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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1809499 No.1809499 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw your trading strategy actually works
>tfw your win rate is 60% with a P/L of 1.8
>tfw made a $560 profit since last year (125 days of trading)
>tfw too poor to increase leverage and become rich

what do /biz/? I've tried asking for more money from my parents and siblings but they're like
>hurr you're just getting lucky.
>hurr efficient markets
>hurr index funds are superior in the long run
>hurr hurrrrrr

honestly though its not just "luck". my strategy is fairly universal in that it works with most asset classes. Though I mainly trade forex because t. poorfag

>> No.1809502

Get a job.

>> No.1809511



>> No.1809518

You can't beat the market. Just do the sensible thing and put it all in an index fund.

>> No.1809520

I'll bite.

What's your strategy?

>> No.1809531

>what do

Well, it depends on a couple things.

Firstly, how much capital do you have right now that you can use for investing?

Secondly, what is your strategy? There are a few things you can do depending on what strategy you're using.

>> No.1809543

>Firstly, how much capital do you have right now that you can use for investing?

Started with $100 and now have $660. I just automate all my trades using an algorithm. I always make 1 trade a day to prevent unexpected margin calls.

>Secondly, what is your strategy? There are a few things you can do depending on what strategy you're using.

kek if I told you that then its not going to be profitable anymore. but it is deceptively simple. I basically ride the market and don't try to beat it.

>> No.1809552

>less than $5000
stop now

This is called beginner's luck and will run out once you start risking more than chump change. Murphy's Law

>> No.1809561

get robinhood gold
free trades + $2k margin for $10/month

>> No.1810075

>I always make 1 trade a day to prevent unexpected margin calls

>> No.1810094

I can tell this is bullshit

1 - You are poor
2 - You claim to have conversations with your family about the markets

Poor families do not debate investment theory. Ever. That is a universal constant unless the debate is about who is controlling it, the jews or the reptillians.

The only other possible explanation is you are 12 which is why your access to capital is so limited.

>> No.1810102
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the jews are the reptilians you stupid kike.

>> No.1810104

>strategy you want to keep secret
>trend following
>if I tell you it wont be profitable any more

>> No.1810106

>took him 4 months to make $560

You could do better even working minimum wage kek.

>> No.1810223

You sound jealous

>> No.1810236

lol youre literally doing trend following

gj because it actually works

and no your "secret" wont stop working because people are retarded

>> No.1810376

what are you using to execute your strategy?

>> No.1810482

I think he means in and out of a trade in a day. that would prevent margin calls, rollover fees etc. forexfag here AMA

>> No.1810489

to turn 100$ into 560$ either you are using a foreign broker with higher leverage than 1:50 or your avg is like 500-1000 pips a trade profit.

>> No.1811825
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I prefer to just load all my money into one stock I'm really confident about.

>> No.1811832

you should invest in dunklefonkers <0><0>

>> No.1811834
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You're a trend follower anon

It's ok. You could plaster that on the front page of the wsj and no one will have the patience to keep at it


>> No.1811856

Why don't you get a job?
>broker with higher leverage than 1:50
enoy maring calls and