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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18123004 No.18123004[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bros I sent her the opener "hey" and she still hasn't replied. It's been two hours. I think I fucked up irreversibly.

>> No.18123015

Shoulda sent her a dick pic

>> No.18123027

Hey loss bro, sounds like you have shit tonnes of character.

>> No.18123035

should have asked her to send you a video of herself farting

>> No.18123060

Hey is for horses, bro. And she knows you're a turkey. Turkey's gobble. So you better start gobblin' that cock up. It's over for you man. Source- chadpoonslayer666 (that's me)

>> No.18123063

can the chads here give us some good opening lines then?

>> No.18123075

In Finland we have this opener "yo yo (not the toy)". Works 100% of time.

>> No.18123081

this but unironically

>> No.18123089

OP here, for some context:

>friend tells me a girl in class likes me at the beginning of the year
>i like her too
>3 months pass and I never talked to her because im too pussy
>make it clear that im a retarded shy autist through my actions the whole time
>was finally about to talk to her
>coronabreak happens

then I texted her

>> No.18123108

Nice, bro. Remember your previous thread

Find her dorm and commit suicide Rika Furude style

>> No.18123121

This, you have to craft a funny and creative opening tailored to her specifically. Dance, jester, dance. That's what Chads do

>> No.18123123

Send her another bitch hot pic without any explaination, it usually works

>> No.18123128

Just walk up and say hey bro they love that

>> No.18123163

3 months?? How old are you? Young girls change there mind fucking weekly, don’t fuck with them.. just fuck them.
If she didn’t reply to “hey” and one it was you she just isn’t interested.. it would t have mattered what you said. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Don’t message her again tho as that’ll make you look like a desperate bitch. Maybe try saying hey in person if she doesn’t reply to text

>> No.18123203
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>> No.18123217

I don't see her in person anymore til like June lol so thats why I sent her a text. Lmao everyone kept telling me to send her a message so I did. Yeah if she doesnt reply I'll just move on.


Thread from earlier

>> No.18123226

relax bro
you never had a chance in first place

>> No.18123266

Id direct you to r/shortcels to swallow some blackpills but alas, the jews have taken it down...again. Its over buddy boyo

>> No.18123272


>> No.18123296

>Young girls change there mind fucking weekly
This. Unless you're chad, you have a window of opportunity to capitalize or your life will be made much harder

>> No.18123310

fuck off

>> No.18123313

There's still time for such a power move. Victory or death.

>> No.18123354

just b urself :^)

>> No.18123886

This just literally bee urself

>> No.18123902

Lmao op btfo

>> No.18123914

Hey is beta
Hi is alpha

>> No.18124153

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.18124177

yo yo yo it's ya boy here carlcarlcarl

>> No.18124261

you've been repeating this shit for the entire week, stop being a faggot.

>> No.18124279

I specifically told you not to make an Instagram to DM jer because it would make you seem desperate idiot. I was right.

>> No.18124297

I didnt make an instagram though. I did it over whatsapp lmao.

At least ill stop making threads now

>> No.18124320

So after all this time fussing and thinking about it "hey" was the best you could come up with? Laughably pathetic, loser. I'm going to show this thread to my gf yo have a good laugh before I fuck her.>>18124297

>> No.18124349

Bro what should I have texted her lmao. If she still has any interest shed respond to whatever I text or so I was told. Fuck it yo.

>> No.18124386

True chads are only replying, not opening.

>> No.18124480

Goddamn it I probably should have specified better. You can't just say "hey" you gotta be engaging and show interest.

Luckily you can still salvage by being a Chad. Like her old pictures. Wait a few days and like some pictures at like midnight or 1am . Show that bih you're thinking about her and that you're Chad who dgaf. But most of all be patient. It may take a few weeks or up to a month of rapport. Remember it's never just no it's only no at that time. You can ALWAYS revisit in a few months and try again . You'll be surprised how often a no at a certain point in time turned into a yes a few months up to a year later