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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18127240 No.18127240 [Reply] [Original]

I am absolutely ruined

>> No.18127337
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Beat her fucking ass and tell that bitch she ain't ever leaving you!!!

>> No.18127370

Tell her that you were thinking of leaving her also just to piss her off.

>> No.18127399

nice so you can lose the other half on the divorce

>> No.18127438

> mfw lost half my net worth on crash
I'm sorry that you're terminally retarded.

>> No.18129034

Beat her with a whip, chicks love that.

>> No.18129159

Youre not a man until you can make it, lose it all and make it back again.

The value is in you, not fleeting paper confetti.

Go hit the gym, and find someone younger and hotter.

>> No.18129289
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Liquidate everything and spend the rest of your money on the dumbest possible shit you can find. Like buy a pallet of milk and leave it unrefrigerated in your garage. Sell your car for $50 to a friend. Just totally crash everything so she gets fucking nothing. Quit your job so you have no income and can't pay alimony. Basically, become completely willing to live on your mom's couch and make sure that she has nothing to show for the time she spent sucking the life out of you. Watch them try to take a percentage of FUCKING ZERO.

>> No.18129320

Is this real?

>> No.18129322

alternatively, buy as many retarded shitcoins as possible and watch as the lawyers try to find all of your wallets and figure out which one is worth what.

>> No.18129324

have sex

>> No.18129350

Buy Monero and send it to a paper wallet, claim you gambled it away in online crypto casino.

>> No.18129393
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also, family court is going to fucking drill this guy a new asshole, he might as well take her down with him. Had a dude who was worth millions across the street from me, wife left him, lied and said domestic abuse, he gets kicked out of $5mil house and restraining order, has to sell fucking everything (SEC was investigating him at the time) and now his wife still has the house and horses for his daughters that he gets to see 3x a year, while he is paying so much in alimony that I saw his BMW i8 get repo'd. FUCK FAMILY LAW.

>> No.18129420

>American women

>> No.18129445

ayo my nigga i came hear 2 say: u aint a real hustla unless u know u could loose it all and make it bak plus sum nigga

>> No.18129512
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, SPURG!!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you tellihg him "if your wife only considered you her personal ATM, just destroy that ATM"?!

>> No.18129532

I'm as poor as the day she met me

>> No.18129538

he deserved it
wedding is for cvcks

>> No.18129576

I am saying make it impossible for her to make a last minute withdrawal with years of additional payments guaranteed by the gubmint.

>> No.18129587

Liquidate all your assets. buy a ton of monero and send it to a coldwallet. If they ask say you lost the keys.

>> No.18129649

How the fuck did you lose HALF? I went all in on valentines day, literally a few days before the absolute peak, and only lost 20%, pretty consistent with the overall market

>> No.18129673

>one post by this id
im sure you did you pathetic larper

>> No.18129684

That's a bitch that's destined for multiple divorces. Never get married. Never involve the law in your relationships.

>> No.18129778

I will never understand why men don't force their women to sign a prenup. Fucking betas.

>> No.18129785


>> No.18129821

let her leave you. you should always be prepared to lose her. when the time comes and you regain your net worth and she wants to come crawling back because travis gets drunk and hits her you can slam the door in her face.

>> No.18129860

Hopefully she won't get pregnant from her bull just before the divorce so that she can get monthly checks from you. You better hurry up getting the papers signed.

>> No.18129863

That wife sounds like a cunt. Where’s the loss?

>> No.18130153

Put it all into btc and pretend you spent it on high class escorts

>> No.18130205
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>> No.18130226


>> No.18130323

This. If life's first pothole is gonna break you down forever then you were never a man: "“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” ~Vince Lombardi"

>> No.18130379

Liquidate everything into silver, "lose" the silver for 3 years. And then slowly start selling it