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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 93 KB, 1400x788, background-image5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1807728 No.1807728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We pay from next deposits. Our aim is to make the investment profitable for everybody, not only for the elite professionals. We offer to add after 70 hours to your deposit 50% bonus, total you will get back 150% of your deposit. From this amount, we deduct the commission of 6%.
Our commission is a guarantee of stability and durability!

ElDorado keep promise for investors. Check financial forums and statistic


My personal earns you can check. Just login by this address

>> No.1807748
File: 129 KB, 1578x303, 666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1807750

what is a ponzi scheme?

>> No.1807756

Yup. But launched forever coz working for 6% of commission!

>> No.1807771

what else can i say

>> No.1807940

756 Total Members
6.55280849 Total BTC Deposited
6.39718310 Total BTC Paid
184 Total Deposited
75 Active Deposits
0 Pending Deposits
109 Paid Deposits

>> No.1807955

Anyone stupid enough to put their BTC into this deserves to lose money.

Look at website source code and you'll quickly realise it's someone manually editing the values, they aren't being read from any database. If you're going to try and scam people at least make it look like you know what you're doing. Fucking retards.

>> No.1808008

You know nothing

>> No.1808030

This is that same retard that keeps coming back to scam everyone


Top kek

>> No.1808065

he's even offended

>> No.1808083

fuck off you poo in loo

the site looks so scammy thats incredible..

>> No.1808210

System work for 6%... 4chan is place to change world. You people don't have argumetns...

>> No.1808212


Coming from the Nigerian trying to scam people?

I know there is 4 exploits that your website is vulnerable too and once I got an easy look at your sites contents it took less than a second to realise it was a scam. Have fun trying to delete that 2.6mb video I uploaded to your server too, I have better admin credentials than you do to your own site now. Fucking retard.

>> No.1808218


If you're going to try to scam people at least write in English you retard.

>> No.1808219
File: 490 KB, 449x401, laughinggirls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's funny is that you're trying to look like you know what you're talking about but you're too stupid to realize that php isn't rendered into the source code displayed in your web browser. Seriously kill yourself. And no, I'm not shilling, I 100% guarantee this website is a scam.

>> No.1808220

You call scam site that pays more than 6 Bitcoins at the moment. It's not smart and honest

In financial forums you can find payments confirms and no bad feedback with proofs yet. And never will be cause of 6% commission!

>> No.1808224

>total members
that must be a sign

>> No.1808225


Implying I am right clicking and viewing source code. You are a new kind of stupid kid.

>> No.1808226

i bet he is the guy that tried to sell some sort of scheme to fuck over casinos and double your bitcoins.

>> No.1808229
File: 825 KB, 700x700, 4d7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post screenshot of his source code or forever leave this thread in shame, faggot.

>> No.1808230

Learn English you fucking subhuman and shill your scam on a site where people with IQ 89 congregate.

>> No.1808233


You keep saying this 6% bullshit, how does that mean a single thing? Other than trying to convince people you are only stealing 6% instead of 100%?


Search the major bitcoin discussion forums for El dorado and you can see this scam developing. It's changed from a casino system, to a pyramid scheme, to a Ponzi and now is here with OP trying to steal money from people. I thinks he Russian which explains it all.

>> No.1808239

>Search the major bitcoin discussion forums for El dorado and you can see this scam developing. It's changed from a casino system, to a pyramid scheme, to a Ponzi and now is here with OP trying to steal money from people. I thinks he Russian which explains it all.

Hmmmm... And about your bank which work in same way for 9% 20%??? Pffff

>> No.1808242


"faggot" "kill yourself" "other 12 year old insult"

Ever get boring being that guy? /b/ seems more like your level.

>> No.1808243

BRB, right clicking, view source, hacking your PC as we speak. Be afraid, I am going to send you back to the stone ages kiddo.

>> No.1808245


Literally you are now derailing your own thread. Nigerians have better language skills than you.

>> No.1808247


So I'm guessing the answer is no, it doesn't get boring being that guy? Memes are so fucking cool man, great job! Keep up the awesome work dude, wow!

>> No.1808248
File: 31 KB, 1280x720, 146436243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on that screenshot, hackerboy

>> No.1808253
File: 656 KB, 600x692, g2cF4ny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where you at homie

>> No.1808260
File: 415 KB, 1303x794, Withdrawal_Source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to prove what we are really paying.

We can share part of source code. Who know how it work will confirm that

>> No.1808261


Ever heard of PHP include/CGI+ARG injection?

Great memes too dude, super cool man! Good job man! So cool man, must get all the girls man! So cool!

>> No.1808262

sent ;)

>> No.1808264


Are you a Russian

>> No.1808270

Yes, I am!

>> No.1808274

You say you've seen his source code. If so, screenshot it. It's that simple. You're just some faggot kid right clicking on things and pretending to know shit until proven otherwise.

>inb4 i don't have to prove anything to you!
That just confirms it.

>> No.1808278


OP is a fucking retard but you can't determine whether or not something is being pulled from a db if the page is in PHP

>> No.1808279


So I'll take that as a no? Google them :)

Using inb4s, calling people faggots and posting memes non stop. You must be the coolest kid to hang around with.

>> No.1808284

Still waiting on that screenshot :^)

>> No.1808292


Again, Google the two exploits mentioned above, put down your memes for a minute and learn how to use them and you can browse the various files yourself.

I get it if it's a little out of your comprehension though, meme posting is extremely tough and time consuming though. Often done by extremely tough guys on the internet when they aren't spending mad cash and banging all the bitches.

(get a job)

>> No.1808293
File: 60 KB, 990x557, tiptiptiptiptiptiptip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting for the proof. I'll be here all night friendo.

>> No.1808296


"Waiting all night"

Have fun with that kid, make sure to make some frog memes/post about crying why no one wants to socialise with you in the real world or the high cost of anime pillows. Leet hackerman out!

>> No.1808298
File: 8 KB, 153x172, 1312115823345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes retarded claim
>claims retarded claim is not actually retarded because hackerman
>claims to have seen actual php source code
>can't post screenshot
>shitpost about injection exploits as if he knows anything about them
>"lol kid do u even know exploits, use them urself and see for urself"
>still can't provide any evidence of seeing actual source

Did I get all that right?

>> No.1808300

You should have just abandoned thread after you were called on your bullshit instead of drawing it out and making things even more embarrassing for yourself.

>> No.1808307

Bи щo, oшaлiли тyт? Я вac зoвciм нe poзyмiю! Їбyчi виблядки нe poзyмiющи нaйкpaщy мoвy cвiтy!

>> No.1808310

What color does this scam come in?

>> No.1808311


>> No.1808324

У мeня yжe вoдкa нaчaлa зaкaнчивaтьcя, вceгo 6 ящикoв ocтaлocь, a вы тyт тyпыe кaкиe-тo. Ceйчac вычиcлим вac и ждитe в гocти, тoлькo вoдки и caлa c кapтoхoй кyпитe!!!

>> No.1808326

Paз двa тpи чeтыpe пять, ктo нe пoмeнял mac и ip - я идy иcкaть!