won

>> No.18155055
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>Hessens capital frankfurt is considered Europes main hub for banks and finances.
probalby killed himself after looking at Deutsche Banks reported numbers

>> No.18155073

he would have killed himself long time ago if that was the case.

>> No.18155098

I think he was killed by the German far right like the other ones

>> No.18155129

You have no idea how bad this crash is for germany.
Yesterday the european court basically voided all german loan contracts.
Our banks are heavily invested in the large companies like BMW or Siemens. Car sales are completely gone, arms export has been crippled by politicians over the years and companies like Siemens have been partial zombies since 2009.
We are fucked

>> No.18155144

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Andy Sixx's log of shit. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of fecal matter most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Andy’s fecal outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from John Dryden literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Andy Sixx's log of shit truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Andy’s existential catchphrase “Creamy Steamy Dreamy” which itself is a cryptic reference to Coprophilia. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepatedsimpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Andy’s genius shit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. XD

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Log of shit tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid. :)

>> No.18155260

sorry man. i also live in europe. if germans cant handle this, no one will. we are in this together.

>> No.18155345

dear god, why do they still exist
>partial zombies since 2009
and thats being generous

>> No.18155391

legend has it that Siemens only exists to boost car sales with their ludicrous amount of company cars
yep we all together get to pay for the sins of the few it seems

>> No.18155431

Start issuing MEFO bills, es geht's wieder los

>> No.18155452

4th Reich when?

>> No.18155453

>basing your entire countrys economy on overpriced overvalued shitty "high'end" cars.
what a pathetic retarded fucking joke

>> No.18155457

do they still make those locomotives?

>> No.18155463

German industry was going down long before the crash, this was inevitable.

EU will not be a thing in the future, praise the lord.

>> No.18155490

>going loco
you think Siemens took out the finance minister?

>> No.18155495

nope they sold their train production together with their entire mobility division to the french years ago

>> No.18155526

jesus, what absolute fucking idiots

>> No.18155541
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>basing your entire countrys economy on praying for sandniggers to continue to sell their oil only in USD
what a pathetic retarded fucking joke

>> No.18155558

well, at least they can take it back if they have to.

>> No.18155567

*renbt free

>> No.18155572

First they came for nuclear power and the masses cheered because muh green energy
Then they came for the military industry and everybody cheered because muh war bad mkay
Then they came for the automobile industrie and everyboone cheered because muh CO2 will destroy the planet in 5 years.
The vast majority of the remaining industrial sectors are all dependent on them in one way or another

This is what the masses chose so let them have it.


>> No.18155591


>> No.18155605

So who suicided him?

>> No.18155607


>STATE finance minister

Lmao, that's like a small municipal poltician. Piss off OP.

>> No.18155627

>praying for
We use our military to make sure they stay in line. Did you not get the memo? In a conventional war we can fuck up literally any country we want to the point of glossing them. The petrodollar is the petrodollar because literally the entire world is scared shitless of our military might.

>> No.18155651

It means that the Brexiteers won

>> No.18155681


This is like the finance minister of New York, if they had one, killing himself after a status report from the NYSE see

>> No.18155687

pay denbts

>> No.18155797

Watch what the Bank will do, or not do.