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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1811431 No.1811431 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

So, I'm pretty damn good at building websites. And I want to do it freelance for some income, but here's the problem:

I can't sell.

I mean I can't sell for fucking shit.

If you were choking, I couldn't sell you the heimlich maneuver.

So what do? Either how do I get gud at sales, how do I find somebody who'd be willing to sell for me and get a sizeable commission, or how do I give up on dreams and go back to being a meme-posting NEET?

>> No.1811438

How did you learn to build them?
In addition possibly contact a recruiter.

>> No.1811449


and then I met a guy at a local machine shop who took me in as an intern to help him build some projects. but he's GARBAGE at maintaining deadlines and project scope and doesn't target clients that can actually pay a decent price for web development work.

>> No.1811458

You can find someone that can sell and split the profits with them.

>> No.1811463


Where & how?

>> No.1811524

shameless bump

>> No.1811543


Can you sell? Do YOU want sum profits?

>> No.1811545

>i learned programming by doing shitty courses
cmon bruh, we all know this isn't how it works

As for your problem, what do you mean you can't sell? I thought you want to work for someone, not sell pre-made websites yourself. If so, register everywhere and bid(not the lowest price), and try to get some contacts. As for pre-selling things, I don't know, you have to target them somehow.

I was about to make a freelancing thread myself, what are some other skills you can freelance with? Today i read graphic design is oversaturated and you should be happy if you get any work. Is there anything that has a lower barrier of entry than few years?

>> No.1811547

you and a billion pajeets

>> No.1811591

pajeet's are annoying to work with, and their code is a mess.

also the courses I did were not shitty, you nignog.

The websites I make are some pre-made bullshit. This isn't some template-with-a-logo-swap fly by night crap. I'm talking about getting in and building, from the ground up, a website that helps businesses drive conversions and win bids for contracts.

>> No.1811609

how much coding is involved in making a website? Like if you go to microsoft's website....all the little drop downs and the picture transitions that change fadein-fadeout.....does all that have to be done manually, or is that just template shit from flash or what not?

>> No.1811637


It depends on whether the website is put together using PHP or just straight up HTML/CSS.

PHP adds a bit more complexity and involvement.

But functions like the one you describe would be creating the lists of items and adding java and CSS to make the changes happen (the menu drops down when clicked, the items change color when hovered over with the mouse, etc...)

A standard website for an industrial service business is about 5 or so pages, would take about 1-2 weeks to code fully & debug. and depending on other variables could be sold for anywhere between $3,000 - $15,000

>> No.1811644

"This isn't some template-with-a-logo-swap fly by night crap. I'm talking about getting in and building, from the ground up, a website that helps businesses drive conversions and win bids for contracts."

i have heard worse sales pitches than this.

>> No.1811653

how long until you were confident enough to sell your services?

>> No.1811668


Didn't realize you were looking for a pitch, anon.

Realistically to pitch I'd probably do a little pre-research on the company I'm targetting. Keyword research on their industry to figure how many more people we could get to see their business via website, what the actual benefits to the business will be.

I really don't want to be selling websites just to sell websites. I do genuinely want to help businesses grow and get more projects/clients/revenue...


about 3 months of spending most of my time learning and building mock websites. Maybe 5 months until I was able to do it well AND fairly quickly and get good at diagnosing and fixing problems.

>> No.1811671
File: 38 KB, 640x480, OP is a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid faggot, you just made a good pitch without knowing it. Go out there and start selling bitch, you're more than capable. Godspeed

>> No.1811753

Well, the other thing that's going to make me sound like a huge faggot is that I get super anxious before doing cold calling.

I'm okay sending emails, but who the fuck closes a deal over an email?

And when I get nervous I can't speak confidently and getno's like "call back in the fall" and "it's just not in the budget right now" and "we're not interested at this time, but maybe in the future", etc...

>> No.1811765

Show your portfolio then.

>> No.1811770

You could go onto craigslist and look up all the shitty job offers and check those places to see if they have websites.....offer to work on their site for a low price just to build experience with the social aspect of it.

I am fully prepared to do some work for free in my business before people are confident in my work.

Don't you find that you are more confident in talking to people now that you work for yourself? I am.....makes me feel more important than I really am.

>> No.1811898


>trusting 4chan

not today, agent Cooper

>> No.1812736

Plus, I've only gotten 1 client so far and I'm still working on her project.

So I don't really have much of a portfolio to show.
Anybody need a website for their business built for free?

>> No.1812750

In my experience:
1. Always push the "I am not a Pajeet"-advantage.

2. If you have your rent and food sorted, sell yourself at the price of a Pajeet to get the rating up. You can increase it later.

3. Recurring customers is the key, cause you can A. avoid the fees. B. Get the money without spending time selling yourself. Work hard for a fair price and never bullshit, and those recurring customers will come.