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18076060 No.18076060 [Reply] [Original]

>Virus deaths are set to explode in 3 weeks

Does this mean stocks will drop again?

>> No.18076082


>> No.18076107

no. its priced in.

>> No.18076136

People don't understand exponential growth + wishful thinking it will be ok + normalcy bias = of course

>> No.18076285

I'm inclined to agree with this thinking, but the fact that there was a massive slide means the people with all of the money react overtly negatively to any sign of economic downturn, including viral deaths.

>> No.18076311

I'm going to keep watching my futures and be ready to sell in the morning.

>> No.18076536

10k people dying doesn't affect the economy. Sending workers home and closing businesses does so watch that.

>> No.18076901

doubt it. the stocks dropped because there was uncertainty not because people died. there's much more certainty now about everything. we know what we have to do, we know more or less what the timeline is for when it ends and so now people will have the confidence to continue to invest and "buy the dip" and ride the pump all the way back up. yes if it gets worse and the timeline is shifted then we can see another dip/dump but that's probably not going to happen because we're much more prepared now.

>> No.18076928


>> No.18076947

Probably I still see a ton of people here who think this is a nothing burger and the economy will re-start in earnest in less than a month.

>> No.18076983

The bottom is 0

>> No.18076991

the whole virus thing turned out to be a nothing burger.. after all it is just a flu.
stockmarket back to ath within a month.

>> No.18076997

We’re probably in for a slow decline. Large firms will want to offload their equities into less risky investments. Not so much so that they eat all the liquidity at once though. But really I have no clue

>> No.18077026

If you have a Italy, or Italy plus type scenerio where the military is having to cart off truckloads of corpses to bury in mass graves we are going to see panic and more closures.

It might only be 50k deaths in the next few weeks, but the geographic concentration and health system collapse will make it seem way scarier.

+ One major bear day if riots break out.

>> No.18077051

yes. buy zano for financial salvation

>> No.18077076

are you a glownigger or are you just this delusional? actually curious

>> No.18077117

i am about to get a margin call on my Dow short.. just trying to cope..

>> No.18077119

Is she a brit or scott.
I never truly knew since I didn’t play her game. She’s cute though.

>> No.18077420

Did you know that 30% of colds are caused by a Coronavirus?

>> No.18078031


>> No.18078093 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18078123

just look into italy and then come back and keep screaming nothingburger, oh and china bugmen only do one thing Consistenly and that is lie so dont bring their fucking numbers into this

>> No.18078442

People said this compulsively all the way to the bottom in 2008.

>The new jobs report isn't going to cause the market to crash further, its priced in, everyone knows its gonna be bad!
>Jobs numbers come out, market down -1000
>okay its priced in now, next week we shouldnt see these kinds of drops
>*following week comes, bad news, market drops*
>*rinse and repeat to 6,500*

>> No.18078760

If i were to stab you with a butter knife or a kitchen knife, which one would you prefer?

>> No.18078838

This is how the rich operate in this country: they give the poor two shitty choices and blame the outcome on "making bad choices". Nothing makes a case for enslaving someone quite as well as giving him "a choice" and watching it spell disaster— easy to do if both choices are bad.

We actually have three choices. One is the fast kill: do nothing, and let millions of people die. That's unacceptable. Second is to stop the economy, with no income or job protections for workers, and let the poor hang. That's also unacceptable. Third, which the billionaires and corporate executives and Republicans don't want us to be aware of, is to roll out a slate of programs comparable to the New Deal and the Great Society combined, financed by a wealth tax to expropriate the money employers stole from their workers over the past 45 years. Problem is, that's "socialism"— and these bastards hate the idea of socialism seeming implementation because they know people will like it.

The ratfucks in our current economic elite will literally kill millions of people (and still likely crash the economy) to prevent the emergence of a world in which they aren't in charge.

>> No.18079131

based as fuck.

>> No.18079259

Yeah but the decline in 2008 was way slower

>> No.18079262

>10k people dying doesn't affect the economy
maybe not in some imaginary economic vacuum, but when you have people's fears to consider, yeah, 10,000 deaths will impact the economy. rising infection rates and deaths impacted the stock market in late February before any layoffs and business closures (alongside other arguably equally important factors).

>> No.18079318

Imagine thinking the democrats arent beholden to their donors, and those same donors, like bezos, arent totally down to have their wealth expropriated

>> No.18079328

Did you know the Coronaviruses which give the common cold are amongst the only diseases which can infect a human over and over again without growin any immunity to it

>> No.18079723

imagine thinkin 99% of democratic congressmen aren’t republicans in disguise

>> No.18080282

Cracks me up they have to actually do the tiniest bit this time and piss us some pennies. Can't wait to see the healthcare spin this year with all this media footage. We'll have to increase our insurance coverage instead 30x lol.

Trickle down works eventually.

>> No.18080335

imagine thinking that politicians are chosen by the people and not by the mega corporations

>> No.18080432

Fake news show me the bodies. Pro tip you can't

>> No.18080555

I do, hence

>> No.18080567

book a flight to venezia

>> No.18080596

Western Europeans and burgers are huge pussies if it kills more then 50 thousand in any of these nations they will shit themselves and fall apart

>> No.18080597

then it does not matter if they are republican or democrat in the end anyway since they are still owned by other people/corps lining said politicians pockets just with diffirent interests

>> No.18081038
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>the prices in meme