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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18108287 No.18108287 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you spend on rent as a proportion of your income?

>> No.18108323

why did you crop out the best part?

>> No.18108368

>WAAHH-HAAAH I need to pay the rent I agreed to pay!

brought you from the authors of such hits like
>WAAHH-HAAAH I took out a loan, and they're making me pay it back

>> No.18108389

That's the most obvious man yet

>> No.18108394

I love small tits, just something about them and this body type that gets me off

>> No.18108442


>> No.18108492


Rent is for poor scum

>> No.18108844

damn didnt know you were into men, thats fucking based

>> No.18108869


he's a pedo

>> No.18108891

t. retard

>> No.18108893


>> No.18108947

Show benis

>> No.18109003


>> No.18109134


>> No.18109163

t. chapocel

>> No.18109241
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>> No.18109257

Show rest of image and I'll reveal insider btc info

>> No.18109365


>> No.18109375


>> No.18110472

You know that some women have almost no breast at all don't you?
I'm not an expert at detecting trannies, but i would think pic related is probably a female. The belly button looks that of a female. The arm (biceps) looks very frail, too frail, even for a skinny man.

>> No.18110990

17% of gross
26% of net

>> No.18111016

Nothing. I was lucky enough to be born in a loving family so when my parents moved out of the house to retire somewhere warmer they left it to me.

>> No.18111020

>he pays rent
>he doesn’t collect rent

>> No.18111049





For some shitty apartment.

>> No.18111146

about 14%

i live in a shitty uni house with 5 other roommates. it's basically top banter all day, but i am going to move to a nicer place in the fall that will up it to around 22%.

i feel like if you're spending more than 35-40%, even if it's a mortgage, you should reconsider a) where you live b) how much you're spending on "luxury"; because you're just fucking yourself in the ass in the long term not building liquid savings or investments.

>> No.18111174


>> No.18111217

Dependable. When i was working in salmon raising, i paid like 10% (6k NOK a month vs 50k NOK) but as a neet it's 40% against my 16% welfare money.
Yes, my math is probably off. But i am not a smart person, i became a neet after all.

>> No.18111232

it puts the lotion in the basket


>> No.18111257

Do you use antibiotics in norwegian salmon farms?

>> No.18111305

>But i am not a smart person, i became a neet after all.
Perhaps that makes you the smartest of all

>> No.18111307


A good rule of thumb is to spend no more than 30-33% of your take home pay on rent.

>> No.18111482
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There's a reason the photo ends around the "vag" area anon

>> No.18111599
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>The belly button looks that of a female.
How can a belly button be female?

>> No.18111614

Banks like to see under 35 ish of gross for mortgages. Watching my coworkers deep throat ugly mortgage payments to have "bragging rights" of fancier homes while being so financially tight kept me modest in comparison. Instead of the high end new home I bought a 4b 2ba middle class home in a middle class neighborhood that could use some remodel work to update it but otherwise has good bones.

I reconfirm my decision every month when the mortgage comes due. Meanwhile, Jimmy palace house and Tommy new truck talk with me about being 10k+ in credit card debt, with gleeful plans of having "just the loan" payment in 1-2 years that overshadows my total collective living costs. I work with 130ish people of all ages and all backgrounds and I can tell you which ones have eyes with no fire in them anymore. 30 years is a long time to sign away for the ego.

>> No.18111636

guys have a horizontal belly button, fit/skinny girls navals go vertical.

>> No.18111639

Just rent and no bills? 23%

>> No.18111655
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Yes, about 0,2% compared to livestocks like chickens that has 12% or cow that has something similar.
Boy do i miss the sea though. Life was good then. Free.
Only if i already had made it. But alas, i fucked that part up good.

>> No.18111661

impossible to escape unless there is a huge crash

>> No.18111676

Communists are retarded.

>> No.18111692

I see threads with queer trannys and I hide those threads. strange how queers have to constantly force their queer on everyone while demanding tolerance and acceptance while showing zero in return to others. fucking mentally ill grade school grooming queers

>> No.18111741
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>> No.18113014

given the current conditions, 100% to 0

>> No.18113028

0, my parents own three properties so I get to live in one of them rent free and invest all my money. I'll do the same for my kids if I ever have any.

>> No.18113054

If property tax were abolished this rent thing wouldn’t be a problem

>> No.18113144

unimaginably based

>> No.18113162

I try not to focus on how much of my income it is, more of, how can I continually bring in more.

I write out balance sheets and various other financial checks, sometimes twice a month, and look at my growth. This tells me if I need to straighten up and pull in more, or if I can relax a little. I'm only at ~10% growth per period (~2 periods/mo) on average right now. This economy isn't exactly helpful either.

>> No.18113181

Still voting female. Ugly females like this definitively exist. Believe me. Her upper body muscle mass, especially arms and shoulders, is too frail, considering her 22-24% body fat, to be a man.

>> No.18113203

Kill landlords

>> No.18114193
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34% after tax. 13% goes to alcohol

>> No.18114275

thats a ..wait..

>> No.18114286

thats a man

>> No.18114432
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I live at home and commute to work via light rail. I make 36k annually.

My coworkers, who live a modest distance outside the city, spend like half of their monthly earnings on rent alone

Was there really a time in life when rent wasn't 50% of your monthly income? I'd be so fucked if I had to live on my own, but now I've got a decent amount saved