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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18149811 No.18149811 [Reply] [Original]

What is your plan once we are 8 months into quarantine, the grocery store shelves are empty, and your money are valueless?

Pic unrelated, although I am a female.

>> No.18149818

i hate you

>> No.18149837

Scary shit. Summer is going to be fine but if this lasts longer the food supply really could dry up.

>> No.18149840

cute skelly (male)

>> No.18149841

sauce? who is this fat fuck?

>> No.18149844
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Did that bitfh ever give up here nudes?

>> No.18149870
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tits with timestamp or gtfo

>> No.18149893

get my rifle kill people for food. duh

>> No.18149920

are you going to eat people?

>> No.18149938

How? The farmers are still in their fields and the factories making processed garbage food and cleaning products are still running. The truck drivers are still working so its still going to get delivered to the grocery store because the grocery store employees are still working. Supplies wont be a problem.

>> No.18149944

Tits or gtfo. You know the rules.

>> No.18149958

he's going to be an assassin on the new decentralized assassination network duh

>> No.18149970

Uhhh...kill people FOR their food or kill people FOR FOOD?

>> No.18149971

>1 post by this ID
tits or gtfo

>> No.18149972

Can you imagein how fucking disgustingly hideous the subhuman whores who actually browse /biz/
I feel disgusted even being in the same thread as this fucking busted bitch.

>> No.18149989


>> No.18150032

Grow potatoes and hunt. We have a few chickens. Planned on getting some solar-panels this year. Hopefully that possibility doesn't shut down because of this.

>> No.18150077

that is a dude

>> No.18150081

Farmers and food processors rely on a whole supply chain and labour force that has been disrupted. Social distancing and the risk of food contamination has made the whole process of making and distributing food less efficient. There is going to be a lot less food going around, and countries reliant on imports are going to be the hardest hit.

>> No.18150118
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>Grocery shelves are empty
>Your money are valueless

>> No.18150129

when the 7-8/10 roastie attention whores start posting timestamped pics it's time to sell, see december 2018

thankfully we've only got larps and trannies so it's still safe to buy

>> No.18150145


Damn, another low IQ retard

>> No.18150149

> Live in the second largest food exporter in the world.

Quite honestly, they're probably going to ask us to eat it all up ourselves now.

>> No.18150166

7-8/10 holy fuck look at this fucking incel
you mean 2-3/10

>> No.18150189

People are SO DUMB that they dont understand that coronvirus causes no issue with logistics. Its just a human death issue, and a low one at that

IF you think all the crops are goign to die, or alternatively nobody can transport the crops to shops then youre honestly so daft that you dont deserve to be on a finance forum. Go shoot up meth or something

>> No.18150198

I have enuff food for one year.
Suck mu balls.

And my home is a fortress. No one is getting in without a fight.

>> No.18150207

>I am a female
Youre a man

>> No.18150218

I'm referring to the roasties who posted in December 2018 obviously not the OP which is some old meme scarecrow, go back to wherever the fuck you came from newfaggot

>> No.18150220

my day is ruined

>> No.18150251

Gold and silver.

>supply chains can't break down or countries cant simply just stop exporting
Retard imbecile.

>> No.18150260

kill pizza, eat girl, fuck bike

>> No.18150263

coming to your house and making you post a picture proving you're gril

>> No.18150287
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my man

>> No.18150359

Real talk? I have lots of non-perishable food for the short term, and if society really does devolve that far I could go to family-owned farm land and be able to feed myself with the deer/bears/rabbits/etc that live there (even if I couldn't, something like 98% of Canada's land isn't owned by anyone in particular, there's no one stopping you from just going into the bush and living there). There is absolutely no way I'm just going to stay in a city where there's no food coming in and people are starving. The first thing that happens when people are starving is riots and revolution. Fuck that shit, I'll be in the middle of no where living off the land while everyone else kills themselves over crumbs of bread

If you don't know how to fish, hunt, prepare a shelter, forage for food that won't kill you, survive in the winter, etc, you're doing yourself a huge disservice.

>> No.18150376

>"Gold and silver."
>Calls someone a retard
Lmao the fucking irony

>> No.18150392
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she's packing a fatty under there tho

>> No.18150417

Open an economic history book you retarded communist inbred.

>> No.18150433

being a tranny doesnt count as being a female queer in panties

>> No.18150460

her pussy has been seen in videos before you tranny wish poster. you WISH all females posted were trannies so your queer ass can cope with your 5oclock shadow and linebacker shoulders. now fuck off to >>>/lgbt/ and stay on your containment board queer

>> No.18150527

You open one you dumb cunt, an economic crash where your gold and silver dreamland takes place would actually involve bartering. Gold and silver are only used as currencies in functional societies where weight of coins and currencies can be decided on, your stupid coin with an eagle on it isn't going to be worth shit if shtf. post your idiotic stash so I can laugh please

>> No.18150916
File: 290 KB, 1156x2031, shillsandbots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]