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18122438 No.18122438[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are Russians psyops pushing a Landlord vs Tenant campaign?

Do they really think they'll start class warfare by shitposting on 4chan?

>> No.18122464


>> No.18122466

Theyre chinese

>> No.18122472

landlords are the new niggers

>> No.18122492

t. l*ndlord

>> No.18122498

This is your brain on liberal arts.

>> No.18122533
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It's funny how conservatives claim there's no connection with Russia, yet they always rush to defend Russia even when there's no connection being inferred

>> No.18122558

>Why are Russians psyops pushing a Landlord vs Tenant campaign?
>no connection being inferred
Congratulations! You have really made me think.

>> No.18122573

image if it turns out that (((they))) were actually Russians all along

>> No.18122603

i thought they were german help who were pushed out of their communities because they worked for them and later converted since being communityless then was basically a death sentence

>> No.18122617

No connection between Russians and conservatives or liberals was made until you incorrectly assumed a "liberal" agenda

>> No.18122635

>posting on fourchen
I wouldnt doubt it

>> No.18122649

Russian or Chink or some other psyops... I dunno
But this whole thing is absolutely cringe and needs to go back to /pol/.

>> No.18122684

Russians are unironic commie faggots

>> No.18122687

The op did not infern Russians. It outright stated Russians.

>> No.18122697

I said "liberal arts", and I refuse to believe that you're confusing a curriculum with a loosely defined political affiliation. I just simply cannot wrap my mind around what low level of cognition you're operating on to advance your original conspiracy theory, not understand the ingroup linguistic nuances of this site, and not understand the difference between educational subject matter and one's socio-economic political philosophy.
Life must be confusing and beautiful/ terrifying for you. A dim bulb of awareness battered by the hurricane of reality.

>> No.18122731
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>Why are Russians psyops pushing a Landlord vs Tenant campaign?

Do they actually need to? Noone told you about rent market in SoCali?

>> No.18122748

This shit is so stupid, I just manned up and asked them for a few lighter payments for the time being and I owe them no interest, they were very understanding. These antisocial folks need to ball up and just talk to each other person to person. Landlords are pretty reasonable if you're a good tenant who usually pay on time, especially right now.

>> No.18122791

Renters have always been niggers

>> No.18122924

Why should people own their houses/lands anyway?
Just let the government to own all lands & houses.
Then government have the duty to make sure everyone have somewhere to stay in, for free.
That way we solved the issue with homeless and people not being able to afford housing.

>> No.18122982

>the government should own everything and that will solve all the world's problems

Is there a gene or mental defect that is correlated with Marxism? Such stupidity cannot be purely a result of environmental factors.

>> No.18123273

>needs to go back to /pol/.
actually it means the meme is legit and is triggering people lmao

>> No.18123375

Look at my ID, bitch.
SJW i Love You

>> No.18123479

not him , but word salad.

>> No.18123481
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blyat, they know

>> No.18123576


Why, yes, russkies are so retarded they are really thinking that they are influencing everything in the world.

Fucking niggers with GDP less than of the state of New York and technology of Iran or Nigeria.

>> No.18123587


knew, Ivan.

>> No.18123594
File: 32 KB, 765x501, 656865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the cheesecake factory run by the FSB now or something?