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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18100227 No.18100227 [Reply] [Original]

>Turnover 1M+ year
>Profit about 250K/ yr
>Boomer industry of truck repair
>12+ Employees

My dad is very old and has tried selling his business in the past. I have a business degree but have been working in other industries and want to buy his company.

How do I get him to trust me and be open to seller financing his business to me?

>> No.18101247
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You have to convince him you want to take the reigns. Grab a manual weapon and walk into his room when he’s on the bed. Say “dad I want the business and I’m not taking no as an answer.” Joke around about resulting in force of course but tell him that you learned recently to stick up for what you believe in when it really matters.

>> No.18101274

if this business actually existed, you wouldn't be here asking a bunch of anime-obsessed dweebs about it. go write your gay fanfic somewhere else

>> No.18101293

suck his cock and blow bubbles with his bitter yet salty and remarkably thick slimey cumropes while u look him in the eyes

>> No.18101387

Most kids inherit the family business, then liquidate it because they are fucking retard millennials and dive away the old reliable workers by changing everything for no reason

>> No.18101411

not sure would larp about truck repair. Ave. revenue per employee small business is about $100k - profit looks a bit on the optimistic side, but numbers prob. accurate enough

>> No.18101467

He’s your dad he should at the bare minimum just give you his business and you can pay him half the profit every year until you fully paid of his purchase price and it’s yours.

>> No.18101611

maybe Daddy suspects, there wouldn't be a(ny) profit after year two. IF you wanted to do this, need to go and learn the business first, preferably with an employer who isn't your father. Mechanics/Engineering, employess'll just shit on you if your Mr Degree owners offspring jackass, come in to tell them how to run a truck shop.

>> No.18101687

Never seen this go well
You're just a snot nosed kid born with a silver spoon in your mouth so you have no idea about how to operate a small business or deal with employees

>> No.18101788

kill him and impregnate your mother