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18136093 No.18136093 [Reply] [Original]

>So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump

Are ya'll ready?


>> No.18136104
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>> No.18136327

Minister you, Trump

Please don't take my puts from me pleassssee

>> No.18136372


Go back

>> No.18136499

explain how

>> No.18136616

isnt this fucking dangerous? explain to brainlets like me. basically, your central bank just handed itself over to the administration? what happened to US & A?

>> No.18136626

Does this means a pump Monday?

>> No.18136630

>Treasury indebts its nation further
>CBs are facilitating transactions
Wow, who would have thought, not like this isn't going on every day. they've just ramped up the scale.

>> No.18136641

>basically, your central bank just handed itself over to the administration

As it should be. Why should our banks answer to a foreign, international club?

>> No.18136649
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>write: Treasury >> Enter >> profit

>> No.18136664

yep, even though there is no correlation between QE & pumps, thats a conspiracy theory

>> No.18136675

>The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.

Who owns BlackRock, again?

>> No.18136683

so nothing but bullshit. great.
yeah the fed is buying all the crap and wealth concentration is accelerated. business as usual just faster. nothing has changed structurally.

>> No.18136696

Kek, imagine thinking its that way round.

>> No.18136701

Nice. Can have a comfy lockdown weekend, play Minecraft and wait for the pump

>> No.18136775

amazing. well, welcome to the club then. as far as i know and as this man states >>18136641 this is the case in most countries except the USA. I dont think you burgers have realised what this means yet. The fed has been around since a hundred years as a separate entity and now suddenly its nationalized. This is fucking huge no? Is this part of Trumps draining the swamp plan or is it just for the cameras?

>> No.18136812


>> No.18136846

>he thinks Trump in charge of the central bank is preferable
wew lad

>> No.18136850

>nooooo you can't issue your own currency

>> No.18137140

the bad news over the weekend will 100% negate this shit

>> No.18138013

I sold my entire crypto portfolio when this bill passed and crypto didn't pump for hours. It's priced in and Dems can be 100% predicted to get their news golem to scream about how horrible life is over the weekend and all of monday. They can't let things look good during an election year.

>> No.18138123

>no correlation
>fed drops 6 trillion
>markets go up "for literally no reason"
>market pumps up 20% even after employment numbers are record high

>> No.18138240
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>Dems can be 100% predicted to get their news golem to scream about how horrible life is over the weekend and all of monday. They can't let things look good during an election year.
meanwhile, them foreigners are turning airports into mortuaries. Murica is so fucked with that idiot at the helm, you have ZERO fucking idea what real 'bad news' looks like. Soon tho.

>> No.18138273
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>America is so fucked because their President was the first outside of Ground Zero to put a travel ban on the infected areas and create a response team to vamp up their supply chain of medical equipment
Go home you paid retard. Even radical Dems know this has been handled well.

>> No.18138670
File: 305 KB, 632x716, paid_retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid retard
no, only Murica has those
and its you who'll be paying. Dearly

>> No.18139178

trump is based. the administration can not go chinese style on your asses because you will start to behave like monkeys if they start to weld you shut inside your homes. that is why there was this talk of trumpbux, he practically nationalised the fed too, more will come. he basically defeated sanders on pleasing communists.
based orange man is based.

>> No.18139225

>Orangemanbad aside,

>> No.18139238

Agreed, very based move with the fed. Basically guaranteed him reelection

>> No.18139243


alex jones is on to this shit.

>> No.18139249

This is exactly how I read it as well

>> No.18139255

holy shit that video is old... ahahaaha

>> No.18139273

>what happened to US & A?
They proved that even someone with a learning disability can become president
Truely the American Dream

>> No.18139325

seethe more you little edgelord

>> No.18139350

Trump is the GOAT

>> No.18139357

See Andrew Jackson

We never should have had the Fed print our money to begin with.

>> No.18139374

China will pay

>> No.18139411

based trump ends wars, will probably audit the fed, actually makes veterans lives easier, brought back some well needed manufacturing and people like you still complain. smooth moves my man.

>> No.18139443

And how exactly will China pay? Like Mexico paid?

>> No.18139454
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>TFW United States Notes return.

>> No.18139470


>> No.18139535

(((they))) own the country now

>> No.18139739

government controls SEC and BlackRock are mere mortals compared to what the fed was.

>> No.18140798

They just handed that dumb ass their entire infected balance sheet. They'll just form a new organization and the U.S. will be stuck with all the radioactive waste of the Fed.

>> No.18141927

Triggered, huh?