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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18147669 No.18147669 [Reply] [Original]

>despite a lot of dependents (myself included) going to school, just laid off a week ago, rent/utilities/insurance/misc bills due soon
how fucked are we? what a clown world
>meanwhile social security trickles to boomers that haven't been economically affected by this in the first place

>> No.18147672


>> No.18147735

can't read the article, why aren't college students getting it? If you're paying your own way and your parents are still claiming you as a dependent, fucking take it up with them.

>> No.18147786

be fat 18 yr old loser
>i'm afraid of the real world...can i go to adult daycare?
>go to adult day care, get degree in nigger basket weaving
>graduate 120k in debt
>get job as uber driver
>wahhhh! wahhh! someone needs to pay for my degree!!!
we need to throw you in camps and be done with you.

>> No.18147860
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Why you upset OP, I mean this is the world YOU voted for!

>> No.18147897

Trick question for y’all. My parents aren’t claiming me as a dependent this year but I accidentally marked “yes” for the question that asks if anyone can claim me because I forgot I was no longer a full time student. Is there any way I can amend this or will the IRS see that nobody claimed me?

>> No.18147925

Ha. Americans zoomers are so rekt. It only gets worse once you get out of college too. Everything in America except stupid consumer smartphone crap, like going to the doctor, buying a house, living in anywhere with a good economy, etc. is so unaffordable, you still end up living poor. Not only that, but all your old friends become really depressed isolated wagies who never see anyone but their coworkers, and if they are lucky, a GF. Your whole life becomes screens, and pointlessness, and lonliness, and every day is a nightmare, with nothing to work towards except more debt.

There is no hope for you. There is no future for you. You will not get the social security that your parents will survive off of, nor the pensions. And everything will just get more and more expensive, and boomers will just keep stacking up trillions and trilions in debt for you. There is no relief for you. There is no future for you. Your country has abandonded you and the boomers just want to take more and more.

>> No.18148226

He could try but the IRS would laugh his ass off the phone unless his parents made seven figures. Happened to me.
>An ad for a nearly-bankrupt for-profit trade school told me plumbers make $300k and PhDs worked at starbucks and I believed it
Go back
If nobody claimed you I think you have to refile because there's some fields that your parents would've have to have filled in that are on you now. Idk call the IRS.
Cringe. A lot will change between now and when I would've gotten social security anyway, if you know what I mean.