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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18114579 No.18114579 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to buy as soon as the housing market crashes 20%? Or are you going to wait for the market to drop 40% before buying?


>> No.18114594

>buy high sell low
remember this

>> No.18114693

I sold last summer

>> No.18114706

holy shit. my normie coworkers just all bought houses. This would be the ultimate JUST for them kek.

>> No.18114746
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real estate cheapies

>> No.18114753

eh it will recover in like 3-4 years
it always does

>> No.18114790

I bought a house last summer but it was only 300k. If the market tanks I’ll pick up a rental property.

>> No.18114815

Sure, add 2.8 million third worlders a year and it'll be back in no time. Gotta protect the Boomers' investment!

>> No.18114847

I'm in Boston, they'd have to fall by 60-80%% to reach the starter home income/ price ratio boomers had.

>> No.18114857

50% is fair value.

>> No.18115759

It’s inflation. Buy gold and silver and you’ll be able to buy an apartment complex free and clear for a few ounces of gold and get paid by the plebs in the new currency. And you’ll be able to get free blowjobs from wives for free rent without having to worry about them paying rent because you won’t have a Mortgage to pay on the apartment complex.

>> No.18115844

Good. fuck boomers and construction fags and their overpriced housing

>> No.18115966

the difference is that real estate in addition to shielding you from inflation will also provide passive income

>> No.18116100

Dude there’s going to be a deflationary collapse of all asset prices. You think housing protects you from inflation? Lmao. Why do you think home prices are so high to begin with?

You don’t buy housing low you buy gold and silver waiting for the reset then pick up assets for pennies on the dollar. That’s the entire point of buying gold and silver when they are really undervalued compared to other asset prices like homes.

>> No.18116132

Except dollars won’t bug you shit. This is a dollar collapse that’s coming not some run of the mill stock market correction

>> No.18116151

Not owning your own home is a fucking huge liability right now. With interest rates near negative, interest only mortgages and zero reserve rates could sky rocket housing prices. Maybe if the fed reels this in, you could snag a slightly better deal, but that is unlikely given the fed's public statements about doing what ever it takes to maintain "expansion." Fucking being a renter right now, having a fixed mortgage payment is just one less cost you have to worry about rising.

>> No.18116176

Maintaining a property with poorfag renters in it isn’t passive income IMO

>> No.18116180

you had me at blowjob

>> No.18116187

Such a comfy paper. I love reading about local Irish happenings

>> No.18116203

That's fucking insane coping Anon. Anyone who bought within the past 5 years is going to be bag-holding an underwater mortgage in 5 years

>> No.18116232

How could anything crash when /biz/ is telling me the virus is over and the market will only go up now?

>> No.18116250

Based retard

NO one is touching investment properties with the prospect of it being legal to not pay rent and not get evicted.

>> No.18116310


And? Then you just baghold for 5 years, and still pay less than renting.

The "worse" case is actually a situation were the fed loses control of inflation, and you essentially get a free house.

If you're renting you are absolutely fucked in the inflation scenario. You literally lose everything.

>> No.18116356

Gonna wait until mass-evictions devalue properties across the entire continent and renters start burning their properties to make neighborhoods worth literally nothing. Then I think I'll buy up a few properties and give them to my friends at extremely low expense.

>> No.18116357


Aren't you contradicting yourself? You say there is going to be deflation, but also the dollar will collapse?

>> No.18116361

i work in affordable housing and land development. will i make it?

>> No.18116411

This is the kind of retard who in 2007 would say "nah don't worry housing has never gone down"

>> No.18116427

You lose out on massive amounts of money. Imagine not wanting to save $200,000 on a $600,000 house. Insanity. $200k put in to the market in 2009 would be worth $600k even today. You do not want to buy at the top. Anyone coping is coping. Simple as. That's like saying you bought apple and Tesla in January and thinking you got a good deal because it will go up to $0 gains in five years

>> No.18116581


So your point is if you buy the absolutely bottom and sell the absolute top you make shit tons of money, and if you do the opposite you lose money? No shit. The point is, you don't know.

I'm saying that when you rent, you have massive liability to the upside, that is much worse than the downside risk to owning. If you buy and you house goes down, big deal, you just hold and mean time the cost to own is less than renting so you save money anyway.

If you rent, and we have 70s style inflation or something worse, then you are absolutely fucked. You are going to be grinding to keep up with non stop rent hikes. There is a huge piece of mind in owning, that you know your mortgage is a fixed cost for years.

And today, with the fed being so aggressively pursuing inflation, I would be terrified to be a renter.

>> No.18116610
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>priced in meme is the new "and that's a good thing"

>> No.18116643

There's no fucking way I'm selling kleros to buy real estate

>> No.18116684


So your solution is to buy at the top of a 10 year bubble? How high are you right now?

>> No.18116731

#FinNexus officially starts, including pre-planning, finding core members of the FinNexus team, negotiating with fund partners

>> No.18116823

Nobody knows? Nobody can know? Cope. But even if it was true it also means you can't guarantee it will come back up. Your house could easily remain -30% forever until you die.
Historically a house gives you less than 4% interest in value. The price you pay matters. Renting during insane overvaluations seen in recent years would have been the smart move. Boomer personal finance got destroyed this year. Nothing you believe is true. If you bought a boomer shack at full tulip mania prices, you got fucked. Simple. A lot of people saw it coming and a lot of people can see how this is going to go.
Do not buy until the bubble deflates. It will really a few years for the boomers to admit their houses were never worth what they thought they were

>> No.18116826


You don't know its a bubble. There are many reasons it won't be. Major deflationary factors are peaking, the federal reserve will soon set negative interest rates and have publicly stated they will expand the money supply regardless of inflation. They have lowered the reserve rate to 0.

This situation screams bank failures and hyperinflation. But as a home owner, that just means you got a free house. As a renter, fuck, you better get a second job and start packing your bags.

>> No.18116851


But buying a house is pretty much a 30 year bet against the dollar. What would you say the win rate on that is, that the dollar will be worth less in 30 years? 99.9%? 99.99%?

>> No.18116857

I have a sizable down payment and I've been waiting to buy a house for a while. Going to wait a little longer now and when prices drop I'll finally be able to afford a house!

>> No.18116865

Can't wait for cheap houses.
And I hope you rent fags get rekt too kek
t. Office and Car Man

>> No.18116882

can't imagine bay area houses going sub 1mil. but if I can afford it I may as well I suppose.

>> No.18117156
File: 16 KB, 457x461, US-Housing-Case-Shiller-Denver-2019-01-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a profoundly stupid person if you don't think there's a bubble, and if you keep insisting that I'm going to just assume that you're not intelligent enough to have this discussion.

>> No.18117198
File: 103 KB, 770x623, 30year-mortgage-calculator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 20% down
> 30 year mortgage
> pic related
> "betting against the dollar"

>> No.18117256

If they took out heavy loans and dumped all their cash into the market then inflation will make paying that shit off easy.

>> No.18117282

He's a retarded doomer. If it spells doom and its seemingly coherent they will believe it.

>> No.18117359

We should have deflation though. Hes not wrong. That does mean shiny rocks go down too.

>> No.18117414

...Not so sure about that bud. We just got a load of inflation in the system and currently, wealth flows up. Birth rates are declining so, ehhh. Hard to say accurately on that one. I think it's worth mentioning that the economy seemingly was debt leveraged enough. People have already reached insane debt leverages when compared to interest coverage and really, I don't know how long it can go on until people finally say wow, I screwed up here.

>> No.18117437

when do you think the fall will happen? Summer?

>> No.18117474
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hmmm...nope, I think I'll stay holed up in my rental and LARP about my landlord getting the rope

>> No.18117582

>according to one stock market analyst
Come back when you have something actually relevant
It makes absolutely no sense for housing to fall, this stock market climate has zero to do with the real estate market, this is nothing like 2008

>> No.18117616


>It makes absolutely no sense for housing to fall

Boomers will live forever then?

>> No.18117665

Dead boomers are just going to give it to their kids, there won't be a black death teir wealth transfer with whole dynasties dying out
Commercial real estate will definitely go down but the housing market is strong for reasons completely separate from stock broker betting

>> No.18117744

depends what happens with silver

>> No.18117754

inflation will also keep their house prices high

>> No.18117814
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>> No.18117824

In almost all major cities there are limits for how much rent can be raised per year.

>> No.18117845

stop trying to act like youre smart. You posted a literal 20 year chart which is nothing

>> No.18117873


>can't spell "you're"

>> No.18118273

how pedantic of you

>> No.18118281
File: 92 KB, 486x494, 1584031883426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I almost bought last summer until I started doing research and realized it was the peak of the bubble.

>> No.18118404


Hey, you're the guy failing basic English and questioning the intelligence of other people. You're too arrogant to see how stupid you look.

>> No.18118480

housing market collapses again... after farms go bankrupt and industrial output declines


>> No.18118507

inflation and record low interest rates.

>> No.18118912


>> No.18119852


are you living in a tent now?

>> No.18120312

i might consider catching the knife after a 90% correction, but what's gonna happen will probably fade every previous crash of housing price, so 90% might very well be too early

>> No.18120323

>eh it will go up forever
>like it always does

>(based on the past 5 years of charts!!)

>> No.18120385

A houses value would have to increase by 75% just to break even if they paid their mortgage off in 30 years.

>> No.18120467

yOu WaNt To ShOrT tHe HoUsInG mArKeT?!?

>> No.18120580


Birth rates are declining among whites and asians, the two groups that are taxed the heaviest and are the best at long term planning. It's like we need our own place to live or something.

>> No.18120664


You take a 10% hit on selling and then you're gonna take a 10% hit on repairs and upgrades on the next property you buy. Selling your primary residence is almost never a good play.

>> No.18120677

Fucking based but juror bro you should consider selling at like 5 USD to pick up some properties. That's what I'm going to do.

>> No.18120876

Tachyon categorizes protocols in order to prevent the protocol interference in the connection.

>> No.18120972

Short mortgage backed securities? I say it everyday no one responds