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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18145976 No.18145976 [Reply] [Original]

Word of advice to dumb landies: when banks hand out mortgages, loans, etc. for you to purchase inflated assets with, it's not always them being nice to you. They're collecting interest from you on something valuable that they know you'll never pay off because you're an idiot. And every time you double up and take out another mortgage and agree to more interest payments because of your super cool AirBnB idea or plan to collect more rent? They say "OK" because you're on the hook for when things break down. The fed will inject more liquidity for them while you're still liable for your debts.
Do you get it now?
You're working on buying the bank a new property. They loan you money because they're betting against you.
Your idiocy, greed, an incapability to save lets the bank effectively buy a property at its true price once they step in to repo. They can then resell to other dumb landies who continue to buy the top. Or the market can crash and they can break even by selling to actual homeowners at the true value post repo.

Accept the checkmate, landie. We've got you from all directions on this one. Don't even think about flipping the table.

>> No.18145991

based and rentpilled

>> No.18146000
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No as long as the landies can service the debt hyper inflation will make the debt into nothing.

Only the degenerates that can't service the debt in the short term are fucked.

>> No.18146724

Landies are absolutely fucked and the cope on this board is hilarious

>> No.18146898

Yeah I was looking into building a hotel project here and doing the calculations it just didn't add up. You would be spending literally 6 million+ dollars and *might* make 5% per year on your invested capital but with extremely high risk. This coronavirus would be guaranteed bankruptcy.

>> No.18146947

Death camps for communists, and their family members too.

>> No.18146963

>The Fed will inject more liquidity for them and you'll be on the hook
That's literally the opposite of how it works, though. Increases in inflation inflate the value of the property but leave the size of the loan intact. The lender is getting fucked over twice: once by lower interest rates, and then a second time by decreased purchasing power of the repaid principle.

Ex. If you borrow $200,000 to buy a house at 5% interest (let's say interest-only for simple math), you'll be paying $10,000/year. If the Fed drops interest rates and floods the world with dollars, you can refinance to a lower interest rate (say 3%), so now you're only paying $6,000/year. At the same time, your houses value had increased by the same amount (because process are driven mostly by monthly payment), so if the average normie can afford $10,000/year then the house will be valued at $330,000.

>> No.18147019
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Landlords are communists and so they will be dealt with

>> No.18147028

Interests and rent keep us honest. Idobt see any issues

>> No.18147037

Are landies the new discord trannies on /biz/?

The answer: definitely

We also found out they can't meme and no retort; they use violence as a first resort. What an unprofessional bunch these landies have become. Not one rational argument and then they say we are dumb. It's almost like they want to show us the business they made. Except most of these landies never worked a day. They lie cheat and steal just to take what you make.

Don't forget your landlord is a snake.

>> No.18147140

Landlords are unironically going to be executed en masse in the coming weeks and they'll still be sitting here going
>"you poorfags aren't real men death to all communists!"
The absolute state of landies.