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File: 13 KB, 200x200, monero-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18098088 No.18098088 [Reply] [Original]

Keeps outperforming the market since the crash
Whats going on?

>> No.18098125

Only coin you can buy crack with

>> No.18098171

Why is their wallet such a piece of shit

They had 6 fucking years and when I try to pair it with Ledger the whole thing freezes

>> No.18098203

Oh yeah and the program itself is stuttering even when doing basic tasks like clicking through the menu, I've never seen a worse application in my entire life...

>> No.18098227

their wallets are fine you are just a brainlet / techlet

>> No.18098249

the sole fact that you want to store xmr on a ledger projects your stupidity. only absolute retards save their crypto on a ledger

I bet you run windows too.

stay poor.

>> No.18098279

I'm concerned about accessing my wallet during a blackout. Should I stick with my hardware wallet on PC or switch to cakewallet?

>> No.18098348

It doesn't work buddy. It's no rocket science, install the app and follow basic instructions but it freezes halfway through.

Then it doesn't want to sync and I had to research forums like a fucking pajeet.
>just copy paste these 15 command lines bro it just werks
The absolute state

>only absolute retards save crypto using one of the most safest ways to do it
Ok bro I'm obviously not as smart as you, please enlighten me what's the correct way to do it

>> No.18098402
File: 58 KB, 1966x1829, real_money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's the only money worth having when central banks turn on the money printers.

>> No.18098417

use mymonero

>> No.18098520

if you weren't such a fucking huge retard you would download the latest release and install that.

I did that 2 months ago and it worked straight out of the box no clicks no nothing, I didn't even have to set the remote node, it came preconfigured.
anyway ledgers are for retards.

>> No.18098627

is it your antivirus or firewall

>> No.18099050
File: 69 KB, 966x763, shite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this 2 weeks ago using the latest version of course
Downloading the blockchain would get stuck every time after a short while and yes I tried different nodes

And I just tried it again, same thing. Actually the pairing with Ledger works, I forgot, but nothing else works because when I click on the wallet the whole screen is like 30fps makes the entire system stutter and then constant monero-gui not responding...

You tell me, it asks about firewall exception when I run the program and I allowed it
I don't have any AV besides Microshaft's default one

>> No.18099115

>anonymous control of supply

Monero is dumb.

>> No.18099257

the supply is completely auditable in the source code you dumb nigger
current: 17498102

>> No.18099617


Lol moron, keep thinking that

>> No.18099713

The blockchain is in the wrong folder. lol

>> No.18099900

one of the reasons i like monero and have 30% of my WHOLE NETWORTH in it?

the fud. i havent seen more brainlet-level fud than the one XMR gets.

i'll continue holding an <unknown amount> of monero and sail into the sunset in 2024

>> No.18100033

Nice digits. What do you think about the Earn It Bill? Sounds like the DoJ is targeting XMR specifically.

>> No.18100100

enjoy being unlisted
enjoy funding new expensive watches to the scammer who created it
enjoy being tracked by NSA

>> No.18100134

What would you recommend anon?

>> No.18100187

based and earnitpilled

>> No.18100243

not scamming broski

>> No.18100329

i like zcoin