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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18111492 No.18111492 [Reply] [Original]

>market loses 1/3 of its value in an extremely short period of time thanks to an overreaction to a virus that has no long term effects on people who actually work
>"Hmm, this looks like a great time to sell"

>> No.18111523

>thanks to an overreaction to a virus that has no long term effects on people who actually work

>> No.18111625

cats are literally engines of hunting
EVERYTHING about them is perfectly optimized for being a land predator

>> No.18111689


opinion disregarded. They have a comb for a tongue

>> No.18111705

even their tongue has teeth

>> No.18111732

imagine the smell

>> No.18111740

>overreaction to a virus

Just like that, they forgot about the yield curve inversion. Abra kadabra!

>> No.18111800
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but what if she's hot?

>> No.18112070
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>> No.18112216

If we went back 10 million years ago, would we discover that these vestigial spikes were actually super sharp? Did cats use to have teeth on their tounges? Were they some kind of prehistoric, fuzzy, land shark back then?

>> No.18112284

This is why cats are dumb, holy shit. You subspecies can only see as far as your tails.

>> No.18112288

people were selling because they had to raise cash to deal with an economy that was going to shut down for potentially 18 months according to some news outlets. the jews did this, literally

>> No.18112316

they still are

>> No.18112378

The US loses 30,000 people annually to flu
The world loses 500,000
We currently have 1100 US deaths from corona
And 23,000 globally
These deaths are nearly all elderly people with already limited life expectancy

China had peak incidence and recovery within three months
New cases and deaths in Italy are already declining
Washington state and New York are already declining in their rate of rise and most states are nearly unaffected

If we don't start seeing at least 50x the daily incident disease rate and death rate we're currently seeing it's not even as important an illness as the flu

The normal, seasonal, non-pandemic flu
That nobody even thinks about

>> No.18112414

they are still very sharp, tigers can basically lick your skin clean off
cats also have spiked penises to prevent females from escaping during copulation

>> No.18112442
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>> No.18112444

> the jews did this, literally

if the jews are doing anything, they're buying up discounted assets from grug brained boomers who only think in the moment.

The same morons who panic sold their AAPL at $14 and AMZN at $40 in 2008.

>> No.18112480


Thing is, the bets are still on for whether or not a shutdown is imminent, even a long term one. We have no sight of a vaccine and the US just became coronachan's face to sit on.

>> No.18112508

The only potential long term effect is fibrosis of the lungs if you start coughing. It goes by degrees, so when you just do that little cough it has already scarred 15% of your lungs. You get that wet cough and say adios to a minimum of 20% of your oxygen absorption.
>no long term effects on intelligence

>> No.18112536

>perfectly optimized
every time a cheetah runs it becomes paralyzed due to lactic acid

>> No.18112544

Every single time you cucks use flu comparison, flu:corona gets closer and closer. Till corona overtakes and you sit down realising how fucked you are

>> No.18112554

>cats also have spiked penises to prevent females from escaping during copulation
Who knew cats were so based?

>> No.18112572

People dont give a shit anymore. If not for money pumping we would see DOW 10k, but now people arent afraid anymote and are happily buying stonks at a discount.
Gayest pandemuc ever

>> No.18112573

>to prevent females from escaping during copulation
no, it's to stimulate ovulation

>> No.18112574

half of the world has already been exposed and leveled off
do you expect the mortality rate of the other half to be 25x the first half?

>> No.18112599

>Thing is, the bets are still on for whether or not a shutdown is imminent, even a long term one.
I'd bet against that. Even theepidemiologistss are saying that the numbers originally projected were much too dire.

>> No.18112623

If it hits hiv positive population in africa maybe we will see hundreds of thousands of dead, but for now it's nothing. V shape recovery, opportunity of a lifetime the missed.

>> No.18112656
File: 532 KB, 864x648, CEA4EEE9-C58B-4D3E-9D60-E7ECBF795BAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TMDX anon was right all along...

>> No.18112863

>thinking an animal that can run 60 miles per hour can sustain that intensity

>> No.18112995

Why does that look like it would taste good

>> No.18113132

>t. absolute retard

>> No.18113152

That's a male.

>> No.18113217


You're an idiot. Uncontrolled spread would be devastating. You're not seeing the history path where "everything is normal" and COVID-19 spreads like wildfire amongst a population without antibodies to it.

Our hospital capacity isn't infinite. If all those serious patients start exceeding capacity, it leads to deaths not only from COVID-19 but from other poor hospitalized fucks recovering from surgery or other illnesses.

And guess fucking what? The market has been a fucking ponzi scheme for decades! Imagine if a more serious pathogen had come barreling through! Look at all the rotten tinder and barnacles in this decrepit ship we call a nation!

>> No.18113253
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Imagine have a woman inside like that.

>> No.18113260

oh yeah msala hows that? the numbers aren't wrong but you drank the koolaid so therefore CORONA COVID DOOMING. yeah thats what I thought homo

>> No.18113275

>had no money in market because I only just started saving enough to invest
>market crashes
It's like God wanted to give me an in.

>> No.18113286


Not to mention that the Chinese government would never admit to millions being infected and/or possibly dead! My gut feeling is that this shit is still bad enough to wreck populations without immunity (aka most humans).

>> No.18113331

>If it hits hiv positive population in africa maybe we will see hundreds of thousands of dead
Oh no... how tragic. And utterly meaningless for people who don't have AIDS.

>> No.18113352

There is some data that suggest corona can case permanent body damage, even in young people. That would be something, cause so far this pandemic is incredibly gay.

>> No.18114399
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>> No.18114525
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>Chinese government
Stop calling it the "Chinese government," you racist piece of shit.

>> No.18114868

The virus was just the catalyst.
It was an excuse to finally set fire to the whole rotten edifice.

>> No.18114924

How sharp are those points? My asshole is all itchy from eating a bunch of fast food the last week and I'm wondering how it would feel to have a bug cat lick my rectum.

>> No.18114980

>There is some data that suggest corona can case permanent body damage, even in young people
In an extreme minority of hospitalized patients. Meaning if your symptoms aren't serious enough to be hospitalized it's a nothing burger.

>> No.18115010

Yeah New York hospitals with no beds or supplies for doctors and using refridgerated trailers to store overflow bodies is just an average flu season.

>> No.18115087

Who cares, just let it collapse already.

>> No.18115175

> China had peak incidence and recovery within three months
Do you predict that we will as well?

>> No.18115484

How are you into biz when you can’t handle large numbers? No, half the world doesn’t have it yet, you can get a devent estimate by assuming about 0.2% mortality and multiplying the number of dead by 500 to see how many have been infected so far.
23,600 dead times 500 gives about 11,800,000 infected at this point in time. With 7.7 billion population there’s a bit to go before half the world has been exposed, we’re only in the very beginning.
With 520k confirmed infected out of estimated 11.8M, that means a detection rate of about 4.4% detection rate. The only thing that can prevent bloodbaths are hard fucking lockdowns until a cure is found. Any country that tries to take a lax approach will run into a wall of carnage very quickly, fold and lockdown hard but with weeks of accelerating carnage to go after the point they locked down. You will see this pattern repeating for months until no country wants to try their luck with covid again. Then it’s a year or more of no business until a cure is found. Happy bullying.

>> No.18115495

that’s a man

>> No.18115681

look at this cope. look at it.

>> No.18115734
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What's it like being so mindless that you think it's a good idea to short AFTER the market has already made its once in a generation move?

>> No.18117141

don't know, those points are for holding onto water. that's why cats can lick water and drink it.

>> No.18117216

If a lion licked you five times, you'd start bleeding.

>> No.18117374

Unless they respect you

>> No.18117418
File: 12 KB, 286x176, 1576568778835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30,000 deaths to a virus that covers 350 million people
>1100 deaths to a virus that has only spread to 85k
by the latter numbers we can infer that if everyone in the US was infected there would be about 5 million deaths and that would be assuming that each person was able to get care and treatment from supplied hospitals.

someone help me out here guys i thought people on /biz/ were at least smart enough to do simple math and factor in variables unlike this mouth breathing retard.

>> No.18118488

yeah and this is NEW. We just added all those cases/deaths to the system not comparatively.

>> No.18118508

US is going to 15% unemployment retard

>> No.18118563

One time I was being hunted by a mountain lion. She stalked me through the brush late at night, and I kept her at bay using a bright flashlight, which blinded her.
Sometimes I dream of her pouncing on me while I run through the woods. I wake in a cold sweat, heart pounding, with a strong erection. I think of how I might take her in turn when her teeth and claw sink into me.
Buy chainlink.

>> No.18118699
File: 118 KB, 648x502, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she wanted your dick, but you refused

>> No.18119016

because you're a chink

>> No.18119047

lol what a boss

>> No.18119103

oh no it has cancer :(

>> No.18119223

It's posts like these that make this board worth it.

>> No.18119458

yeah, after its done running

>> No.18119469


>> No.18119565
File: 28 KB, 588x866, f4d3e5f8-eccc-4c0d-adb3-c5a5178d0adc..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good joke

>> No.18119587

>“One thing led to another and I found myself having sexual intercourse with a 200-pound full grown female cougar,” the young man told reporters, visibly amused by the situation.

>> No.18120817

Other than the unpredicatble train of events that's been set off, the stock market looks totally sustainable, yes. Zoom out you fucking dolt.