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18089863 No.18089863 [Reply] [Original]

Are Spring Break Zoomers based or irresponsible pieces of shit that just destroyed the economy?

>> No.18089921

>didn't hide inside
>were spreading their seed and having fun
>didn't crash the economy
>dont care about what cnn thinks

>> No.18089932


>spend entire life trying to go viral

>> No.18089950
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>> No.18089961

It's modern "men" that enable this behavior.

>> No.18089965

Did boomers care about literally anything but themselves? It’s seems the zoom zooms are their mirror

>> No.18089976

Yeah, I pumped and dumped my way through about 90 women from 18-28 and only now that I'm happy married realize the damage that my actions caused.

>> No.18089985

Pretty sure she's just banting there, pretty funny actually

>> No.18089990
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Why contain it?

>> No.18090001

Please list your holdings. You may have had more sex than me but I'll be damned if you're richer than me.

>> No.18090003

Actually this is based and hilarious

>> No.18090009

>"I just wanted to do some blow and catch a dick"
>The only men women want to be around are homosexuals
>This is the future marriage stock for all zoomers
I-is this based??

>> No.18090020

Sounds based to me coming from a moomer.

>> No.18090046

Why do you care

>> No.18090067

Well why would they care, they're resentful that they have to inherit this completely fucked up situation in the world. They are growing up with peak resignation that the world is fucked for them either way.

>> No.18090077

>I am very successful at reducing our culture to a cesspool and proud of it
Cool story bro.

>> No.18090111

the honesty is based. I don't recognize this creature but I do not condemn it.

>> No.18090130

I have a 2bd townhouse, 60k cash in my Schwab account and about 10k in 5/15 SPY puts. You're probably richer than me. At a certain point sex is highly overrated, I turned down fucking 18 and 19 year olds literally dozens of times to stay at home, play vidya and shitpost you guys instead.

>> No.18090146

Where did I say that I was proud? Limit your /pol/ visits to maybe once per week.

>> No.18090158

>Where did I say that I was proud?
Fair enough.

>> No.18090167

She's clearly in shock from lack of "dick". Give er some penis

>> No.18090174

>doesnt screencap shit
Ok poorfag

>> No.18090204

I hit 90 from my birthday at age 17 to age 22. What did you do wrong you incel virgin?

>> No.18090243

im at 2 and only 23. sex is sacred you vile degenerate. all our numbers should be 1

>> No.18090246

you lack the mental capacity to form emotional bonds if your numbers are that high. do you like Huey Lewis and the News?

>> No.18090255
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Seems like a small sum to lie about, enjoy the you tho

>> No.18090286

Imagine thinking people larp about 60k

>> No.18090310

i'm a linklet and have that much in crypto
way too many tourists and fake NEETs here during the quarantine

>> No.18090332

I've only had sex with one woman (my gf of a year) and Im happy with it

>> No.18090334

Spring Break Zoomers? No. Are you paying attention to Louisiana? Those creole motherfuckers have doomed us all.

>> No.18090335

I'm no prude but fuck me imagine saying that shit publicly.

>> No.18090340

>18 year old zoomers are responsible for the economy crashing
glowies gettin desperate

>> No.18090351

Jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with those things

>> No.18090360

>sugar daddy private plane
>catch some dick
wait, so the millionaire is letting his girlfriend fuck other men, even though hes rich enough to get a loyal wife?

>> No.18090374

that queer next to her laughs at the dumbest shit. purge of the queer boys when?

>> No.18090408

You know, if I pumped 100 women with my tism-tainted seed and left them stuck with raging autistics I'd be happy about it. This is the genetic stock society deserves for the sins it has committed against me.

>> No.18090462

post hairline

>> No.18090472

Imagine watching the queer the whole video

>> No.18090484

only females have to worry about pair bonding thats why 99.99% of them are not fit for marriage after the age of 18 cuz they've been dicked down at least 5times and thats already a huge divorce rate %.

oh and virginal white knight simps that must defend m'lady anytime someone says something "bad" about them go look up the numbers are pair bonding before you seethe and go into eternal virgin mode and call me an incel. science proves what im saying and you can just deal with that fact

>> No.18090489

based. need to wipe out the old cunts

>> No.18090498

Not him, but I was also a massive manwhore and my hairline is shit now. The prolactin balding meme is real

>> No.18090515
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Why don't I enjoy bragging on the internet about stuff that didn't happen like you faggots?
I must be some kind of unique person

>> No.18090516

how many times do we have to see this type of shit except in porns?

>> No.18090530

im not really mad about what she did. im just mad there were probably a bunch of betas online who gave her money for licking the seat, so shes probably on the path of becoming a millionaire already

>> No.18090539

Why do you talk like an incel?

>> No.18090566


You can tell that she has deep daddy issues.

>> No.18090579

why do you talk like a defend m'lady queer

>> No.18090641

Oh you're not even the same person this thread is absolutely r9k tier filled with fake chads and incels.
No amount of sex would ever fix the people here

>> No.18090668


>> No.18090687

You think you're special because you don't claim to have sex online. You think everyone who does is lying as if it is some unachievable feat. Honestly sounds like you two could be incel pals

>> No.18090736

the only way to have control over a woman is to own her. sadly that is no longer allowed in today's modern times

>> No.18090854

Knows his friend's a fucking idiot and is likely along to empty the fuck out of her parents' credit cards

>> No.18090869

>a fag hag
>has a sugar daddy
>literally licks toilet seats
>only cares about getting cock from beachgoer males who are probably of African/Latino descent
>doesn't care if mom or grandma dies

the absolute state of white women

>> No.18090915

white niggers

>> No.18090970

jesus, what a faggot. 60 at 24 years old here

>> No.18091033

I use to be sad that I grew up a sperg totally disconnected from general American society. But as an adult I honestly feel blessed that I was never apart of it.

>> No.18091080

>accuses people of lying about having sex
>calls someone incel in the next post

Astounding projection levels

>> No.18091138

no need for pleonasms

>> No.18091147

Who cares. Let it burn. My Monero bags need a pamp and I want VRA to overtake the neet gaming sphere in a post corona world.

>> No.18091385
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>So what I did was I licked a toilet seat on my sugar daddy's private plane on my way here to go viral
>because I fucking hate old people

Day of the pillow has come. Based.

>> No.18091429

> the plight of the beach partying youth

>> No.18091461

On second thought honestly this. Based zoomer thots dabbing hard on boomers

>> No.18091470

> my progeny deserve living hell because others were mean to me
Good idea, pay that shit forward to your kids.

>> No.18091623

How did they 'inherit' a virus that started in China you stupid fucking cancer brained zoomer.

>> No.18091646


I Wouldn't assume.

>> No.18091663

based. They need to refuse to sacrifice their lives so some boomers can live. boomers already had their chance, no it's time for the young people. Also fuck the Beatles.

>> No.18092288

FINNEXUS makes it possible for asset owners to satisfactorily offer on-chain thereby assets causing connection between assets and blockchains.

>> No.18092302

In connecting users and blockchains, FINNEXUS makes it easier for participant to search,manage and acquire blockchains based assets

>> No.18092305


Who cares.

>> No.18092341
File: 105 KB, 511x512, honks meme.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers are cringe but Boomers are legitimately worse. Who cares anymore. Virus going to kill us all :)

fellow Millennials need to go full joker mode and stop caring, it's the most based thing you can do right now. Only care about yourself and your immediate family/friends. Stop caring about politics and people that want you dead.

>> No.18092360
File: 191 KB, 500x701, 1564004884406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it, why is everything so disgusting and degenerate?

>> No.18092373


Boomercide would be good for the economy.

>> No.18092397


>> No.18092436

Chick is based, can feel you incel cucks seething

>> No.18092474

I can't believe these virgins are actually seething this much over what is clearly an act in a desperate attempt to go viral

>> No.18092566

She's not his girlfriend she's his prostitute.

>> No.18092703

motion to unfuck the Beatles as they were most based, Yoko apologist

>> No.18092748

based faggotposting

>> No.18092809

Anyone got the toilet seat video?

>> No.18093273


agreed. don't pussy worship but it's not a fucking toy to be reckoned with you fucking degenerates.

>mfw theyre part of the problem
>mfw they'll be here tomorrow in the next women hate thread

>> No.18094108

I need to see this as well.

>> No.18094226

Kek at this interaction. My body count is 60+ or - and my netwealth is about 150k.

About to be 200k if this VRA trade works out desu

>> No.18094244
File: 439 KB, 360x640, 1585136106338.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds reasonable when you put it all in context

>> No.18094246

Stop posting.

>> No.18094267

I want to hear her voice

>> No.18094438

>future marriage stock for all zoomers
It's not like millenials are any better. Most of our girls were total sluts in college. I slept with multiple girls cheating on their boyfriends. Western civilization is ending.

>> No.18094447

Fuck off, buttcoin shill.

>> No.18094464

>fuck the Beatles
thank fuck someone else says it too. Overhyped and Lenon was the original beta soiboi

>> No.18094480

Hang them both desu, not to save boomers but for the sake of future generations.

>> No.18094513

You just know for a fact that the whore and the faggot will die alone, that's how the world works. Nobody wants to be surrounded by such mentally damaged people except drug addicts, other whores and maybe a dying cat.

>> No.18094579

This I don't think it matters what generation it is most people are r-selective degenerates. This ship is sinking fast I don't think we can actually save western civilization (or any civilization for that matter) anymore.

>> No.18094581

so licking a disease and shit-crusted airplane toilet is considered a challenge nowadays ? All makes sense now

>> No.18094586

Link to vid?

>> No.18094596

I feel bad for the dying cat to be stuck with a bunch of retards in it's final moments