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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 502x455, US-SP500-index-2020-03-16-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18145154 No.18145154 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the Crash is completely over and everything is normal again, what's biz/ predictions for S&P500 on Monday Morning?

(Daily reminder, you're all Jew debt Slaves)

>> No.18145180

2700 is possible still, but I doubt this rally will continue much longer.

50% retracement isn't off the cards. Possibly higher.

>> No.18145181
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>He thinks its over

>> No.18145197
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>He STILL thinks its over

>> No.18145199




>> No.18145201


10,000 really wouldn't be such a big drop from the lows of a couple weeks ago if the right circumstances arise.

Corona would have to get MUCH MUCH worse for that to happen, or some other Black Swan the size of an Elephant would have to arrive on the scene and proceed to shit all over international trade.

>> No.18145207
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>episode where doomfaggot draws linear line to support his doomer visions


>> No.18145210

>look mom, I draw that line on the chart again !

>> No.18145230

you'll see.

>> No.18145239
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>Trends can't accellerate

>> No.18145316

400 days until bottom

>> No.18145403

dead cat bounce will net you some chicken shit gains.
not worth it.

>> No.18145440

The debt market says it’s not over

>> No.18145450
File: 83 KB, 900x900, B05E8D10-17D1-4737-8EB4-9D75FB0BE95D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard
Kek how does it feel newfags to have missed out on some of the easiest short opportunities in months

>> No.18145481

they haven't missed out, theres still time to short

>> No.18145752

>he thinks we are done

>> No.18146436


>not drawing the line from the fall of rome

>> No.18146440

the printer goes brrrr

>> No.18146462


Predictions? Monday? Well, 200,000 cases.

>> No.18146474

It will go down, end of dead cat bounce. I'm short on the oil and airlines fields.

>> No.18146490

i maek line

>> No.18146491


>> No.18146508
File: 45 KB, 500x560, ACB239E0-ED16-4024-BED9-0AA6DEFA65BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking moron

>> No.18146514

The dow will bottom at 15k. That is all.

>> No.18146528

Good thing it's NYC and California that shut down, they only contribute 22.5% of U.S GDP. But Trump's going to open the literal who states by easter! Time to buy is right now!!!

>> No.18146537

I sincerely hope you bought weed

>> No.18146589

Its hilarious people completely forgot about the stock market bubble before corona. Many people think its just corona and that stocks will just go back to being a massively overvalued bubble by Easter when coronoa "blows over." Not only will corona probably last for months, and probably come back again in the fall, but this massive crash wasn't even caused by corona. Maybe corona triggered it, but it could have been any hiccup in the economy.

The stock market was already more than 2x overvalued. So even without corona, a 50% pullback would make sense. With corona, and the worse bill in probably the history of the country they just pasted, this country and its economy are over. Its done. The stock market is going to drop more than 90% and may never come back to these levels (after inflation) for a generation. Poor leadership and mismanagement has run the country into the ground. So load up on long term shorts, its free money.

>> No.18146650

but what if they used corona to make it seem like it was corona, so that when corona is confirmed nothingburger by easter TOPS the economy is confirmed to be strogner than ever?
ever think about that?

>> No.18146686


Except a quarter of everyone has no jobs, production and supply are fucked, prices will start to skyrocket, and the fed/treasury or whoever the fuck controls the money supply now will have to choose whether we have hyperinflation or if 90% of all business go bankrupt in the credit crunch. Government has already had to nationalize many industries. And they will just fail again, except when the dollar collapses the government won't be able to prop them up. Its fucking over for the US, people just haven't realized it yet which is why you can still short for amazing return. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for people who see it, but most won't, they'll just think everything government is doing right now is normal, and not desperate plays be people who have no clue how to stop this.

>> No.18146711

Get ready for the next leg down that starts Monday! It's going to be brutal when the people who just went long last week realize how fucked they are and capitulate on top of the selling pressure that will already be overtaking the market. Good luck out there!

>> No.18146721

The lifetime opportunity is already over. Everybody and their mom are shorting, it's not profitable anymore and risky.

>> No.18146750

>Everybody and their mom are shorting

You live in an echo chamber version of reality if you believe this.

>> No.18146751


>> No.18146885


Every bear flag like last week is a good opportunity to short.

>> No.18147117

Sometimes I feel like everyone is doing what I’m doing but I’m pretty sure not a lot of people are hanging out in the same places I do on the internet

>> No.18147219

I put Jupiter up my ass

>> No.18147267

this board is full of mongoloids who believe they are smart because of dumb ''irony''
''he thincs''
''He thincs''

>> No.18147312

yes I short after a -30 pro cent cause by a flu.. yes dumb doomer I am going to short
short good goy so (((we))) can buy

>> No.18147348


Wasn't caused by the flu, and it will drop another 30% next month probably, and another 50% over the next 2-4 years at least.

>> No.18147354

The last recession took a year to hit bottom. Why would you possibly think this would be over in two weeks

>> No.18147359
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>> No.18147526

The vaporization realization that will take place sometime between the 20th and the 24th is going to make the "oh shit, this virus is legit" dip look like a crabwalk.

>> No.18147681

The last recession wasn't over a nothingburger

>> No.18147693

The last recession didn't have UNLIMITED FED fuckery

>> No.18147744

Yeah it did lol. How’s 16 trillion sound to you? Or you missed that in 08’...ooof

>> No.18147756


Whats a nothing burger? The stock market bubble? The corporate debt bubble? The repo market collapse? Eurodollar bubble? Negative interest rates? Or do you think corona caused the crash, why did the fed start propping up shit last September?

>> No.18147758

This is why I know shorts are prob still ok. People really buying into the V shape recovery

>> No.18147795
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>> No.18147825

That picture has been proven bullshit

Poor bear COPE

>> No.18147856

I have no debt :)

>> No.18147894

>Wasn't caused by the flu, and it will drop another 30% next month probably, and another 50% over the next 2-4 years at least.
explain why

>> No.18147924
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Here's a thing

>> No.18147960

>Or do you think corona caused the crash
Are you dumb or only an illusory faggot?
It's been the psycosis about this virus to make things crash
Now jews can take this opportunity to cause a recession or they wll return bac to normal
it's a 60 bac to normal and fourty pro cent further crash

>> No.18148112

Based TAchad dabbing on emotional bull gamblers. If you think infinite Fed pumping won't have dire consequences for the economy, you are in for a surprise. Your tears make my account balance bigger.

>> No.18148122

he's talking about 1930

>> No.18148136
File: 400 KB, 1500x1015, 1585396723783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that the Crash is completely over

>> No.18148155

>global cases yesterday 500k
>global cases today 600k

muh nothingburger it'll be back to normal by Easter

>> No.18148235
File: 3.04 MB, 1500x9002, 1563775751218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope for another week of dead cat

>> No.18148468

Part 2 please

>> No.18148825
File: 21 KB, 640x400, B3gKMjF_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the dead cat bounce to last another week

>> No.18148864

For me, it’s time to short volatility and ride that gravy train all the way to and beyond the next ATH. An ATH is always right around the corner. ZeroHedge and Peter Schiff (as much I enjoy his podcast) will rage and be heard throughout the cosmos.

>> No.18148872

confirmed, blood red week ahead

>> No.18148939

Mega pump gonna be making money off aapl and Boeing pump while accumulating gold stocks

>> No.18148954

It's going to be a decade long depression. The worst is ahead of us.

>> No.18149075
File: 53 KB, 278x293, 1566247564818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wikipedia article about future events is not real

>> No.18149111

why would stock market growth be linear you absolute mong?