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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18085694 No.18085694 [Reply] [Original]

Alright then, considering the many hate öamdlord threads, lets have it in here:

What is your beef exactly? That you have to pay something to live in another man's home? His possession?
Are you mad about being forced to live in somebody else's home that he spent a half a life working for and then dares to charge you rent?
Are you insane?
Or just young and dumb like most of /biz/

>> No.18085744

biz is swamped by poltards and commies lately

>> No.18085816

People have been economically stressed for who knows how long now. It's just a vent at this point. Most people are sheep and I doubt we'll see much positive change in America in a while now. The American spirit died when people exchanged truth for lies, and debt based currency, etc. There's such a great hold that people gave over to the devil, and it's absolutely sad to watch it happen. It's wealth is being extracted, it's people are being worked to death, with little return, it's in such a state. Yet people would rather follow social guidelines and acceptances than truth. They chose their slavery. For in lies there is slavery. The opposite holds true for truth.

>> No.18085850

Oh no that's terrible, biz was my go to safespace

>> No.18085970

You know, I understand .. but why landlords? XD Makes the least sense of all. Private people giving you their real estate to rent. If you wanna be young and angry be angry at the system, at the government, at fuck whatever else, but at landlords? That is just ridiculous. Puts this youth to shame too. Youth movements ... Punks, Skinheads, Mods, Skaters, whatever... anti landlords? Fucking idiotic

>> No.18085997

To /pol/, you used to be always right but now you've been subverted by Trumpcucks.
Being right doesn't matter though because you're powerless socially retarded losers who will never win.
Come to /biz/ and make money.

To leftycucks.
Your ideology isn't real, abstract fantasies are not a substitute for pragmatic decision making.
Engage with reality and save yourselves from the masochistic dealth cult you've been brainwashed into.
Come to /biz/ and make money.

You think you're fighting a proxy war here but we're going to convert you.

>> No.18086030
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>> No.18086134

I forgot... this youths 'movement' is being a nee

Well dear neets you do not know me yet. You will get to know me. I am not your Dad, but I wlll try to do the job he obviously did not do. KICK YOUR ASS

>> No.18086293

>Are you mad about being forced to live in somebody else's home that he spent a half a life working for and then dares to charge you rent?

Boomers never worked as much for their houses as we would have today because landlords ramped up the prices of property to ridiculous levels.

>> No.18086320
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>> No.18086411

GO LIVE IN THE WOODS THEN! Who cares? If you want to rent a nice and maintained fucking place that we fucking worked our asses off to even pay for, you will fucking pay rent. Get it?

>> No.18086443
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>> No.18086571
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It's not about centrism.
It's about the realization that political ideology doesn't matter anymore. The basis of politics is no longer the holding of territory but wars over money.
So make money.

>> No.18086720

If these renters think landlords are bad wait until they owe the government money. Student loan debt, back taxes, even unpaid parking tickets. Your looking at property confiscated, wages garnished, assets frozen. Government is the most ruthless collection agency in the world. Good luck poor fags.

>> No.18086753

Don't get it either, been working since 14 managed to save and build a cottage house at 22, moved out and rent a room off my parents cause work is on the other side of city and there closer. Now I rent it out cause it's better than letting it sit empty and still pay it off. If some ass wanted to live in it and pay no rent how is that different from someone taking your car and driving off with it cause it was empty

>> No.18087598

Is this the capitalist equivalent of "taxes are the price of civilized society"?

>> No.18087656

No, this is the man telling you, if you don't give me anything in exchange for what I give to you, you go live in the woods then.

>> No.18087677

why would you assume that the aquisition of resources requires some kind of "right"?

>> No.18087712

because that is what human society is based upon. even socialist or communist societies, though they try to hide it and then fail doing it

>> No.18087792

nah it's based on overwhelming force

>> No.18087818

The whole misunderstanding that mostly younger folks tend to (since the 70s) is that they are owed something. Listen, the only people owing you anything are your parents. If they were poor? Tough shit! Getrich yourself.
The answer is not to live for free and be a neet. Do you even begin to understand where that leaves you later in life? You will not get rich by crypto. You are too late.
You will not get rich by siting around either.
In fast, you won't get rich at all.
Please do learn that fact already you plebs

>> No.18088003

I continue.You are not a Saudi prince. You are not a captain of industry of the west. And everyone else, IS POOR.

>> No.18088025

You are rich when you can say a million or two, oh no matter. That is a level that none of us will ever see

>> No.18088212

Just call me the angel of the morning baby ;)

>> No.18088601

based YouTubers

>> No.18089885

Aren't there laws in the US against going out in the woods and building a cabin?

>> No.18089911
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Landlord's right has its origin in robbery. They like to reap where they never sowed, asshole.

>> No.18090604

>The answer is not to live for free and be a neet

>rich people ask for free shit all the time
>they even ask to live for free

Fuck off loser.