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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1810514 No.1810514 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, what do you think of poor people?

You were the ones who were supported well, got an easy degree, slipped into $90k in your first job and are earning even more, sums that most people can't imagine.

What about the people who serve your takeouts, deal with your accounts, and suck your dick (if you're into that kind of thing)?

What about them. Was it all choice and happy families for them?

Do you just despise people for being poor? Is that the kind of people you are?

>> No.1811008

What the fuck do you want?

>> No.1811199

I hate them

Every time I hear some shitty hobo ask me for money (that I KNOW he's going to spend on malt liquor) I want to curb stomp the fuck out of him

Right wing death squads soon

>> No.1811233

I've been behind people in line at the gas station where people have bought $5 worth of gas and $20 worth of lottery tickets

It also rustles my Jimmies too see someone use EBT for a shopping cart full of processed crap food and they have brand new shies and spinning rims.

Poor doesn't mean low income either. I have a friend who Judy graduated pharm school and got a job making 135k.

He and his wife immediately went out and bought 2 70k Mercedes to celebrate and then got a 600k house. He already had like 250k of student loan debt. What the fuck was this nigger thinking.

>> No.1811480

I have a few friends who are legit poor. I have sympathy to be sure, but I'm not sure how to help them.

What I've done for them is appreciated but it hasn't changed much for them.

>> No.1811490

When I was young

>Oh those poor people! We should do everything we can to help.


>I hope all those impulsive morons die

Poor people are lazy idiots with no self control

Fuck em

>> No.1811516


>> No.1811521

>>I hope all those impulsive morons die
This. I was surprised to see how much money poor people spend.

>> No.1811527

>Loading a question that much
Jesus said "The poor will always be with you"

>> No.1811530

It's absolutely disgusting. Reminded me of that documentary where they handed a homeless guy 30K which he almost immediately squandered before going back on the streets.

>> No.1811534

Jesus was a mentally ill 1st century Jew

FFS, that's like a Hungarian preaching about the evils of Paprika or a Muslim praising sluts

>> No.1811536
File: 127 KB, 500x409, LOLOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Hungarian preaching about the evils of Paprika

>> No.1811537

>mfw only 35k a year in hospitality

I guess it's my fault for getting a STEM degree in a regional town with no jobs, I just wish one fucking person had the balls to tell me 'hey maybe you shouldn't pursue this'. Fuck boomers and liberals with their you can be whatever you want with no repercussions fairytales.

>> No.1811541

>what do you think of poor people?
I think, what's the next thing they can get hooked on so I can make money of them.
That's about it.

>> No.1811560

M-MUH bootstraps mufugga

Muh firm handshakes

>> No.1811580

kiosks can't come any sooner

>> No.1811581

>thinking about poor people

What a stupendous waste of time.

>> No.1811589

Smart man

Buy alcohol tobacco pharmacy and weed stocks

Plebs will always need these

>> No.1811603

Then move to where the jobs are.

>> No.1811604

i dont give a fuck about them

>> No.1811619

cleanse the society

>> No.1811621

I don't think of them at all. Why would I?

>> No.1811660


Autocorrect on phone causes poojet tier typos

>> No.1811674


In the end it's all luck, can't fault those being born stupid or hit by accidents. So no hate but also no complex to help.

>> No.1811682
File: 37 KB, 624x351, _54380012_aef0a289-25ea-444b-8531-343955c0372c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with poor people as long as they are working, trying to get a better lot in life or are contempt with where they are, Why would I care that some 40 year old woman is happy packing groceries for a living? It's her life.

I only have an issue with people who are poor and constantly whine, and think it is someone else's responsibility to get them richer. You're responsible for your own wealth, no one else.

>> No.1812102

I have seen retards among us poor fags who have no fucking clue how wealthy they really are, but it kind of boils down to two main things, Necessities and living wages. the whining is probably never going to stop, but it's always going to be relevant when you have people living unbelievable wealthy lives and others can't even put food on the table.

I think the big problem with poor people though is that they want to take things. don't get me wrong, I agree with taxing the fuck out of the rich and limiting the power of corporations to fuck people, but no matter who's fault it is that everythings fucked, the parents, the society, the rich, more poor people need to understand that we are personally culpable regardless of fault because nothing will get fixed without our effort. just becuase the whole system is gamed to keep the majority ignorant of the ways in which the rich exploit knowledge to take away all our money (and get us to give it to them en masse of our own free will) doesn't mean we can rely on yelling to fix the problem, the only way is to start learning that shit, not complain about how it should have been taught.

>> No.1812103

>90k in first job
God i wish i studied in highschool and went to ivy league school.

>> No.1812142

> more poor people need to understand that we are personally culpable regardless of fault because nothing will get fixed without our effort

regardless of what attitude you have. you need to reconize that accumulation of wealth is simply tweaking the distribution of wealth. i mean sure most rich people deserve to be where they are, but without the poor that they loath so much most of them wouldn't be rich to begin with

>> No.1812155

I have known several people who have been perpetually "poor". To the point where they would reject nights out for dinner because they "couldn't afford it". One owned literally hundreds of DVD's, had a large flatscreen TV (back when they were $2k minimum) and several gaming consoles.

Another dropped out of college with a single subject left to graduate, bought thousands of dollars of tools as an apprentice tradesman and left them in his truck without insurance (they were stolen). Then his truck died because he did not maintain it, so he had to buy a replacement on credit.

Another worked a job where they were paid weekly on a Tuesday and they would be consistently broke by Saturday (sometimes earlier). They pissed away their wage buying "friends" drinks and purchasing parts from Ebay to modify their motorcycle. That same person had previously worked as a motorcycle salesman. One year they learned through their tax return that they had earned over $100k in a year (mostly through sales commission). At the end of that year they did not have a cent in savings due to the above habits.

I earn around the same amount as the above three people and I am able to squirrel away money into an investment portfolio. I also say "I am too poor to do X" but in reality usually it is because I am trying to save/invest as much as possible. All too often people are poor because of their habits. In my experience people do not end up poor as a result of low earnings, more often they are poor because of bad decisions.

>> No.1812164

Poor people often move out of poverty
Average people often fall into poverty
rich people may become poor. Poor people may become rich.

/biz/ is too young and stupid to understand this.

there are no poor people or rich people, there's just people.

>> No.1812174

im pretty fucking convinced that the same people that "can't afford food fo my kids" or "i can't afford health insurance" also squander hundreds a month on bullshit

>> No.1812186

>Mother earns 55,000 yuro dollars as a lazy nigger secretary
>Father earns at least 30k profit

Somehow live paycheck to paycheck and regularly get cutoff by the electricity company. Dont own a house despite having plenty of opportunity, in fact receive free goverment gibsmedats housing for paltry sum of 100 a week yet still in serious debt on rent. Somehow this is all my fault for being a lazy failure somehow despite the fact that what I pay pays the entire rent as I dont use electricity and the gas is pay as you go.

>Mother spends all her money on meme diet foods and wine
The woman is a living meme

>> No.1812187

Ironically, only someone tragically young and stupid would post this nonsense. The wealth differences between people are far more meaningful, far more impactful, and far more determinative than race, sex, religion, or nationality.

>> No.1812203

what percentage of americans born poor will become a millionaire at some point in their lives?
what fraction of those same people will stay millionaires for life?

these are things you can easily google. Or you can just be older than 12 and see for yourself over time. Boomers weren't born rich.

>> No.1812204

I don't have anything against poor people but the are some things that sometimes rub me the wrong way. Especially when people are totally oblivious to their contribution to society.

I am a fairly wealthy person in a small town in Europe where there are so many tax breaks and discounts for poor people that you can basically assume that the total tax contribution of the bottom 50% is entirely negligible in the public revenue.

Despite that there are certain people who constantly complain about their tax dollars being wasted. My neighbor who is a women in her mid thirties, has basically never had a tax paying job in her live and went back to entry level, state sponsored job training three times now, first as a "fashion designer" then as a florist and now as a retail clerk. I estimated that the cost of her "free" trade school is about 150k alone.

There was a new roundabout being built near where I live and it took a bit longer than projected. She was absolutely livid about it and complained to everyone about *her* tax dollars being wasted.

Meanwhile me and about 10 other people in this town produce about 95% of the tax revenue. Basically I'm the one who has to pay for shitty failed education, but if I every complained about that I would be shunned right away.

>> No.1812207

The majority of posters on /biz/ aren't as successful as you think they are.

>> No.1812209

buy 20 GPU's profit

>> No.1812211

7 year ago i live in Venezuela, there to many poor, their children run wild steal, and rape, so we kill them. no problem once poor kid gone.

>> No.1812213


if /biz/ was even as successful as the average US population we'd have hundreds of business owners and millionaires here. This board is
significantly less wealthy than normal. Ridiculously poor even.

>> No.1812215


>> No.1812219

What European city ?

>> No.1812220

Small town in Germany

>> No.1812228


Becuase I live in Australia I fucking hate poor cunts, and it really worries me...

I had to work hard, sacrifice considerably, save my pay... so one day I can retire with a 6 figure passive income.

Meanwhile millenial broke faggots borrow to travel, live paycheck to paycheck and are going to retire with nothing.

These poor shitcunts are going to all vote left wing. Bringing in a labor government which will tax/raid my savings to pay for a pension which keeps their degenerate lifestyles going.

Maybe I am the chump whos trying to save. Maybe I should blow all my capital on hookers and coke while I'm young...

Fuck the poor.

>> No.1812232

Thoes same broke fags are going to steal your savings in tax to pay for welfare when you're older

>> No.1812241

>You were the ones who were supported well, got an easy degree, slipped into $90k in your first job and are earning even more, sums that most people can't imagine
Lotta assumptions there buddy

>> No.1812246

The idea that money is something that can work for you is riches that can't be calculated. The expectation that tomorrow could be better than today, just because of choices you make today, is a middle class diamond and a key to a chance.
You can throw money at someone who doesn't have this in their head and they'll piss it all away. US lottery winner fucked off over a hundred million like that.

>> No.1812250

The very poor and the very rich have this in common: they both want more today than they had yesterday, more tomorrow than they have today and fuck anyone who wants to share or co-operate.

>> No.1812252

>Bringing in a labor government which will tax/raid my savings to pay for a pension which keeps their degenerate lifestyles going.
Nobody who is really rich pays tax, and i mean not one fucken cent, cobber.
So you're basically spitting on people a few rungs lower while the people in the clouds say "Yes, hate them, they want your stuff."
As if you don't want your place in the clouds.

>> No.1812259

I am realistic. .. chances of me being this rich is pretty slim.
I am going to save and work hard only to be one of these spit on cunts.

So yeah, fuck peasant cunts

>> No.1812262

/biz/ main demographic is people in their late teens/early 20s. People in those demographics are almost invariably poor, unless they were born into money. /biz/ residents at least are more likely to be financially literate than their peers.

So /biz/ may not be as successful as the US average but they are possibly more successful and definitely more financially literate than the US average at the same age.