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18093985 No.18093985 [Reply] [Original]

This whole pandemic could be a nothingburger or much worse than the models.
Anyone in CS knows the probability of an error in C code is gargantuan.
I expect volatility. Time for saddle options, nothing is priced in. Either it's not as bad or it's way worse.

>> No.18094302

Wake up sheeple!

>> No.18094313

Its 351AM EST.

>> No.18094375

Probability of any code, especially that long will have errors

>> No.18094397

I predict not as bad, I think the infection is spread more widely than we think and many people have already developed immunity. I predict that Coronachan hits some people with co-morbidities hard, and doubles down on people already suffering respiratory illness

>> No.18094407

Nigga we aint gotta go to work, we can stay up all night.

The fact that it's C is worrisome. If it was a higher level language with modularity then I wouldn't be as concerned.

>> No.18094449

given the limited testing, supposed R0, and trends of those who have died, this is the most likely scenario. you can also be assured that it is not a big deal because of all the normans shilling exponential growth and slow reaction spooky bedtime stories.

>> No.18094463


>> No.18094488
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>Our research did not use any complicated model with a vast number of variables, no more than someone watching an avalanche heading in their direction calls for complicated statistical models to see if they need to get out of the way.

>> No.18094723

>13 year old flu sim written with thousands of lines of spaghetti C code is somehow relevant to an outbreak of a completely different virus in a global society completely different than the one it was written to model.
This guy is a fucking retard.

>> No.18095375

What do you think they'll do to him if this turns out to be a nothingburger and this fucker created this panic?

>> No.18095427

nothing you fucking retard. he didnt create the panic. ask your mom before posting

>> No.18095433

>he doesn’t know

>> No.18095442

so, Coronavirus was created on a computer by some nerd in his moms basement?

>> No.18095466

Firstly, all data on the virus is garbage. Due to the limited tests, hospitals have no even basis on test administration yet only test confirmed positives are being added to the CDC numbers even though many have been treated at various levels with no test confirmation. Anything communist China releases is suspect; Asian cultures greatly value saving face and the high likelihood of corona being released by accident in Wuhan and the continual suggestion of differing origins by the PRC show all behavior points toward filtered data being produced. The cruise ship provides an interesting set of data that applies in a perfect world with no shortage of medical resources but does not accurately predict large populations. Italy will be the first petri dish that we can use to accurately discern severity.

Questions I have at this point:
How do I assess the level of government knowledge concerning the severity of the virus?
Which leads to
Why doesn't the data I have been shown accurately correlate to the government's actions? Either this is a whole lot of panic induced for very little reason, or this thing is a lot nastier than what I have been shown. If information is being withheld to prevent chaos yet strong government action is being taken to reduce transmission this seems a logical avenue of thought.
On the other hand, if this is all a media induced panic frenzy over basically the flu, who stands to gain?

>> No.18096039

The whole shutdown for a year is based off his data.

No, but by his estimates hospitals would exceed capacity by a huge factor if people didnt stay home from all social activities.

>> No.18096058

>If information is being withheld to prevent chaos yet strong government action is being taken to reduce transmission this seems a logical avenue of thought.
>On the other hand, if this is all a media induced panic frenzy over basically the flu, who stands to gain?
These are the top things to think about

>> No.18096088

>Italy will be the first petri dish that we can use to accurately discern severity.
The problem with Italy is they want the EU to make it rain, so they have tremendous incentive to over report.

>> No.18096126

>Anyone in CS knows the probability of an error in C code is gargantuan.
The type of errors that would affect the accuracy the simulations are logical ones, those happen with the same rate across all the languages

>> No.18097146

This glownigger is part of the problem.

>> No.18097202

some of us are essential workers

>> No.18097212


pretty much this. thats my opinion now after researching this shit and thinking about it.

It's been spreading globally for MONTHS. as early as DEC. It's extremely contagious but only from a few super spreaders. many people are not so contagious to each other.
There was an increase in non flu related pneumonia deaths this year in many western countries in Dec and Jan.

I'd say up to 40% of the population have had it and recovered. very mild to no symptoms. They are immune. we already saw exponential growth. all this data collecting is very far along the curve and actually lagging behind. what we are seeing now is the mid/end phase where all the weakest people are the last ones to catch it.

>> No.18097218
File: 19 KB, 412x550, 488D7E23-5B37-4B51-9890-802570CDE345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m sure china welded people into their own apartment with steel girders because some beta male college professor looking queermo made a climate change tier meme graph based on nothing but the white liberal desire for a secular book of revelations to organize their lives around

>> No.18097258

All the weakest people are the last ones to catch it? Wouldnt the weakest catch it first.. logic fail

>> No.18097286

even if its written in c, everything should be based on a mathematical model, which you could test (at least in theory) manually

>> No.18097322


Think of it more like this:
The strongest people (most) get mild to no symptom. There is also data saying that most people are not so contagious, but a few people are extremely contagious.

so most people got it and recovered and cant get it again already over months.
The few super spreaders did their thing, and exponential growth of super spreaders happened, which is what infected the oldies. This took time to ramp up as most people are not super spreaders.

We are now at a phase past the exponential where the super spreaders are infecting lots of the oldies and they are now dropping at peak rate. These super spreaders are becoming immune just as fast and as fast as this shit came it will stop.

>> No.18097914

the average age of mortality over there is like 80 years old. that's already ABOVE the average median life expectency. who literally gives a shit about this? The old boomers sitting in top positions? it's cleansing the earth of parasites that put a strain on the already weak health care systems

>> No.18099201

The virus is going to cause mass deaths indirectly. The massive wave of female suicides in 2025 has been pushed up to this year. Get ready to be forced to go to "Mandatory Mental Health Days" at every job. Fridays will be "Hey please don't kill yourselves. Remember, the team with the least deaths this quarter gets a pizza party!" Male suicide wave probably got pushed up 5 years as well so 2025ish-2030ish. Also double dip recession. None of my friends care to hear this shit and you guys are all I have.