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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18134032 No.18134032 [Reply] [Original]

Nowhere in this bill does it mention disqualification if your parents claim you as a dependent. We are getting trumpbux.

>> No.18134377


>> No.18134572
File: 246 KB, 1125x2436, A59A27DA-651C-4FCD-BD36-F27F16193F01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek how would they get you the money? Give it to your mom when she goes out to pick up tendies?

>> No.18134655
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and just like that, trump has won the NEET vote

>> No.18134697

I pay taxes nigger

>> No.18134719

you aren't gettin em desu. better buy zano and make it by yourself

>> No.18134727

can someone look through the bill? where does it say who gets trumpbux?

>> No.18134798

>paying taxes
>still a dependent

Way to get cucked by your folks.

>> No.18134799

ctrl f you pleb

>> No.18134810
File: 26 KB, 441x329, CFBF75ED-EA0B-44D1-BDB1-5FDC1BDD05F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Who won’t get a check? The main people excluded from receiving a payment are the wealthy, “nonresident aliens” (i.e., foreigners who do not hold a green card) and “dependents” who can be claimed on someone else’s tax return.

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/business/coronavirus-stimulus-check-calculator/

>> No.18134888

brb gonna kms

>> No.18134986

Nothing gets me off harder than knowing the little kids on here won't be getting a single fucking cent

>> No.18135072
File: 345 KB, 785x847, 37F0B6B7-0711-44C7-8944-A8B3AD120330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man, but hey it’s only $1200. they are gonna give your parents $500 for each dependent, so maybe they’ll give it to you?

>> No.18135103

Lol I'm above 17 so no they're not getting shit for me. It' a lose/lose all around

>> No.18135462

‘‘(d) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUAL.—For purposes of this section, the term ‘eligible individual’ means any individual other than—

(1) any nonresident alien individual

>(2) any individual with respect to whom a deduction under section 151 is allowable to another taxpayer for a taxable year beginning in the calendar year in which the individual’s taxable year begins,

and ‘(3) an estate or trust.

So if you got claimed as dependent but the person claiming you did not get any deduction because of it, does it still applies?

>> No.18135495

>So if you got claimed as dependent but the person claiming you did not get any deduction because of it, does it still applies?
I want to know this as well. This bill is rushed and terribly written. And if adult dependents don't qualify then the're fucking over millions of college students

>> No.18135581

>They are going by which ever tax return you filed last (according to yahoo)
>I filed 2019, said I was not a dependent (cause I'm not anymore)
>My parent haven't filed 2019 yet, so they would go by their 2018 which I believe has me down as a dependent

I wonder how this will work out. Probably poorly for me.

>> No.18135628

Yea, Trump just fucked zoomers yet again

>> No.18135725

So, if I haven't worked in this country for years, and thus haven't filed taxes, how is the government going to know where to send the money? I have medicare insurance or whatever, will that be enough?

>> No.18135752

you cant be claimed as dependent if you are above 24 unless you are disabled. you cant be claimed as dependent above 19 unless you are a student.

>> No.18136183

so are neets fucked over or not?

>> No.18136278

>(2) any individual with respect to whom a deduction under section 151 is allowable to another taxpayer for a taxable year beginning in the calendar year in which the individual’s taxable year begins
Dependents get nothing